11 Page Essay & Research Paper Examples

1,782 samples

What does a 11 page essay look like? If you’re searching for an answer to this question, you’re in the right place! Such a paper is a standard high school and college assignment. That’s why it might be written on almost any topic. Abortions, World War II, overpopulation and obesity are just some of the options.

A 11 page essay word count is usually 2700 to 2750 words (12 pt., double-spaced). The length of a typical academic paragraph is 100 to 150 words. So, there are 18 to 27 paragraphs in a paper of 11 pages.

If you need 11 page essay examples, look at the list below. We’ve collected A+ samples for you to get inspired. Good luck with your writing!

11-page Essay Examples: 1782 Samples

The Role of Media’s Influence

Generalization/Principles/Theories The effect of media on language and culture play a crucial role in the distinction of the American society and also affects it in national terms by comparing the American English and other varieties [...]

Making a High Fashion Brand and Use Pop-up Stores

To understand the external analysis on the Rubirosa, we have to concentrate on emerging trends and norms within the fashion industry The SWOT analysis of Rubirosa is a very important aspect because it will assist [...]

Apple’s Marketing Programme & Environment

This includes all emissions to air, land and water legal constraints; the effects on the neighbouring community, landscape and ecology; and the public's perception of the operating company in the local area".

Nokia Corporation: Marketing Concept in the UK

Technological This regards the degree to which the technology is embedded in our society or the technological culture that has the powers to control the technical nature of the products in the market, and it [...]

Company Analysis

However, Home Care, Fabric Care, Hair Care, and Oral Care are the most successful segments; Figure 1: 1950-2009 P&G Product Strategy Source: Smith Customer Relationship Management: Now, P&G is concentrating more on serving more customers [...]

Group and Leadership Skills Development

The lesson that I learnt as a leader from this exercise is that it is essential to understand what I feel in a particular situation and to learn the way to react in each situation.

Management: Shareholder Wealth Optimization

If management only considers the profit interest of the shareholders, they are going to sell the corporation to the highest bidder without considering the losses that may arise to the employees and the local community.

Sleep Stages and Disorders

A more elaborate look into understanding sleep take a look at the two aspects of sleep which is the behavior observed during sleeping periods as well as the scientific explanation of the physiological processes involved [...]

Unethical Organizations

The Enron scandal was presented as a classic case of a company engaged in unethical behavior and practices that led to the collapse of the once promising company.

Employee Retention in Workplace

According to Prakashan, "employee Retention involves taking measures to encourage the most productive employees to remain in the organization for the maximum period of time" or up to completion of their projects.

Verizon Communications Organizational Needs

The following are the key goals of the organization To improve the financial position of the organization To enhance employee productivity To promote an efficient students' record keeping To facilitate effective communication between the student [...]

The Importance of Action Research

It is a significant tool in ensuring that the teacher understands his/her practice, ways of improving the same, enable him/her understands the ways in which the person is able to understand changes from outside and [...]

Giotto as the First Renaissance Painter

Behind Italian Renaissance was a great painter and architect, Giotto di Bondone, who existed in the 13th and 14th century."The Renaissance was a period of artistic and cultural achievement in Europe from the fourteenth to [...]

Presidential Elections of 1804

The election was notable because of the extremely partisan nature of the election and the vitriolic attacks on former Revolution War friends and colleagues" As Dunn observed "It was particularly important as it resulted in [...]

Analyzing and Critiquing a Paradigm

Failure to understand the perceived meaning of the drawings led to the development of such stereotypes. The surfaces made the presentation of drawings extremely difficult owing to the ability of the surfaces to regenerate.

Lloyd’s Building

At the time when the construction of the Lloyd's Building started, the British government was in the process of bringing about some major changes in the government policies, mainly pertaining to the labor class.

Erving Goffman Theory

Both claim that "there is no gender identity", as evidenced by the following excerpts: Gender is performative, gender is always doing, "though not a doing by a subject who might be said to pre-exist the [...]

The Truly Global Economy

Many people have had different questions regarding globalization, some asking whether it is the integration of economic, social, political and cultural systems across the world or the dominance of the developed countries in making decisions [...]

Mass Migrations and Demographic Challenges

The realm of population growth and economic hardships in developing countries have greatly imparted on the trends of international migration with individuals believing in better socio-economic status of those residing in towns. Due to the [...]

Insurance for Camels (Alba’Aeer)

A marketing manager should focus on the current and the future situation of the market of the Alba'aeer and not historical to ensure that the right price is set for the product.

Pre-Stressed Concrete

The aim of this paper is to discuss the historical developments of pre-stressed concrete, the basic concepts of pre-stressed concrete, and the manufacturing of the pre-stressed concrete.

Knowledge Management in Organizations

Other than utilizing the knowledge and experience that the employees have, there is the need to use available information to grow and develop knowledge and expertise in employees.

Gamescorp PLC on the Chinese Market

Significantly, it would be cheaper and more time effective to change a company's policies in regard to the local environment, as opposed to changing the local culture to suit the company's policies.

Nationalism in the Ottoman Empire

The battle of Nicopolis also saw the empire expand into other regions of the European continent but later, other conquests such as the battle of Ankara, the conquest of Constantinople and the invasion of Otranto [...]

Financial Reporting

The users have to clearly understand the accounting policies that a firm adopts in preparation of the financial statements and therefore, the accountants considers the following;the purpose of financial reporting, the salient features that make [...]

Problems Facing in Common Wealth Bank of Australia

These theories help in explaining the nature organizations through different perspectives that include the environment, the technology that they are using, the social environment they operate in and the type of business that they do.