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European and Chinese Ceramics

Based on differences and similarities of European and Chinese ceramics such as the temperature of firing, the technique of production, and design, it seems appropriate to compare two artifacts of the vessel and the porcelain [...]

How Are Women Portrayed?

The portrayal of women in the news, media, fashion, and film industry is usually not the reality, but a " stereotype based on the attitudes and intentions of the producers, targeted audience and their culture".

Poverty Impact on Life Perception

Because of the fear of losing the little that they own, poor people develop the propensity to avoid risks and, thus, prefer not to take chances in the scenarios that do not imply immediately and [...]

Closed Loop Supply Chain Process

The fundamental purpose of the paper is to discover the return process in the closed-loop supply chain process. As a matter of fact, it resulted in the creation of the closed loop supply chain management [...]

“Decoded” a Book by Rapper Jay-Z

In addition to the fact that Jay-Z focuses on his past, his experience, and his motives, he is also good at identifying the main aspects of rap music and the conditions under which people make [...]

Nanjing Massacre as Japan’s Denied War Crime

There is no doubt that the Nanjing massacre belongs on the list of the most terrible events in the history of China, especially those associated with the more than eight-year-long second war between the Empire [...]

Social Inequality in Australia

This paper seeks to interrogate the presence of social inequality and discrimination in Australia, focusing especially on the social disadvantages that are faced by the indigenous people as a result of it.

Recalls Within the Last Years

For example, in case the manufacturer of the food for pets has sold the product that might consequently lead to the death of the animal, the company should make public announcements and ask the customers [...]

Hip Hop Definition

In fact, many authors underline the fact that commercialization of hip-hop has changed its essence considerably and deprived modern people of the possibility to understand the essence of hip-hop and true reasons for its appearance. [...]

Fitness and Health Terms Definition

Health denotes a condition of total physical, psychological, and social welfare and not just the absence of sickness or frailty while fitness represents the capacity to satisfy the requirements of the environment.

“Decoded” a Book by Jay-Z

I think that he was rather successful in the majority of his endeavors, and it is possible to find several explanations in the text of how the author used his story, his experience, and his [...]

The Film “What Dreams May Come”

One of the aspects of the grieving process depicted in the movie is the support of close ones. This aspect is properly highlighted in the movie, and the filmmakers manage to show the positive outcome [...]

Bonds, Their Types and Ratings

When issued by the national or federal government, they are referred to as sovereign debt, and they get their support from the capacity of a country to tax the residents and to print currency.

Hypothesis Testing in Practical Statistics

However, it is necessary to explain to the management of the restaurant the significance of the test. In conclusion, hypothesis testing is an important method that helps to determine the effectiveness of different solutions.

Local Police Role in Homeland Security

In the framework of the investigation, the police identified carjacking suspects who were later connected to the bombings. The influence on terrorism and homeland security urged the police to streamline the improvement of their services.