2 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 52

40,326 samples

Financial Meltdown of 2008

In the documentaries Inside the Meltdown and Breaking the Bank, the attention is given to the role of the housing bubble in creating the financial recession and breakdown of the leading financial institutions.

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal

According to the program, the federal government would take more roles so as to improve the citizen's economic welfare. A majority of the laborers had migrated to the west as an escape strategy from the [...]

PESTEL Analysis for Alpes Joint Venture

The political environment involves evaluation of the political impacts on the economy and the friendliness of the political system in Mexico towards the business venture to be established by the agreement between CRL and Alpes.

Leadership and Governance

The business managers should have a starting point for driving the change and should be aware of the difficulties to be encountered during change periods and devise means of overcoming the difficulties.

Turkey and its Politics

The form of secularism adopted in Turkey is similar to the one practiced in the west. Since most of state functions are independent of religious manipulations, Turkey's secularism is similar to secularism in the west.

A History of the Cuban Revolution

The main reason behind the revolution was to overthrow the dictatorial regime of Fulgencio Batista. Batista decided to grab power and remained the country's leader until the end of the revolution in December 1958.

Online Media Products and Services

In regards to Dispatch band, display of their music in Napster enabled the band's music to reach many audiences. This portrays that Napster did not contribute to isolation of users since the Dispatch band music [...]

Life in This Universe

It suggests that the possibility of life existing in other parts of the Universe is very low. Concluding that Earth is the only place in the Universe that supports life is erroneous.

The Art of Adolf Hitler

He gives a reason that the present Germany is a result of the efforts of himself and partners in the nation's struggle which offered art in Germany fresh incentives as well as environment for a [...]

Joint Ventures: Trianon HR Management

It should be noted that one of the requirements of the position is extensive travelling especially for the first year. The job description needs to be detailed outlining what is expected of the person who [...]

Procter & Gamble Consumers

This would convince the consumer that the product is needed for the protection of skin. This would definitely increase the sales of the company in the market.

Sierra Leone’s 1991 Civil War

According to Zack-Williams, the political turmoil experienced prior to the start of the civil war was very important in pointing out the rot in the government and its degenerative monolithic rule which were the fueling [...]

Conflicts in FUBU Company

As opined in the article, "marketing channel conflicts management", the enterprise should meet all the legal and ethical consideration while using the internet to reach out to the target population.

Women and Immigration Challenges

Women whose husbands have migrated to foreign countries or are citizens of other countries often migrate to those countries to join their husbands for family reunification through a process known as chain migration. Therefore, women [...]

Immigrants and Human Rights

In order to solve the problem of violation of the human rights of the immigrants, some recommended policies include: The detention of immigrants should be reviewed on a regular basis, and if a person is [...]

“Psychology” by David Myers

The chapter illustrates the complexity of the brain cells. Within the brain functions, an individual conceptualises the visible objects and becomes aware of situations within which the body is exposed to.

MRP: Riordan Electric Fans

The fundamental aim of Riordan should be to minimize the expenses involved in the production of the electric fans. Environment, health and safety issues involved in the manufacturing of the electric fans must be adequately [...]

Chiquita Brands Business Policy

United Defense Forces of Colombia, a terrorist group, would like Banadex to offer the group a few thousand dollars monthly to prevent the group from disrupting the activities of the company.