10 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 5

4,600 samples

The Kurds in Modern Iraq

The first one is the phases of the fight between the Kurdish populace and the governments, which they are subject for control.

The Significance of the Prison Films

The storylines of the films that fall into the film noir category of the period were mainly inspired by the criminal outcrops that arose in the United States in the period after the Depression.

Training program for workers and managers

There are different approaches to determine the areas that need to be trained they include: Performance level analysis: this is where the management compares the actual performance in an organization and the set goals and [...]

Talent Management and Recruitment

As such, many organizations have increasingly acknowledged the input of the talent acquisition process, as opposed to the recruitment process, because talent management is more focused on results than recruitment and selection.

People resourcing and talent management

For a long time, conventional human resource management either underestimated or ignored the role played by talent management in the process of recruiting employees.until recently, and due to the impact of globalization and changing marketing [...]

The Debate on Animal Testing

The purpose of this paper is to define animal testing within a historical context, establish ethical and legal issues surrounding the acts, discuss animal liberation movements, arguments in support and against the act of animal [...]

United States and World War I

The paper further gives an in-depth analysis of how the Germans waged war against the European countries and the circumstances that forced the United States to abandon its neutrality to take part in the Great [...]

Concept of Niche Marketing

A description of the business, an analysis of the niche market, a mission statement, strategies and objectives of the business, plan of marketing, description of operations, expected sale figures, risk analysis, a financial plan and [...]

United Nations Human Rights Council

The United Nations Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental organization and an organ of the United Nations; all members of the United Nations members are members of UNHRC, the council seat, however, has a membership [...]

Organizational Culture: BSG Ltd.

Commitment of employees and their level of job satisfaction are essential factors that determine the performance and success of an organization in the short-run and in the long-run.

Overview of Conflict Management

In order to understand the significance and role of conflict in organizational management, as well as the causes of disagreements in the employed environment, conflict definitions should be identified.

Campbell Soup Company

At the country of operation level, managers are expected to analyze the situation and the needs of the market and then advice the company accordingly on those products that seem to be of interest in [...]

Tod and business strategy

This will play a vital role in increasing the firm's profitability considering the fact that the firm is already aware of the conditions existing in the market.

Functions of Planning and Leading

It was assumed that the size of the respondents taken was a fair and true representation of the true feelings and realities of the entire department and by extrapolation the whole company.

The 1988 Education Act

In spite of the 1994 Act which gave control and direction to the Secretary of State, local authorities had the job of administering schools and higher education institutions, hence empowered with the discretion in formulating [...]

Minorities and Policing

The justification for this discriminatory treatment of the minorities is that according to the national crime data, the minority groups are the greatest offenders and therefore, the police officers have to be more vigilant on [...]

Voyager Interstellar Mission

They include the first crossings of the TS, the first observations of the HSH, verification of asymmetries in the heliospheric shape, and the lack of the expected ACR acceleration at the TS.

Placing People Where They Belong

It must be kept in mind that with the advent of the new technologies and the Internet, the process of staff recruitment has become both simpler and more versatile, allowing the HR managerial to broaden [...]

Leadership in the hospitality industry

His success in business has been attributed to the manner in which he attends to details such as research and collection of information, provision of clean and high quality products and services, and the logical [...]

Child Protection in the UK

The development of the child protection system in the United Kingdom has been distorted by two factors namely; the impact of media reporting and the way in which celebrated child abuse tragedies have been handled.

Cross Culture Management

The salaries paid to the employees should be comparable, both within the firm and in the industry. Communication audits should be performed in order to measure the effectiveness of the strategy.

E-Government System in UK

Basically, E-governance is a means of making government services more easily accessible to government employees and citizens thus resulting in the following aims that it tries to achieve: Greater citizen satisfaction in the way in [...]

Managing Supply Chain of Nokia

Supply chain of an organization is the system of all the activities and resources that are involved in transferring a product from the supplier to the consumers, it is the transformation of the raw materials [...]

Romanticism Period in Art

3 It is against this scope that this paper aims to explore the aspect of romanticism in the history of painting by considering the works of artists such as Kauffmann, David, Delacroix and Gros.

Apple Macintosh Market Research

It was assumed that in order to understand this trend and offer conclusive market research findings then the windows and Mac OS X operating system users were interviewed and then preference data based on the [...]

Salim Group Strategic Flexibility

From this, the conclusion is derived that engaging in a business that specialises in one product and studying the scope of markets is of paramount importance in determining economic pressures that may lead them to [...]

Generation Me: Twenge’s Concept

Twenge also attributes the development of the sense of self to the decline of the church and religious teachings. Finally, Twenge attributes the development of the sense of self and individualism to the institutionalized prominence [...]

Economic Analysis of a Common Law Doctrine

In awarding the fines, the court considered factors such as the financial means of the defendants, criminal records of the defendant, cooperation of the defendants during the trials and hearings at the court, whether one [...]

The Pep Company Supply Chain Management

The task of Barloworld Logistics was to address several problems the company was facing among others the uncertainty about the third party's' ability to offer the required distribution services and the long lead-time in the [...]