Reflective Essay Examples

126 samples

A reflective essay for high school or college describes the author’s experience and analyzes its consequences. It teaches you to learn lessons from past mistakes or remember the approaches that worked. Thus, the more sincerity and self-criticism you demonstrate, the better essay you’ll obtain.

For example, an individual reflection on teamwork would consider the problems that arose in the process and suggest the possible ways to enhance its efficiency the next time.

Here is an abundant collection of reflective essay examples about life, studentship, employment, childhood, and other aspects of everyday life. We hope you will find plenty of papers to smooth out your writing challenges.

126 Best Reflective Essay Examples

Leadership Self-Assessment Essay

To a butcher, the organizational goals of increased productivity, the input of both the individual and groups in the organization remains invaluable. To this end, the strengths and weaknesses that are inherent in my style [...]

Formal Research and Business Proposals

Therefore, both "formal research and business proposals employ a reader-centered approach which ensures that the focus of these documents is the specific and detailed in addressing of the concerns expressed in the CFP to which [...]

Social Work Practice

In some communities especially in the African continent, girls are denied the opportunity to gain education with the belief that women's role in the society is to give birth to as many children as possible [...]

Constituting a New Sales Team

The soft skills we considered were; readiness to embrace the new sales requirements, professional attitude in handling clients and understanding of the sales scenario in the expanded firm.

Reflection of Photographic Arts

The knowledge influences the choice of image and the position of the subject in the photograph. The knowledge of the fundamentals of photographic arts creates a world of possibilities.

Criteria for Personal Philosophy

For the sake of trying to bring philosophy back to sanity, the filmmaker of the Examined Life examined some famous philosophers in the public arena with the aim of relating philosophy to everyday living and [...]

Leadership in Group Management

This led to proper management and running of the group because of leadership experience possessed by all group members; the leadership trait included proper delegation of duties and responsibilities.

Graphic Design and the Internet

With the invention of the internet in the twentieth century, communication has been redefined. For a majority of businesses, the internet is the best innovation that has enhanced the communication front.

Memo to Recommend Plan Change

The decrease in the profits of the organization can be attributed to the following factors: Disagreements among the employees: It has come to my notice, in the recent past, that there are constant conflicts among [...]

Leadership: Contemporary Theories and Approaches

Various people favor different leadership styles and approaches and the success or relevance of each approach is dependent on the setting, the individual, and the cultural reality in which the approach is implemented.

Poverty and Domestic Violence

It is based on this that in the next section, I have utilized my educational experience in order to create a method to address the issue of domestic violence from the perspective of a social [...]

Teaching the English Language

Reading and writing is one way of ensuring that the skill of communication is necessary to the students. They help to give some history of the English language and why it is important to learn [...]

Sales and Operations Planning

As has been suggested in the readings, effective implementation of contemporary S&OP remains one of the most tenable approaches that companies could use to achieve competitive advantage as it enhances those critical factors that give [...]

Developing Professional Practice

According to Moon reflection is a simple mental activity which remembers the past incidence and analysis the reasoning behind the happenings of those events based on the above stated definition, it important to ponder upon [...]

Leading Innovation and Change

Based on these definitions, the fundamental elements of innovation include change, the degree of change, as well as, the source of the change and its influence.

Iconic Brands and Materiality: Lenovo

This discussion of iconic brands partly confirms Daniel Miller's theory of materiality, especially the belief that goods or products are closely tied to a person's social relations and self-expression. The most up-to-date products of Lenovo [...]

Abraham and God

We must obey God and keep His word so that He can continue to be with us, and our future generations. God loves you and He will honour His covenant to you.

Wal-Mart Sustainability and Responsible

Closed-loop supply chain focuses on the life cycle of a product and maximization of the created value. The sustainability of closed-loop supply chains are in the integration of all activities and accurate management of operations.

Entrepreneur Management in Canada

This paper discusses the success aspects of an entrepreneur based on a questionnaire of the features of entrepreneurs in Canada. Some of the things that allow me to satisfy the profile of an entrepreneur include [...]

Action Reading CDs in the Language Learning

The paper also discusses how the students responded to the different interesting applications of the program such as the play cards, dices, games, pictures, shortcuts, highlighters and different drills and most importantly how the students [...]

Planning and decision making in management

Since the success of managers is reflected by the welfare of the organizations they manage, it is indubitable that planning and decision making cannot be separated from the practice of management.

Personal High School Experience

Teachers and students as the main participants of the teaching-learning process are inclined to shift the responsibility for the low effectiveness of the programs on each other.

Communication and Decision Making

The problem is that my co- worker does not think the candidate is fit for the position. My co- worker concluded that the candidate is not fit for the job probably because she is a [...]

Being a College Student

In its turn, this also implies that, in order for college students to excel in their studies, they must be willing to act in a thoroughly self-disciplined manner.

Trade Off in Business Life

For a consumer, the decision may be to choose on the items he wants to buy for example, buying a car instead of using public car on the way to work. The same time, I [...]

Food Industry: Organic Restaurant

The restaurant will capture the social environment and provide the necessary menu for this field. In the cultural environment, the chefs employed in this restaurant have been highly trained to produce several ethnic dishes to [...]

Management Recycling of the Waste

The requirement of this assignment was to collect and recycle different kinds of household items from the trash. In the first week five plastic cups were collected, which were kept in the storage area.

Ancient Works of Literature

According to the author, the king is "given such glory of war, such honor of combat, that all his kin obey him gladly till great grow his band of youthful comrades".the character of the king [...]