According to the hypothesis and research questions, service satisfaction and the desire to quit service forms the dependent variables, while payment levels and tenure conditions form the independent variables.
I will send a recruitment letter to each participant informing the participants of the selection process for participating in this study.
The research will focus on the business environment of the kingdom, together with the advantages of setting up a home-based business in the country.
From the chart below, the rise in the firm's gross profit margin indicates that Wal-Mart has been effective in paying for its goods.
The primary purpose of the chapter was to provide detailed information concerning the data collection and analysis to allow replication of the study in the future.
In terns of traditional Chinese cultural values, purchase reaction that is geared to satisfy such needs as the need for affiliation, the need for achievement, or the need for power should not be termed irrational.
It is a case study of McDonalds and how the international company disregards the ethical considerations of business in the fast food industry. To this end, the ethical practices include the accurate representation of a [...]
The existing studies indicate that perceptions of E-learning are dependent on the following factors: technical competence; awareness about the benefits of E-learning; the educational background of a teacher.
This piece of work discusses in depth the telemarketing scams against the elderly giving insight into the problem of the study, context of the problem, the problem statement, research questions, significance of the study, organization [...]
In this context, the activities of CODOFIL are educational, cultural to the French speaking Louisiana community and strengthening Louisiana ties with the international Francophone community.
Usually for a business concern the external finance is supplied by investors on the guarantee of their goodwill. To know the factors affecting creditworthiness of a firm.
The objective of the study is to explore how the adoption of a military mindset might influence the company culture and identify the competitive advantages of the post-9/11 veterans in the business setting.
Human Rights organizations have the responsibility to ensure that the governments and other counter terrorism officials respect the human rights and the law in their fight against terrorism.
Discussion: This chapter of this study will organise considering the research question, such as it will describe Zara's marketing strategies to develop brand awareness and customer loyalty; Conclusions: Finally, the chapter six will scrutinise all [...]
The school-to-prison pipeline is a phenomenon, which implies that expelling students can push them to face the criminal justice system. Keeping students informed about the existence of such a phenomenon and discussing it in classrooms [...]
The market has given the company a major boost to its growing network, especially due to the large population that offers a ready market for the company in China.
Based on the results of the assessment and the opinions of stakeholders involved in working with a complex electronic system, one can note that its activities contribute to improving communication and increasing productivity.
In the context of the research project underway, this principle informed the development of the research questions. The implication of this to the research project is that the language that will be used to report [...]
In this end, the dissertation overrules the applicability of measuring the degree to which customers are satisfied within the pharmaceutical setting from the number and frequency of the complaints raised.
The decision of the Supreme Court stated that the issue of self-defense and the right to possess and bear firearms might be reviewed at a state level.
In the light of such legal and economic framework as provided by the government in Sri Lanka, it appears that a large number of hurdles and apprehensions of multinational companies wishing to enter Sri Lanka [...]
The study is based on a comparative analysis of historical data on the capital of the two companies. It is also specified on the analysis of capital structure, which has to do with debt on [...]
This paper attempts to analyze the success of Tesla cars in its entry in the competitive car industry and how the driving public, both in the United Kingdom and China, has accepted it as a [...]
To deal with the effects of climate change on the economic growth of companies and businesses in the market, companies have come up with ways to minimise the global climatic changes by incorporating social responsibility [...]
An established brand loyalty is important to a company since it makes it more harder for new products to gain a market share, it increases a company's ability and strength to respond to competitive threats, [...]
Considering the fact that it is one of the wealthiest nations in the world, and part of the G20 group of states, the low rate of growth for its entrepreneurial sector engenders a number of [...]
Hypotheses The research is qualitative in nature and the outcome of the study is descriptive analysis of the findings collected from different sources to decide upon the acceptance or rejection of the following research hypotheses: [...]
One of the fundamental priority areas that have been targeted by companies in the fashion industry as a matter of urgency is the creation of brand awareness among customers and the reinforcement of customer loyalty [...]
But the key lies in knowing that the sickness is real, and her art strives to inform the masses of just that.
