5 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 7

12,606 samples

The Battle of the Alamo

Therefore, imperial powers of Santa Anna precipitated rebellion of Texans and subsequently led to Alamo battle. The Alamo Battle marked the climax of enmity between Mexicans and Texans as Santa Anna made a deadly attack [...]

The Art of Conflict Resolution

Conflict style theory: This theory stresses the importance of cooperativeness and the assertiveness of the parties in a conflict Since conflict resolution is an art, there are several skills that are required in resolving it.

Cartesian Dualism

According to Cartesian dualism, the mind and the body interact at the point of pineal body because it is the only gland in the brain that is not duplicate, which connects the body and the [...]

Binary Classification of Students

Contrary to the nominal classification system in which each and every subject student is accorded a classification depending on the scores achieved by the students under any given criteria, the binary classification pools a group [...]

Global Food Crisis will Become True

Some people have become selfish and are benefiting their families are build their wealth from the little food available in the world; they are developing some cartels to regulate the flow of food in the [...]

No Child Left Behind Act

Views regarding implementation of the act are, for example, directed to the United States department of education portraying the impression that the department is the supervisory body in the implementation of the act The No [...]

Business Plan Analysis

The third problem with the section is that it fails to provide for a concluding section showing the impact of the information on the proposed business.

Life After Death

In many religions across the world, people belief in life after death and also being born again in the world after an individual. Life after death is the belief in the continuation of life after [...]

The Success of Flight Centre

The main objective of compiling this special report about Flight Centre as an organization is to find out the secrete behind the success of the company and the various management approaches and principles applied by [...]

Events Leading Up to WWI

This move also contributed to the start of the conflict and eventually to the war. This decision was vehemently opposed by the Slavs, which saw Russia come to the aid of Serbia while on the [...]

Market Structures

The prices are not arrived at through the forces of demand and supply but by the structures of the government."The agencies govern the prices they charge, the terms of their services to consumers, their budgets [...]

Health care for all

This reality has two implications: that health care is important to a countries economy and that there is need for the government to think of ways to provide universal health care.

Parable of the Sower

The context in which the book is written is of essence as it helps in connecting the ideas presented by the author as well as the opinions and critics provided by other authors in regard [...]

Photoshop Beauty in Modern Society

In the case of modern day photographers the use of extensive photoshopping in order to change the appearance of models can be likened to the actions of history's artists in that their very survival depends [...]

Heroes in English Literature

From the above mentioned epic heroes, we find that the aspect of heroism is differentiated mostly to suit the time in which they were written and also to meet the expectation of the audience and [...]

Impacts of English Civil War

This was as a result of the growth of the colonies in terms of strength and liberty due to the authority Cromwell and the Puritans had bestowed to them which were against England's laws3.

Liz Claiborne, Inc; Analysis

This has denied the company the chances of innovation and improvement of the quality of its products. This also makes it easy for the company to market its products in various parts of the world.

Sojourner Truth

Sojourner Truth is credited for various reforms that she advocated and pushed for while she was still active and in various positions she was able to secure in the course of her life.

“Skull Wars” by Thomas Hurst

According to prologue of the book 'Skull Wars Kennewick Man, Archaeology, and the Battle for Native American Identity, the author of the prologue mentions the intention of the whites or Caucasians to ascertain themselves as [...]

Trade Blocs in Global Economy

This paper aims to analyze the impact of two important trade blocs such as NAFTA and ASEAN on the process of globalization and also active participation of United States in influencing political and economic systems.

The History of Frontal Lobotomy

He was among the founders of this form of brain surgery and was awarded a Nobel Prize in the field of medicine in 1949 for discovering the significance of lobotomy in dealing with some psychological [...]

Group dynamics paper

The phases of development in a group are important for the growth of a group, therefore enabling a group to face and tackle arising problems, find the solutions to these problems, and deliver quality results.

Total Quality System Implementation

Because of the exploitation of the natural resources, the vibrantly developing country has changed to increase the scope of business from oil exploitation to investment in property so that the country would no longer rely [...]

Exploring the Human Culture

In order to achieve this, one should engross himself/herself in a given culture, reside with the inhabitants, participate and learn their way of living in the best way possible. This creates a desire in every [...]