2 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 37

40,326 samples

The History of the Molly Maguires

According to the legend associated with the organization's name, the Irish miners referred to the name of the Irish Catholic woman Molly Maguire who was rather persistent while opposing to the Irish and English Protestants [...]

Environmental Analysis in the UAE

The report suggests that most of the population is located in the Emirates of Dubai and Abu Dhabi. The IMF ranked the UAE as the nation with second highest GDP within the Cooperation Council for [...]

Utilitarianism: The Moral Story of Flight 93

Considering the huge negative repercussions of Flight 93 in terms of loss of lives, destruction of invaluable resources and a series of other harmful consequences; as a utilitarian, one would argue that shooting the plane [...]

Modern Theatre and Film Industry

The modern theatre and film industry have helped familiarize people with the reality of the world, emotions people go through and happy, as well as sad situations. One of these is the way gender and [...]

A Play “Medea” by Euripides

Not only has there been a gender difference between men and women in life and social environment, but extreme discrimination and external conditions of the world and governmental ruling added to the role division.

Interaction Management

In this case, interaction management is closely associated with the ability to predict the development of the conversation and to focus on the behaviour and needs of the other parties as the indicators of the [...]

Schizophrenia a Psychological Disorder

The main purpose of this research study was to investigate the relationship between Schizophrenia and reading impairments that are usually experienced by individuals when assessed in terms of Oculomotor Control and phonological Processing The research [...]

Quality Planning: Recommendations

The behavior of customers in respect to the company's activities and particularly cancellation of services and the reasons behind these cancellations should be analyzed carefully.

“To Live” by Zhang Yimou

However, Zhang Yimou has managed to do a very decent job of portraying the history of the Great Leap Forward period by telling a story of a typical Chinese family and the relationships between typical [...]

Gone With the Wind

Charles dies in the civil war, and it is during this mourning period that Scarlett meets Rhett at a charity bazaar.

Racial or Ethnical Discrimination

Different groups of people remain somewhat hostile to others, as this is a part of the human perception. According to these sociological and psychological perspectives discrimination and prejudice are indispensible parts of the human society [...]

The Process of Product Development

Thus, it is necessary to evaluate the physical qualities and functions of the developing product according to their attractiveness for the target audience and possibilities of the company to produce the product of such a [...]

FASB and GASP Accounting

The Government Accounting Standards Board and the Financial Accounting Standards Board make up the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles board. This is because the modified accrual accounting avails information regarding the assets and liabilities of an [...]

Consumer Protection: Does It Work

Simultaneously, for an attorney and police professionals who know their job, detecting the signs of crime in consumer extortion is not difficult, and the police department can interpret such actions as felony.

Gender difference

Of course, it would be unwise to conclude that all men and women exhibit these qualities, as there are women who want to have all the authority and men who have profound insight but the [...]

Bloc Party’s CD titled “Four”

In reality, the specificity and the unique sound that the band produces can be seen as a somewhat new direction and a great variation to everything that was created before.

Debate: How U.S. Economy Benefit from International Trade

This paper argues that the U.S.economy benefits immensely from international trade, especially in core areas of enhancing specialization, achieving comparative advantages, enhancing the leverage for firms to engage in innovation, and improving the living standards [...]

Crime Policies: Broken Windows Theory

Massachusetts is one of the communities that have managed to apply this theory to improve security in their streets. One of the key things to note when implementing this theory in such a location is [...]