According to Earley and Mosakowski, the government has made deliberate steps to ensure that the economy is highly diversified to reduce overreliance on the oil and gas sector as the main driver of the economy.
This chapter presents the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study and research questions. In particular, the study will provide literature on negotiation as a means of construction industry disputes [...]
The second last section of the report focused on the shortcomings of loyalty cards to consumers and they included gradual price increases, a phenomenon of exclusivity, and disincentives for consumers.
Project managers and members of the project teams of Arabtec were requested to be participants of the survey. A team is a part of a whole, the organisation.
The third section presents the instrument, which is the Questionnaire designed by the researcher to measure the frequency of strategy use by university students.
An analysis of the value network of Jordan's medical tourism industry involved the following assumptions. Jordan's marketplace is characterized by among others, the value network of its medical tourism industry.
On the other hand, the group with the invisibility cloak reported an average of 5 mischievous acts, a standard deviation of 1.
Cycle two English language curriculum includes different techniques that teachers should apply in class to develop students' abilities and skills by encouraging them to learn in a student-centered environment.
Many employees relate work with life's fulfillment, and connect their satisfaction at work with their feelings and satisfaction in life, and happiness with their family.
The rise in fraudulent activities in the banks, the increasing need for entertainment in the country among other emerging trends have seen the need for innovation and creativity be on the rise.
The future trend, however, is for the non-profit organisations to merge to avoid the issue such as the duplication of services, and for those that do not merge, need to transform into profit making institutions [...]
The better the position of a certain brand in the international market, the greatest is the demand for it, and visa versa.
As discussed in the introduction chapter of the paper, the goal of this research is to identify strengths and weaknesses of traditional travel agents, and propose ways in which they can achieve success in the [...]
The selected independent variables of each of the models were the liquidity ratio, the gearing ratio, the asset turnover, the inventory turnover, the collection period, the credit period, the interest coverage, the market capitalization, and [...]
The main purpose of this research paper will be to find out how the developmental theory applies in the fashion industry. The relationship between a celebrity and a fan is normally said to Para-social.
This makes it relatively easy to get increased input and active involvement of consumers in the product and service development process.
The use of native species of trees is seen as the most effective strategy to effectively restore biodiversity in the area.
The key objective of the final paper is to explain the issues inherent in the contents of the legislation and its ability to provide administrative equal protection to all the citizens of the United States [...]
The adoption of the smart city initiative is likely to ensure the improved transport sector in terms of security, efficiency and reduced environmental pollution.
In the construction industry, CSR plays a significant role in ensuring that projects create employment for the locals, the environment is protected, energy is conserved, the land is utilized in an economically sound manner, construction [...]
This research strives to contribute to the understanding of the functions of level three leaders in the hotel industry. The study's contribution helps to shed light on the context of L3Ls in the hotel industry [...]
The rate of professional crime varies directly with the supply of illegal opportunities, as well as the supply of people and organizations vulnerable or motivated to utilize them whereas the rate and occurrence of the [...]
This has included mergers and acquisition of businesses as opposed to starting new ventures The purpose of the study will be to investigate the significance and impact of the merger between two firms that are [...]
It will support in determining the service quality level perception of the customers in an airline company and also the ways that can be integrated with the management in order to improve the service quality [...]
Moreover, the investigation is constructed to determine the differences in perceptions of the strategies by foreign language teacher and by Asian students, for the effect carried by the practice of these strategies may differ from [...]
One of the most critical challenges is the inability to satisfy the needs of the entire student in public schools. On the other side, the continuing students will give the present experience on the challenges [...]
The ineffective application of the performance appraisal program at FERMA has made the Agencies' employees develop the perception that the firm's performance appraisal program is ineffective in contributing to their personal and career growth objectives.
The package should also have attractive features which will attract the consumer and at the same time potray the quality of the product to the consumer For the case of dairy products, a picture of [...]
It will be imperative to know what the most influential forces in Turkey think about EU integration so as to determine whether or not the accession process is likely to remain a priority to the [...]
According to the literature review, service quality is measured by the tangibility of the consumer's surroundings which is represented by objects or subjects, the reliability of the service provider, the involvement and interaction of the [...]
