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Other studies highlight the nature of the long distance relationships with specific interest on the degree of interaction of the individuals in a given dyad and their perception about the effect of their commitment to [...]

Differentiated Classroom: Foundations and Implications

Definition of Differentiation Differentiation in a classroom presupposes paying equal attention to every student taking into consideration personal preferences, emotions, and moods. Differentiation can be a challenging and time-consuming task as far as it requires great persistence, patience, and imagination. Justification for Differentiating Classroom Environment The differentiation of the classroom environment is significant because every […]

“A Quirky Way of Innovating”

In particular, Gans, the author of the article, reveals the idea that most of innovations are the result of people's desire to solve their specific problems, but not the united attempt of leading scientists to [...]

Microeconomics of Customer Relationships

The contentious issue of the articles is measuring the contributions that customers provide to the development of the company. In the provided article, the author explores the Net Promoter Score model of quantifying customer's contributions [...]

“In the fMRI Lab”

Therefore, the role of these fMRI visuals is to display the degree of the activities of the brain. The degree of the activities of the brain is measured with the help of fMRI visuals.

How Inclusion Impacts Autistic Children?

Furthermore, the normalization theory advocates for the creation, support, and defense of the social attributes of the individuals with disabilities. Therefore, this implies that the impacts of inclusion on autistic children can be productive and [...]

Adolescent Development and Life

The interactive movie presented on the website called New Scientist explains the developments that occur in the brains of young people and the way they impact the life choices and behaviors of the adolescents.

Dubai Customs’ Quality Culture

The diversity of the global standards establishes a need for the evaluation of the quality culture in the organisation. The challenges will be essential in evaluating some of the causes of a poor quality culture [...]