Free Critical Writing Examples. Page 45

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The Risks of Night Work

The necessity to work at night, especially when people are required to react to the alert questions and issues, makes people function in the stressful situations and often leads to the fatigue, continuous sleepiness, different [...]

Admiration by William Adolphe Bouguereau

The center of interest in the painting, emphasized by the color contrasts, is definitely the central group of five young women, reaching out for a yet more important figure of a boy in the center [...]

Developing a Mathematical Disposition

The importance of reasoning is to encourage a learner to use of mathematics to explore real-world phenomena. The importance of this aspect is to appreciate the role of mathematics as a tool and language.

Equal Rights for Women

Women were given the responsibility to give birth to children and nurture them to adulthood; however, both the father and the mother should carry out the responsibility of nurturing.

The Whiteness of Nerds

The issue highlighted in the present article is the way racial markedness of certain groups of youth in the modern American society is achieved through the usage of certain linguistic forms, and the way this [...]

Solving the Ethical Dilemmas

With the shift to employees-centered policies within the majority of organizations, the issues of ethical behavior and both individual and organizational responsibility require special consideration. This is the topic of the conversation and peculiarities of [...]

The Hollow Men by T. S. Eliot

The close reading of the poem makes it possible to state that the main idea of the reading is neither the obsession with the fall of the world nor the degradation of the human personality, [...]

Not ignorant, Not helpless

Since the main message of the article is that women are strong and that they are not what the west perceives them to be, the article should have concentrated on the positive efforts of women [...]

California State Senate

He is still leading the fight to stop the cuts to our shelters by authoring legislation for a permanent funding for domestic violence victims Leland Yee has spearheaded a lot of reforms and passed bills [...]

Use of Animals in Biological Testing

Thus, these veterinarians have realized that the results that are realized from the animal research are very crucial in the improvement of the health of human being as well as that of animals.

Breaking the Color Line Bar

Henry's assertion is to show that the integration of American Whites and Blacks in the Major League baseball was not influenced by pressure from or activities of the Communist Party, but rather from social and [...]

Crimes in the United States

Therefore, it can be argued that crime problems in the society can be addressed by focusing on the root cause of the problem. In this regard, the prisons should be used in reforming criminals and [...]

Fantasies of the Master Race

The paper contrast the coverage the industry has given the white Americans with that of the Native Americans. The misrepresentation of the Native American culture in the commercial cinemas in the United States has occurred [...]