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Why Should the Penny Be Retired?

This paper argues that the penny should be eliminated due to several reasons: pennies they are useless, they harm the environment, and they cost the government and taxpayers money. Also, pennies are harmful to the [...]

Contingent Workforce Phenomenon

The majority of scholars, who focus on studying the concepts and phenomena related to the labor market, largely recognize that the several trends could be evidently observed in the structure of the modern workforce.

The Fair Labor Standards Act

One of the key provisions of the FLSA is the workers' eligibility for overtime pay. On May 12th, 2016, a complaint was filed by Steven Derrick to the Houston Division of the Southern District of [...]

The Future of Nursing

This discussion analyzes one of the key messages presented in the report, a major barrier and the best strategy to deal with it, and how the proposed issues will affect practice.

Pay Structure Comparison

SAS is far more successful in this area compared to Microsoft and CP: it generates more values within the workplace environment by providing more benefits for personnel and, in this way, increases the quality of [...]

Communicative Language Teaching and Perceptions

Reviewing the research related to teacher perception of CLT provides insight into teachers' decisions and instructional practices, while also helping to develop a deeper understanding of the underlying thoughts that influence the level of CLT [...]