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Profiling. The American and U.K Model

The main objective is to ensure that the perpetrator is apprehended and convicted for the crime committed. This paper gives an overview of criminal profiling that includes types of profiling done in the United States [...]

Employee Free Choice Act and Card Checks

The congress of the United States has a responsibility of enacting the 'Employee Free Choice Act which would greatly solve the problems experienced in the US labor laws that have limited the ability of employees [...]

Labor Law Arbitration Analysis

Instances that indicate preference of arbitration by the government is the enacting of the Interstate act in 1887 and also the passing of Federal Arbitration Act in 1925 and finally the passing of Civil Rights [...]

Does Poverty Lead to Terrorism?

While there are conflicting arguments regarding the factors that influence terrorism, scholars agree on the need to evaluate evidence on the causes of terrorism and develop concrete strategies and approaches to tackle a vice that [...]

Dispensationalism: Is It Biblical?

The second aspects, which is portrayed in the definition, relates to the fact that God has allowed man the power of choice. In this case, it was noted that the aspect of dispensation date back [...]

Ethics in the Business Research

It is, therefore, extremely essential for the researcher to assess the weight of every research issue in order to determine how best to approach the whole research process without causing harm to any one.

Presidential Daily Briefing

They include the vice president, the White House chief of staff, the national security adviser, the director of central intelligence and other intelligence agencies, the secretaries of the state, treasury and defense, the chairman of [...]

Zappos’ Corporate Culture

This study will focus on Zappos' corporate culture, the reasons why this culture is implemented at Zappos, the effect Zappos' corporate culture has on customer satisfaction levels and the best type of leadership for the [...]

Architecture: The Impact of Villa Savoye

Villa Savoye is one of the frequently discussed projects created by Le Corbusier; still, the discussions should be based on the evaluation of both, negative and positive, aspects of the work and their impact on [...]

Vantagon Company Management

Today, the company follows the right path, but the focus on the aspects of management can contribute to changing the managers and employees' vision of cooperation.

Marketing Relationship Principles

These principles according to Sahaf include; the principle of cooperative spirit, the principle of selectivity and concentration, principle of customer value, principle of differential advantage and principle of integration. Value creation in the article is [...]

Matua, Abelam and Baining People’s Masks

In its turn, the design of Abelam mask appears to be subliminal of its creator's deep-seated anxieties as to what he or she perceived as the 'power of eyes' hence, the unnaturally enlarged eyes, featured [...]

Delta Airlines HR Management

The success of the company is attributed to the hiring of diverse and experienced workers. In Delta Air Lines, training is conducted to inform the employees about the company's goals and objectives, changes in airline [...]

Richard Preston’s Idea of Nature

In addition, he has authored a number of books such as 'First Light', 'American Steel', 'The Cobra Event', 'The Hot Zone', 'Wild Trees' and 'The Demon in the Freezer'.'The Hot Zone' was published in 2002 [...]

Group Counseling and Ethics

Section 10 of the Code of Conduct stipulates that when psychologists or group counselors provide therapeutic services to members in a group counseling session, they have to explain the roles and responsibilities of all the [...]

Corporate Social Responsibility New Trends

They further include the inculcation of social responsibility in the investment of funds of speedily developing the component of mutual benefit fund industry and addressing the interrogative of the governance crisis matters of the corporate [...]

Dell’s Macro Environment Factors

The major question to be answered in trying to do such an analysis is "what are the probable implications that will impede the growth of a business and the likely impact of the things that [...]

Teacher Mentorship Programs in Texas

The increase in teacher mentees is instrumental in the enhancement of the sufficient teaching staff in the region's educational system. Mentors need to have a proper understanding of the vital role that they play in [...]

Cybernetic Leadership and Working Culture

The term cybernetic describes the recent advancements in information science and the consideration of how the systems work. The cybernetic model tends to build on the collective behavior of a set of organizational units and [...]

Design Documentation Process

The leader should be dedicated and have the capacity to encourage all the other members to contribute to the process. The next step involves picking a technology to be used in the documentation process.