7 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 6

5,973 samples

Sweatshops and Third World Poverty

When discussing about the role of multinationals in developing countries and the way they treat the economies, the writers are of the opinion that to avoid negative outcomes and promote the spirit of international corporation, [...]

Bribery of the World

Nevertheless, different types of bribery in the Arab world have negatively affected the lives of people by creating tension in various countries, although the society views bribery as a means of acquiring the elusive democracy.

Portfolio Project: A Case of Nestle

A global call for a boycott of the company and its products, mainly the infant formula, was organized by groups that argued that substituting breast milk with the infant formula led to suffering and even [...]

Developmental Theories in Psychology

Moreover, it shows the similarities and differences among these theories and how they account for normal and abnormal child and adolescent psychological and physical development in children and adolescents with specific reference to physical, cognitive, [...]

Organisation and Behaviour

In the context of the need to organise people in an organisation around a common culture, this finding is imperative since a lot of communication is required in the process of creation of a common [...]

How Biofuels Impact the Food Industry

Background The biofuel industry emanated from a policy to change the use of fossil fuels for energy production and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, protect the environment, and support the agricultural sector.

The Impacts of Oil Spills on Marine Life

The intensity of aquatic effects is influenced by the nature and extent of the spilt oil. Besides, the severity might be influenced by the sensitivity and ambient state of the pretentious marine and their surroundings [...]

Netflix’s Software Business Services

A critical analysis and evaluation of the cases study reveals that Netflix had to various extents incorporated these strategies in its business pursuits with each generic strategy contributing to the success or failure of the [...]

The Psychological Explanation of Terrorism

Therefore, most psychologists argue that in the quest to underpin the possible causes of terrorist activities, there is the need to discriminate between the motivations for joining, being retained, and disserting terrorist factions.

Marx and the Young Hegelians

Many of the writings of the Young Hegelians focused on the refutation of religion and need to replace religion with philosophy as the moral criterion for the society and means for understanding history.

Pride and Prejudice: Film Interpretation

Collins, the cousin of the five sisters, is the probable heir to the family's estate because of his close kinship to the family. In the midst of the journeys between London and Derbyshire, the viewers [...]

Designing a Just Socio-Economic System

This theory is based on the fact that the collective welfare of the people overrides the individual's right and as such, the theory advocates the maximization of happiness for the greatest number of people.

Australian Financial Market

The negative effects of the 2009 financial crisis saw the increase of interest rates in the Australian market to 4. The high interest rates led to an increase in cash rates and assets trading in [...]

Transformational Leadership Essay

This requires the transformational leader to have the right communication skills to be able to relay the vision they have to a point of winning the willingness of the followers such that they too are [...]

Crisis Management: Toyota Company and EU

Crisis is subject to a domain of several variables particularly in international business which include; the features of the event, the significance to both parties, the magnitude of the impact on both parties and the [...]

Rhetoric Devices in Art and Design

Kennedy summarily, states that the ethos of a speaker exudes the speaker's character credibility, logos comprise of the persuasive evidence presented to the audience and then pathos carries with it the emotional appeal that arouses [...]

Stereotypes and Realities of Japanese Yakuza

Although, there are several factors that contributed to the emergence and the predominance of the Yakuza, the economic situation was a major contributory factor since most of the groups comprised people that were involved in [...]

Adam Smith And The Invisible Hand

Smith summarizes benefits of markets by saying that a market society leads to improved productivity through division of labor and specialization, it is affluent to all people and it leads to ultimate reduction of difference [...]

Genetically Modified Foods Projects

The plan should be formed once the project's participants have been chosen and it should be communicated to the members and should continuously be used as a reminder of the mission of the project when [...]

Music Industry as a Cultural Industry

The underlying principle of the premise is to enhance the liberation of the targeted end user from the oppression of the producers through the induction of the consumer to query given ideas, much in the [...]

Fashion and Appearance

This type of pop culture and mode of dressing basically compliments and deeply expresses the attitudes of the people and their form of musical conduct.

The History of Mambo Music

Despite the fact that mambo was brought to the general American public in a bright commercial wrapping, the original mambo sound and rhythms gradually won the hearts of the devoted audiences.

Music as an Independent Art

There is a little possibility for the melody to save the initial idea of the author and convey it to the listeners through centuries.

War and the Meaning of Home

In his works, Berry makes a wonderful attempt to compare a soldier's attitude before and after war, analyze what aspects of war are able to change a soldier's mind and principles, and explain why war [...]

Memory Systems of the Brain

Among those that he focused on were the mechanical memory which deals with the skeletal coordination, sensitive memory which is in charge of the emotions and other feelings and representative memory which deals with our [...]

Manchester United Football Club

The outcomes are measured in the line of success in financial management, performance at the pitch, the number of games won and lost, the number of trophies won within certain duration of time and also [...]