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Skin Cancer Awareness Overview

Other causes of skin cancer include; family history of skin cancer, personal history of the disease, over exposure to the sun, history of sunburn early in life, large moles, freckles and light skin complexity. The [...]

Short Term Business Financing

Short-term financing is of key importance for the firm's short-term continued establishment because if they are not available in the short run, it means the firm's long-term existence will be put into question.

The Present-day World of Biotechnology

There are a number of companies which stand on the top bracket of the biotechnology research, however, Boigen, Genzyme, Amgen, Genentech, and Monsanto are the largest of the companies in the U.S.

The St. Louis Gateway Arch

It was the design of Finnish-American architect Eero Saarinen, who was considered one of the most celebrated and controversial architects of his time, yet the difference between when it was designed and when it was [...]

Multicultural Diversity Conceptual Study

These include the meaning of multicultural diversity; brief theoretical framework of diversity; the aspects of multicultural diversity; the Impacts of Multicultural Diversity on organizational Work Groups; key factors that are significant in determining how successful [...]

Structure of Deoxyribonucleic Acid

The nucleotides join to one another by covalent bonds between the sugar of one nucleotide and the phosphate of the next. The sequence of nucleotides in the DNA strand can be different and vary in [...]

The Discovery and Deciphering of the Atom

It has been a fascinating journey of humanity in the quest for knowledge by applying his inquisitive mind and experimentation across a range of disciplines that have led to the present-day understanding of the atoms [...]

Theories of Juvenile Delinquency

Research showed individuals' attitudes toward crime may herald their criminal behavior, in agreement with criminological theories such as control theory, learning theory and psychological theories like the theory of reasoned action.

Nursing Leadership and Management

Harnessing the differences in the various aspects of our employees offers our facility and department the depth in handling various challenges while at the same time denying us the uniformity in perception and attitude that [...]

Intermodal Transportation: Overview

Intermodal transport is the transportation of cargo or goods in containers using various modes of transportation including railway, road, air and by sea without any physical handling of the cargo itself while changing modes of [...]

Somalia Health Care Assessment

The leading health issues in the region, in general, and in Somalia, in particular, include COVID-19, other infectious disease outbreaks, non-communicable disease epidemics, maternal and neonatal mortality, and the overall under-development of the health care [...]

Kitagawa and Gainsborough Artworks

The drawing intensively engages the emotions of the viewer because of the way the information is relayed. The Japanese words inscribed in the artwork helps the viewer to understand the origin of the piece of [...]