The following will form the specific objectives: Critically evaluate the sources of management-employee misalignment within the industry; Critically evaluate the performance implications occasioned by management-employee misalignment within the industry; Critically evaluate the industry's best practices [...]
The very essence of this particular type of research method is that it focuses on describing the nature of the subject/topic being studied and as such its goal is to create a portrait so to [...]
The quality of service offered and the satisfaction of the customer are factors that have been considered to be leading to the retaining of customers and the general success of the hotel industry.
The outcomes of this research will enable future research in this area, as well as will identify the strategies of marketing that will be used by oil firms in Nigeria and the impacts of the [...]
To this extent, the literature review and the research analysis agree since non-subjective reviews of a product act as a central determinant of trust in the opinions that are provided by the blogger.
In order to establish the responsible parties, the study will utilize financial statements of the companies that have any signs of fraud and financial scams.
In the context of project management, the project itself provides the situation, which brings together leaders and followers for the achievement of a common mutual goal, which is the completion of the project within the [...]
1034 25 A number of important findings arise from this analysis: the progression of women professionals in the Middle East in engineering and technology-oriented firms remains severely constricted by unequal treatment of women and men [...]
The applications of information technology and other innovations in exploration and production of oil and gas have equipped the sector with the required practices and equipment for continuous efficiency in production of oil and gas [...]
The fashion industry first started in England after which it slowly spread to the rest of the world."In the UK and in the United States, the fashion industry has been one of the largest employers".
Among the issues appearing to cause variations in the purchase of clothing and apparel by online platforms included the price, discount, sales volume, size, styles and designs, user recommendations, product authenticity, changes on the actual [...]
The trade fair portrayed the potential of the then and future civilizations to deploy technology, creativity, and innovation to create more consumables to better the life of the future generations.
The various theories of education and learning describe how learning occurs, the factors that shape learning, the importance of memory in learning, and how knowledge is transferred.
Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study is to establish reasons that shape the perception of Saudi Arabian secondary students to have different views towards the suitability of Flying High for S.
In the oil and gas industry, some companies that show interest are likely to invest in any part of the world where the oil and gas field has a sheer disregard of the political climate [...]
From the kindergarten, children proceeds to the elementary school at the age of 6 to 12 years then move to the junior high school.
Project management is tasked with planning and controlling of the project in order to enable the project to achieve the desired organizational objectives and the strategy is how and in what manner this implementation will [...]
In order to do so, the nature of the research to be conducted will seek to answer the following questions; 1.
These include social constructionism, namely the development of this theoretical framework and how it relates to the view of the self using accountability as an example; the rise of the dominant discourse on health and [...]
The school puts an underscore on the importance of an entity with regard to the context in which the entity operates.asserts that the environment is essential as it is referred to while testing the viability [...]
Customer involvement in the product or service development process is the interaction or collaboration between the users of the product or service and the employees of a company during the period of product development to [...]
In order to accommodate all the involved groups of people, there is no attributed definition of transgender due to the diversity of the subject.
While the difference between the project and project management may appear overlapping, it is important to note that a project is usually tasked with defining the returns that the company may achieve while the project [...]
Conversely, the emerging markets, as the definition suggests, offer an opportunity where the increasing number of consumers who are will to spend on the premium products offered by the modern food retailers instead of visiting [...]
The progress of Saudi Arabia and the efficiency of its administrative system owe its success to the Saudi Arabian government and its politics.
The importance of nutrition is enhanced and the primary approach is to understand the importance of traditional food for the health of the indigenous people.
The end of the Cold War and the fall of the Communist Block have led to a complete change in the balance of power in the international arena.
The paper examines the different ways in which the workforce is most effective, how the army currently operates in the UK and how the changes envisaged through the Army 2020 Programme are going to impact [...]
As governments shut down factories, stores, and events to stop the transmission of the virus, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on the worldwide fashion industry.
When the product aligns with the expectations of the local culture, it is likely to penetrate the market easily. For a brand to successfully adapt to the international market without losing its identity, it is [...]
Women's leadership and women in the telecommunication businesses are some of the points that need to be put into consideration and women's contribution to the economic opportunities that may affect each and every one of [...]
