4 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 33

18,291 samples

Indian Mascot Controversy

The Indians perceive the widespread mascot usage and its general representation as a reminder of the oppression that had been visited upon them and a continuation of an attack on their ideologies and beliefs.

The period of absolutism

The exercise of absolute monarchy in the French territory began in the16th century, and it was preceded by the era of renaissance monarchy that was exercised on the basis of political consensus among the social [...]

Biodiversity and Business Risk

In conclusion, biodiversity risk affects businesses since the loss of biodiversity leads to: coastal flooding, desertification and food insecurity, all of which have impacts on business organizations.

Human Rights Interventions

Mindful declarations therefore strive to educate and promote the respect for rights and freedoms and implementation of progressive measures that secure the recognition of the importance and observance of the freedoms and rights3.

Cost for Failed Systems: NASA Program

Thus, the failure of system engineers to use the correct coding metrics was the root cause of the MCO problem. As a result of the aforementioned mistakes during the coding process, the MCO was not [...]

Social Development in Children

It is based on this that it can be seen that instilling proper social-emotional learning early on in a child's life is of paramount importance in ensuring that they develop the necessary social and emotional [...]


If an indefinite integral function is F and given a certain function f, the function F or the integral is determined such that F' equals the original function f.

Lack of Motivation at Work

To accomplish this, the paper will identify characteristics and the impact of lack of motivation; possible ways of curbing the problem and, finally, a review of existing literature regarding employee's motivation.

Effectiveness of BlueSky Airways

This paper analyzes the position of the firm in the market. Nevertheless, in the implementation of the proposed policies, a number of issues that needed to be fixed emerged among customers and the cabin crew.

Café: Small Business Idea

To develop the concept of the cafe, I will have to analyze different aspects of the proposed business model including establishing a brand logo, writing down brochures, flyers and more.

Implementing and sustaining change

The implementation of sustainable change within the organization is mainly driven by the need to adopt an organizational culture that matches the present nature of the market and the diverse needs of the clients of [...]

How Personal Can Ethics Get?

The organization's code of conduct is an active guide towards the employee integrity and, on admission; it is a clear sign of having accepted as an employee to follow the organization ethics.

Feminicides in Mexico and US

The main significance of this term is the distinction it offers between the common murders that occur in our society and the killing of women just because of their gender.

The Roles of Human Resource Department

However, modernization has made it difficult for this company to continue enjoying the large market available due to the challenges that arise as a result of the introduction of modern techniques and expertise in similar [...]

The Logic: Model and Evaluation

At the initiation stage of the project, the targeted indicators and deliverables of the project are s sufficiently drawn by the project staff according to the basic needs assessments already conducted.

Southwest Airlines-Airtran Merger

However, considering Southwest Airlines acquired all the shares of Airtran and a complete re-branding of Airtran is part of the agreement, it is fair to conclude that the transaction was an acquisition.

The Obstacle Race by Germaine Greer

The relationships lead to termination of the development and prosperity of female painters as they take the roles of a wife and mother. The society perceives women artists and their conditions in the art industry [...]

Refrigerated Iced Tea Business

A point worth of consideration is that the selection of the products as well as the location of the business has been influenced by the market needs and gap in the provision of the product.

Suggestibility in Children

In all the interviews, the children were required to give a full account of the events. Future research should focus on how the severity of suggestive interviews influences the children's suggestibility and reliability of their [...]

The Coffee Crisis

Economic implications of operating in different market and industry structures with additional details and strong supporting evidence The fact that the coffee industry operates in different markets and industry structures has led to the precipitous [...]

Decision-Making in Management

As an illustration, when a team makes a suggestion, it is expected that such a group would do anything to support the idea irrespective of any evidence presented in opposition to the idea.

Netflix vs. Blockbuster

Netflix on the other hand has a smaller area of operation compared to its older competitor, with stores in the US, Canada, and a handful of countries in Latin America. At the same time, the [...]

Telecom & Comp Net In HC

The main reason is the long duration the patient has to wait for the processing of the medical report from the laboratory leave alone the occasional failure of the old machines in place.

Students’ Contextual Factors

Of the total area of the land the city comprises about 15. Students' prior learning experience comprises of the skills and knowledge a student brings to class that is relevant to the content prepared for [...]

Class Tardiness

The specific objectives are: To determine the influence of teachers and school administration in students tardiness To examine the role of family or parents influence on the tendency of students to be tardy.

IBM PC and Sony Walkman

Furthermore, the convenience of its size was unrivaled in the PC market. It was relatively easy to penetrate the market at the time because the Walkman was the first of its kind.

Effective Communication Methods

Because of the existing politics in the internal and external groups, it is essential to ensure that appropriate communication methods are adopted. In order to have effective communication in the groups involved, the management should [...]

Wireless charging

The application and constant development of mobile phone technology in the modern era is experiencing a boom, as innovators in the technology sector look forward to a future of introducing wireless charging technology for the [...]