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Depictions of Family Life

It is based on such representations, which are prevalent in present-day popular culture media, that the concept of women as having equal status as men is still far from being a realized reality.

Immigration Threats in the USA

The article gives a summary of how immigration has been a major issue in American history. The author's arguments are not in agreement that immigration poses a threat to the American way of life.

The Mythic Elements Usage

Iris blamed the Sky for the fine weather and the absence of rains for a long time as she was allowed to appear only after the rain. The Sky told her that people needed only [...]

A Chance Musical Encounter: Flamenco

It is one of the sensations that I experienced while watching and listening to this performance. The performance that has been described in this paper is one of the events that can widen the musical [...]

Memories as a Time Traps

One of the most peculiar things about my experience was that the tenser and the more uncomfortable the environment which I lived in became for me, the more alluring and exciting the world of memories, [...]

Wolof’s Communication and Culture

A challenge of the traditional accounts about the pre-colonial Wolof state was the tendency to separate the dependent groups from the aristocracy, which helped the last ones establish their dominance in society.

Psychiatric Nursing and Training in Canada

The paper also addresses specialty training for psychiatric nurses in Canada and suggests the communication strategies and capacities caregivers should develop to provide high-quality care and reduce the risk of acute psychotic episodes in patients.