2 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 71

32,218 samples

Student Discounts as a Marketing Tool

In the article, the benefits of student discounts to corporations are analyzed. Because student discounts can attract more students and their guardians, corporations will be able to gain several potential customers.

Effective Waste Management Steps

Step 6: To guarantee the effective reuse of the waste, it is necessary to pay attention to the containers for storing the waste and to the method used for reusing the substances.

Moon – Solo Dance by Yang LiPing

It could be defined as a large stage ethnic primitive genre if it was not for the complexity of the hidden innuendoes that the interpretation of the dance suggests.

Government Securities: Treasury Bills

Various securities such as treasury notes, bonds as well as bills are issued via the treasury department to the citizens. The paper focuses on the various aspects of the treasury bills, which are the most [...]

Quantitative Approach to Research

Post-positivist approach says that the scientists are parts of the reality and can never be detached enough to be completely objective in the way they percept the reality. The levels are connected and each level [...]

Business Creativity and Innovation

One of the key aspects of any business is to be able to interest the public or society in the products or services that are being offered to people and other organizations.

Multiple Intelligences Test Findings

It is important to note that such eight bits of intelligence as Kinaesthetic, Linguistic, Logical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Musical, Visual, and Naturalistic intelligence is typical for each person, but they can characterize the man's behaviors, attitudes, [...]

Socialization and Career Development

For instance, effective socialization structures have enabled employees of institutions that operate in the tourism sector in the US to understand the needs of customers and what is expected of them.

The Song “One Love” by Nas

Unlike other effective communities, where responsibility for the care of children is shared in the network, this pattern is missing in black ghettos.
  • Subjects: Music
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 633

ABC Company Mismanagement

With the orientation of the recruits just around the corner, there is no time for Robins to obtain all documents on time. One of the main reasons for the series of mistakes was the inexperience [...]

Shinto Religious Community

The tradition of Shinto supports the belief in kami, which explains the background of the people's way of life, the attitude to nature and philosophical principles."The overall aims of Shinto ethics are to promote harmony [...]

Ecological Studies of Garbology

On the other hand, the social understanding of a household is based on the type of trash samples. This evidence suggests the fact that religion is never a priority for the members of the household.

Myths about Life and Earth

The ability to travel between galaxies and bend time is one of the major characteristics that are attributed to the God-like beings. In the end, it is clear that Nature is a divine part of [...]

Case of Relativism in Company

Relativism is also evident when the law department of the company and the external consulting attorney concur that it would have been unlawful to terminate the contracts of both Tommy and Victor.

History: The British Mi’kmaq War

The intensity of the conflict heightened and the British undertook genocide against the Mi'kmaq. The British and the Mi'kmaq had several conflicts during the period of 1756.

Water Symbolism in Christianity and Islam

Water symbolism in religion is the practice of associating water to particular beliefs that govern the religion's rules. The raising water continuously lifted the ark preventing the Noah family and other animals from drowning Muslims [...]