4000 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 3

314 samples

Case Study Approach and Design

According to Yin a case study design should have structured questionnaire, propositions of the case study, the unit that is employed in analysis of the data, construction of a logical relationship and linkage between the [...]

Sustainability in Modern Supply Chains

From this perspective, this paper deploys the concepts of supply chain and logistics management to discuss various ways in which supply chain can be sustained in the modern world of excess supply of commodities both [...]

Physics: Sliding Bubble Dynamics

In general, when the bubble rises in a viscous fluid freely, the surface tension force attempts to maintain the initial spherical shape of the bubble while buoyancy forces the bubble to rise in the direction [...]

Kinokuniya Dubai Company Strategy

The agreement works in a way that permits the third-party associates to use Kinokuniya's website in listing their products and creating links that allow visitors to teach the products.

Dairy Crest Company’s Balanced Scorecard

Balanced Scorecard The balanced scorecard refers to the strategic planning and management system that is deployed widely in business institutions, as well as governments with the aim of aligning business operations to the vision as [...]