An example of this is found in the tagline for the ad, "Simplicity is a simple switch that helps you and the environment".
Therefore, the major aim of sleep is to balance the energies in the body. However, the nature of the activity that an individual is exposed to determines the rate of memory capture.
The broad phenomenon of acculturation as a process of adjusting one's values, beliefs, and habits according to the socio-cultural environment of an individual is an extremely complex social issue.
At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the women's issue was perhaps one of the most debated issues in British and American society.
The purpose of the study was based on the following prevailing research questions: In qualitative research and data gathering, the goal with sample size is to reach a moderate degree of data saturation.
The method contributed in determining the satisfaction of the employees and the customers of the bank for e-banking system within the bank.
Consequently, the formulation of such a plan regarding the international market essentially relies on the form of corporate leadership, cultural aspect, environmental complications, size, and efficiency of plan- makers and so on."Think globally, but act [...]
Despite the fact that form is still an important concept of the spatial design of hotels and other elements of hospitality industry of the XXI century, the decisions regarding form and design in general are [...]
This made it easier to center the connections on the screw openings and complete the screwing activity on a revolving station with a set of manifolds; the end-design effectors and samples are discussed.
For instance, the origin of the pastoral church has been traced to the eastern churches of Europe and the western church.
Strictly speaking, to get the derivative for a function, such as a time series, one needs to study the limit of the increment of that function to the increment of time, as shown in the [...]
The objectives of this study are to: Examine the reasons for the rise of the gig economy in the United States.
Ben Grossmann, visual effects supervisor and co-founder of Magnopus, an Oscar and Emmy Award winner, was the supervisor of the virtual production of The Lion King.
The C.I.A.holds the responsibility for the Drone attacks in Pakistan."The C.I.A.began using drones in Pakistan in 2004, even though the United States was not engaged in a war with that country.
Hussain et al.justify the use of ML for IoT by pointing out the vast amount of data that IoT gathers. Other recent papers, such as the one by Diedrichs et al, focus on the more [...]
At the same time, to draw contrasts on the application of AI and ML in the health sector, the limitations of the technologies will also be elucidated to highlight areas of improvement that could be [...]
First of all, the primary research question is to be formulated as follows: should the concept of a resilient society be articulated within the framework of Qatar National Vision 2030?
To illustrate the severity of some of the outlined consequences and challenges presented to the national environment, the following graph is presented, illustrating the growth rate of the US fracking industry.
The aim of the study is to identify specific marketing communication activities that Apple could implement to retain its loyal consumers by appealing to behaviors and preferences that promote this goal
It is assumed that cultural misconceptions, in general, and the lack of cultural awareness required to appeal to the target members of the population successfully, in particular, are the key factors preventing the entrepreneurship from [...]
The quantitative method was used to analyse the posts and comments of the clients of the banks in the Facebook communities.
In general, the attention paid to the subject of the application and development of new media in Olympics by the author, as well as the corresponding researches on the subject in this paper, originates from [...]
The unexpected emergence of the COVID 19 pandemic caused significant complications to the performance of the majority of hospitals across the country due to the lack of knowledge and unpreparedness for such kind of emergency.
In reference to the research study, qualitative research method will be used to understand perspectives, views, and meaning of major interest of members of the Ministry of Higher Education in the National Center for E-Learning [...]
Just like the definition given by UNHCR, the OAU also believes that an individual becomes a refugee when they cross the border of their country of origin to a foreign country.
Despite the national, formal, and genetic mutations of the Gothic, it is possible to identify certain persistent features which include a distinctive aesthetic.
This laboratory experiment focuses on the chemical composition of cells, appropriate identification of which contributes to the understanding of distinctions between organic and inorganic chemicals.
A literary review conducted prior to the research revealed the fact that scholars agree about the similar features of the Millennials.
As for correlation of generation and job satisfaction, the Millennials appeared to be slightly less satisfied with current position then other generations.
This study will explore the lived experiences of women who have been given the hysterectomy recommendation and undergone the procedure in Mississippi, a state without an instituted comprehensive informed consent law.