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Physical Aspect of Tsunami

According to Nelson, wave length is the distance between similar points of the wave; the concepts of tsunami wave height and amplitude are interconnected, as the height is the distance between tsunami's trough and peak, [...]

Homosexuality – Nature or Nurture?

In a letter to The Wall Street Journal, members of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, a coalition of therapists who argue that they can cure homosexuality, stated that "many of the [...]

US Federal Budget and Economic Scarcity

Unfortunately, the U.S.federal budget is no exception to this, and the reason for it may be seen, inter alia, in the fact that for years the U.S.government has been driven by a desire to reduce [...]

French IT Company: Losses Encountered

According to the information provided by the French IT Company, the following are possible causes of the losses encountered: Over staffing Poor organizational structure Corruption Presence of trade unions Lack of proper auditing units Stiff [...]

Animations and Modern Film Designs

In the film industry, the audience has to be captivated by the proposition in the pictures. In order to catch the attention of the viewers the film has to be striking and enjoyable.

The Business Cycle in the USA

One of such approaches is the Real Business Cycle Theory, which is regarded as the macroeconomic model in which all the fluctuations in the numbers may be accounted in accordance with the real shocks.

Jewish Revolt Under Roman Rule

It would be impossible to understand the Jewish revolt against their Roman overlords without first understanding the history of the Jewish people as well as the ascendancy of the Roman Empire, first in Italy, then [...]

Photo Art: Photographic Exhibition

This is the photo produced by Samantha Everton in 2009 as a part of her Vintage Dolls series: The photo is installed in a frame during the exhibition to ensure the considerable attention the viewers [...]

Keynesian Theory of Unemployment

This brings to the conclusion that during such times the government should implement policies that are aimed at increasing aggregate demand According to Robert the, policies which the government may implement in order to reduce [...]

Organ Donation: Ethical Dilemmas

An example of an ethical dilemma surrounding the procedure is the case of rich man vs.poor man, or rather, the case of a person who can afford to buy an organ on the black market [...]

Fast-Food Market: Marketing Research

The factors that have been emulated in this research include the cleanliness of the fast-food restaurant that the consumers consume.the other factor that has been considered in this case is the type of services offered [...]

Hollywood and Technology Relations

In science fiction movies such as The Terminator I and Terminator II and Blade Runner, by creating characters that are half-human and half-machine, the might of technology is explored as something to be both celebrated [...]

Virginia Exotic Food Market Analysis

The processed food industry is one of the largest manufacturing sectors in Virginia. The Food Processing industry occupies 12% of Virginia's total manufacturing employment and is the third largest sector in the economy.

Definitions of Diplomacy Analysis

Classical diplomacy is undergoing major transformation to keep in pace with globalization and fast changing Information and Communication Technology to function in a qualitative manner, and the United Nations and other international bodies are contributing [...]

New Accounting Rules Don’t Add Up

On the International Financial Reporting Standard number two, that is IFRS Two, there was a first announcement or the first issuance in the year two thousand and four with effective dates given as from or [...]

Marketing Hong Kong Architectural Design

However, a business entering the China market has to be aware of the unique features prevalent there. If the firm is considering a national countrywide business, the differing rules will be a hindrance and costly [...]