9 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 4

2,810 samples

Housing Problem in Canada

A total of 5% of the Canadian households live on the social housing program, representing the smallest social housing sector in any developed country with the exception of the United States of America.

Japanese Fascist Ideology and Culture

In a fascist authority, the issue of taking control over the people is of great significance and fascist leaders know that for them to control the naivety of the people well then they have to [...]

Data Mining: A Critical Discussion

In recent times, the relatively new discipline of data mining has been a subject of widely published debate in mainstream forums and academic discourses, not only due to the fact that it forms a critical [...]

Traffic Congestion and Hindi FM

The need for a Hindi Fm station in Oman is not only confined to the need to listen to the music but is important also for listening to news updates, as well as traffic jams [...]

In Defense of Whistle Blowing

Some people claim that, the act of whistle blowing is not morally upright or justified because any employee has the absolute obligation to loyalty and confidentiality to the company or the organization he or she [...]

The Law of Demand

There are two types of social equilibrium that is dynamic and static equilibriums, abnormal and normal equilibriums the first is active, the second is passive.the first is unstable and the second is stable Equilibrium is [...]

Greece’s Economical Crisis

Throughout the discussion, the paper will highlight the main economical problems faced by Greece, the major causes of economical crisis, how the current economical crisis is affecting other European countries, and the measures that Greek's [...]

Strategy Choice Available to the Amazon.co.uk

With the emergence of new markets in Asia, Amazon.co.uk can partner with China based manufacturers and suppliers to access the Chinese products available in the Chinese market. The aim of the defense position strategy is [...]

Hudson’s Alpine Furniture

The incorporation of this theory of constraints would be important in assessing the rate at which the company is capable of generating money through its furniture sales against the amount of money invested in producing [...]

United Federation of Teachers and DC 37

In 2005, in the contract negotiations, the United Federation of Teachers effectively included language to the agreement that precisely safeguard teachers from experiencing penalty due to the planning of the classroom furniture, the arrangement of [...]

Apple Computer Inc. Marketing

The company became the new market leader in consumer electronics with the latest success coming from a range of products including the iPod Touch, iTunes, the iPhone, and the iPad.

The U.S. Toy industry

The United States Toys Market Value in $billions from 2007 to 2011 The current operational/ management trends in the toy industry encompass diversity in the types of toy products manufactured, reduction in the need for [...]

Workers Time Discipline

The management also contributes to the reduction in the time discipline in the way it handles the employees. For a company to have an effective working time discipline, good communication between the management and the [...]

Helicopter Parents

In the event of a problem, such parents are usually available to save the situation and ensure that the issue is solved amicably on behalf of the child.

Cable TV Provider Marketing Management

The database is then categorized based on the services and products required in the market. The value of cable TV services will be adjusted based customers and locations differences as well as product differences.

Cost information for decision making

The Vision of the company is to 'bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage drinks and brands that satisfy people's needs and desires.' The mission statement of Coca-Cola Company is: 'To refresh the [...]

Gender and Consumer Culture

In order to perpetuate a consumer culture, advertisements need to focus on the psychology of the recipient rather than the virtues of the product. In conclusion, Gender is a concept that captures the intersection of [...]

The supermarket industry: Tesco

The department concerned with this kind of planning in the supermarket industry ought to be full of professionals so as not to involve strategies that would otherwise lead to failure of the industry.

The Fast-food Industry in Russia

For example, the legislation guaranteed the right of workers to organize themselves in labour unions, strike and even challenge the decisions that are made by the management The Russian federation labour laws are a combination [...]

Leadership Case Study

This is mainly achieved through setting a pace in serving as a role model and creation of a working environment that allows members of the organization or employees to feel honored as part of the [...]

International approach to the local market

The culture of Courbert had an effect in the success of takeover by Vechtel of the French company in the following way, as his French colleagues were dismissed in the process of reorganisation he was [...]

An Analysis of the Coca Cola Company

The Dasani water and Tusker beer market are considered to comprise of customers which are essentially the same. The Dasani water and Tusker beer market are considered to comprise of customers which are essentially the [...]

Our Man in Havana

This is exactly the reason why, even though that as recently as during the course of the fifties, the idea that one should be willing to sacrifice its life for the sake of a 'nation' [...]

Trauma and Sexual Assault

The traumatic experiences of the accidents predispose people to trauma because they do not only threaten lives of the people, but also elicit horrific feelings due to the psychological and emotional impacts of accidents. Successful [...]

Environmental Education

In the 1990s, a Rio Summit for environmental development led to the expansion of what environmental education means. Environmental education would lead to the development of skills and attitudes that are crucial to a sustainable [...]

Risk Management Plan: Travel

In line with this one of the most important activities to undertake prior to departure is to prepare an overview of the trip and highlight some of the expected activities.