8 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 8

5,887 samples

Gunpowder in China

According to research findings, gunpowder technology was discovered in Asia by the Chinese in the 9th century and was used to make firearms before being used in the manufacture of rockets.

Korea During the Colonial Period

In addition, the history and synopsis of Korean colonization is still important in the history of the world bearing in mind that it later shaped global political history of the major powers as they are [...]

Women in management

Women present fear, particularly when the people they are conversing with are in higher positions and appear powerful than them, and men use this weakness to make sure that women are not in control of [...]

The Fair Work Act in Australia

Barriers to Productivity under the Fair Work Laws The introduction of Fair Work Act to the industrial sphere has had negative impact on the majority of the Australian companies encountering a major cost gap.

When the State Trembled by Reinhold Kramer

The citizen's committee foresaw loss of property and lives which would have disrupted the lives and businesses of many individuals and they organized to meet with the ministers of labour and justice and told them [...]

Fashion Controversies about Hip Hop Garments

The paper will look into controversy that arose over hip hop garment design with the aim of identifying the source of the controversy, key players in the controversy as well as political, social and economic [...]

Study of a Genre

Style, thus, looks at how the different themes are developed in the film, how the narrative has been structured, and the composition of the shot and the recurrence of the motifs.

The Business of Women-

The basic point that is brought out by Buddle Melanie in her book the business of women: Marriage, Family, and Entrepreneurship in British Columbia are the assertiveness of women in entrepreneurial business and importance of [...]

Data Analysis on Apple Inc.

Apple Inc.is one of the corporations that have identified the value of branding of its products and uses it to create a distinction between its products and those of its competitors in the market.

Ethical issues in the Digital Age

Since the music is copyrighted, it is also against the law to download and distribute it. This leads to the question regarding the inherent value of using the social networking sites when the repercussions are [...]

Fiji Water Company Analysis

The differences in the kind of approach a company adopts in the handling of its CSR communication is due to an apparent sensitivity of the CSR topic, as well as company ambiguity and inadequate knowledge [...]

Texting in Modern Society

Some people may argue out that texting is time consuming, that is okay because they are right to some extent, but, the effectiveness of their statement is reduced when the benefits of the text are [...]

Business Ethics and Governance

The main objective behind the requirement of the business houses following the business ethics is to ensure that they do not practice such actions that might menace the enduring soundness of the earth and its [...]

Electronic Communication

This implies that electronic communications play a significant role in the expansion of the communication lines within the organization, which in turn increases the capability and the capacity of the organization to act in response [...]

Saudi Aramco Marketing Strategies

This belief is according to Saudi Arabian Oil Co, reflected in a number of ways in the real world one of which is the company's continual investments in innovation and entrepreneurship.

Crisis in the Banking System of Korea

The major functions of the central bank are the formulation of policies that affect the whole of the banking industry, they also regulate the other banks most so the commercial banks and act as the [...]

The organisation of the sales force

This underscores the point that the more complex a product is, the more complex advertising is, and thus this affects the structure of the sales team. The level of experience a sales person holds is [...]

Pornography and Ethics

This paper is going to assess the extent to what extent is the definition of pornography qualified to be used, and if pornography is ethical in modern society.

Function Plasticity in Cognitive Aging

The extensive available literature covering plasticity of the brain and the perceptual psychophysics of aging strongly emphasize that the negative consequences of brain plasticity is a significant contributor to cognitive decline related to advancements in [...]

When the State Trembled

Business autocrats and the ruling class in society formed the committee to check the influence of workers in the industrial sector.

Marketing Plan of Airline Company

Core Values: Customer satisfaction Continuous improvement of service and product quality to remain competitive Maintain the highest safety standards in operations Fere Airline's Goals: To become the airline of choice in Europe To adopt business [...]

Should I Marry a Man who watches porn

According to the article by Manning entitled "impact of internet pornography on marriage and family," pornography has a great impact to marriage and family life especially to those who get married to men who are [...]

Problems of Pornography Addiction

This paper provides you with a deep insight into the issues related to pornography including the factors leading to wide spread of this, the various perspective and attitudes towards the matter, and lastly, discuss its [...]

Drumming in Haiti and Cuba

In connection, the significance of the analysis is discussed within the paper and further details given with regards to how drumming is done in the country: This led to the development of Afro Cuban jazz.

Discrimination at Places of Work

Having discussed the various forms of discrimination that are present in our organizations and some of their causes, it is paramount to explore the effects of discrimination in places of work and the society at [...]

Talent Management at Norvatis

It is important to notice that the initial system of rating the employees suffered a lot of criticism owing to its inability to indicate employees' performance precisely.