550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 16

18,509 samples

A New “Joe” On the Block

In this context, Joe must consider three factors that include assessing the reliance of the previous research, requirements of a primary research and reliability of both secondary and primary research methods. The objective of the [...]

Global Challenges Facing HRM Practice

Besides, the treatise explores the human asset in labor management and the significance of employee motivation towards optimal performance. The first challenge in HRM practice is designing relevant performance systems and discipline in labor management.

Game Theory

The game forms the subject of study in the theory. The theory operates on the precincts that details of the arrangements and the timing of the release of choices plays a role in determining the [...]

Common Sense and Related Writings

Paine talks of government as a necessary evil, emphasizes on state of nature, underlines the inevitability of American independence and British oppression, highlights the problems of monarchy, and finally sheds some light on America's relationship [...]

Stylistic Analysis of Film Script

Concerning the structure of the plot, the author uses a flashback, returning to the events in the past. The most impressive feature of the script to the film is its specific word choice.

History of the Cellular Technology

With the developments in the cellular technology, electrical engineering has been affected by the changes and development of this technology. Ever since the introduction of the first mobile phones in the 1980s, electrical engineering experts [...]

Charter Schools and Its Privileges

The students are knowledgeable, and brilliant in academic works, which is a reflection of the academy's quality courses. The term "reasonable" that guides officials to carry out searches on students is established based on two [...]

E-business: B2B and B2C

Some incidences calls for a combination of marketing strategies to reach targets customer, target customers of competitors is the same, the kind of relationship developed in business-business marketing can be of current benefit to a [...]

Issues that affect low wage earners

Low earner hardly afford good housing; they live in houses that do not meet the standards of an adequate housing systems, the reason why they opt for such houses is because they have limited funds [...]

Career Planning and Succession Management

Organizations which offer education assistance are better placed to have employees who have a set of different skills and this is beneficial to the organization since these employees can move up or change careers easily [...]

Perfect Competition

The high number of oil distributers shows that the market is free for any firm to enter while at the same time, is free to exit.

Mall in Dawn of the Dead

What you have to understand is that this focus on aesthetics is no mere coincidence; rather, it is a manifestation of changes that have occurred to the modern day consumer wherein the concept of shopping [...]

Ethical Philosophy

The ethical approaches of the Utilitarian and the Kantian perspectives both examine ethics. This concern is not on the Utilitarianism schedule, which implies that from Kantianism perspective, Utilitarian morality is an amazing mixture of ethical [...]

Market Revolution

It is also an aspect of industrialization and therefore brought change in the commerce sector through employment of advanced technology and improvement in the communication and transport infrastructure and the ultimate result was the general [...]

LECO Company Strategic Vision

The risk taking managers tailored the company's products and introduced a variety of them in the market specifically targeting children of different age groups by tailoring these products according to their needs.

Child Behaviour Development

With the emotional attachment, the child is likely to take up behaviour of the person whom he is emotionally connected. For example, id the child is attached to the mother, he is likely to have [...]

Illegal Dumping

Through this, the companies can be encouraged to adopt the services of companies that specialize in disposal of environmental hazardous wastes.

Geology Issue – Nature of Earthquakes

Such an earthquake is caused by a combination of tectonic plate movement and movement of magma in the earth's crust. Continental drift is the motion of the Earth's tectonic plates relative to each other.

Emergency Preparedness in New Jersey

In practice, New Jersey official has put in place a robust public health response plan and integrated it into the response and recovery operations of the disaster response and recovery agencies of the Government, which [...]

What is an ethical choice?

Once all these steps are followed and one is still uncertain if they will be making an ethical choice, then one would rather opt for the alternative that will turn out the majority good for [...]

The Review of Madeline Neumann Case

The Neumanns are supposed to be charged with "second-degree reckless homicide" so as to pass the message that all parents are supposed to take their children to the hospital when they fall sick regardless of [...]

Business Communication Process

Meetings are used by the community or the business fraternity to solve issues and challenges affecting them; however there are times that meetings might bring more issues in an organization or community than the anticipated [...]