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Body Modification: Past and Present

Types of Body Modification The term 'body modification' refers to several methods of body transformation which include piercing, tattooing, branding, cutting, binding and inserting implants to alter the appearance and shape the body.

Decision Making in Nursing Process

The nursing process is a systematic process that is used in the provision of care to patients. In the nursing process, the first step is assessment and involves the systematic collection, verification, organization, interpretation, and [...]

Care of a Premature Infant

Although the present trend of registering premature infants in the neonatal care affords them an increased level of medical treatment which enhances their chances of survival, it deprives the mothers the opportunity to induce an [...]

Safe Staffing Ratios for Nurses

In recent years the rate of hiring new personnel has significantly reduced due to the hiring freeze program to reduce expenditure. Lifting the hiring freeze will allow the medical facilities to acquire adequate nurses, thereby [...]

Development of the Chimpanzee Pancreas

This review will show the development of the chimpanzee pancreas, the anatomy of the fully developed pancreas including its histological cellular components, the molecular interactions that regulate the development of the pancreas, and discuss a [...]

How to Start a New Business?

The mission statement for Eating Korner is to be one of the best snack bars in the town and eventually in the whole country by selling the best, affordable and quality snacks to its customers.

Popular Sovereignty in Latin America

Popular sovereignty was transformative in terms of political and social processes sparked by the revolution of independence since it acted as a foundation for the declaration of independence, enabling the Mexican government to exist to [...]

History of Pythagoras Theorem

The elementary components of the theory are believed to have been discovered and utilized by the ancient Babylonians, and probably the Chinese approximately 1000 years before Pythagoras proved the theorem in about 500 BC.

The Retail Bakers of America Business Operations

The company supports a continuum of business strategies and techniques associated with bakeries industry to enhance corporate growth and quality of production."We foster the community of retail bakeries providing a forum for the exchange of [...]

Project Procurement Closeout Plan

Contract close-out is the responsibility of both of the sides to ensure that all the terms outlined in the contract were followed, and all the deliverables are exchanged by the parties.

Bullying and Suicide Among Teenagers

Specific objectives Analyze the causes of bullying among teenagers in the country Analyze the effects of bullying among victims, perpetrators and by-standers Analyze the relationship between bullying in school and suicide among teenagers in the [...]

Right to Carry Guns and Other Weapons

The handgun control policy being a topic of discussion and bill tabled to the members of parliament to rule over the bill so that it can become law, has from time to time received different [...]