7 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 3

5,243 samples

Marketing Mix and Marketing Strategy

In marketing a new product, the following sections are important for successful penetration into the market: The first step is researching extensively for information about competitors and the kind of products, customers, and strategies they [...]

History of Nigeria

The country has the largest number of black population in the world and the seventh largest country in the world; in Africa, Nigeria has the largest population.

Employee Motivation: Strengths and Weaknesses

Despite its effort in ensuring that its employees' welfare is well catered for, the company still needs to make some adjustments concerning employees' motivating factors to emerge the leading organization in addressing the needs of [...]

Tennessee Williams

In addition, some of the plays like a streetcar Named Desire and Baby doll are doing great in the film industry and they have led to the recognition of some actors/actresses like Malden, Brando, and [...]

Culture Jamming

This issue has been carefully examined in media that specifically focuses on the development and transformation of the counterculture which, in its turn, has provoked the expansion of capitalism, has introduced innovation to mainstream culture, [...]

Decline of Technotitlan (1520-1521)

It was from this city that the Aztec civilization flourished, and managed to control other Mexican tribes."Within the alliance, Tenochtitlan became dominant among the other partners in the alliance"[2]. In order to frustrate the Spaniards, [...]

William Shakespeare

He then "started in the dubious business of money lending": reminiscent of the Merchant; Jewish moneylender and Shylock in The Merchant of Venice.

Anthropogenic Climate Change

Since anthropogenic climate change occurs due to the cumulative effect of greenhouse gases, it is imperative that climatologists focus on both immediate and long term interventions to avert future crises of global warming that seem [...]

The Life of a Slave

Anglicans in the south argued that slaves were entitled to a right to freedom of worship and for this to be achieved slaves had to be able to read the word of God from the [...]

The Treadway Tire Company

The major stages of the action plan include the investigation of the main deficiencies, changes in the hiring patterns trough developing a detailed performance assessment framework including the criterion of the communication skills and enrollment [...]

Women’s Movements in 19th Century

In order to understand the significance and necessity of the 19th century women movements in shaping present day cultural role of women, it is important to shed light on the social, cultural and legal status [...]

Georg Baselitz’s Orange Eater

These changes in the individual's views of arts and artistic works explain the different generations of arts that have been witnessed in the recent past.

Increasing of the Organization Efficiency

The ability to pinpoint inefficient use of resources can be translated to reduction in production cost and thus can be translated to lower prices and increase the competitive advantage of the company.

Mitigation Plan for Energy Resources

My mitigation plan for ensuring sustainability of energy resources will primarily involve efforts to resolve the overexploitation of non-renewable energy resources, and enhance the adoption of clean renewable energy.

“Skull Wars” by Thomas Hurst

According to prologue of the book 'Skull Wars Kennewick Man, Archaeology, and the Battle for Native American Identity, the author of the prologue mentions the intention of the whites or Caucasians to ascertain themselves as [...]

Adolf Hitler Psychotic State

Brief history and family background of Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler was certainly a disharmonious and destructive personality and, in order to define the main underpinnings and causes of his psychological disorders, family background and history [...]

Price Discrimination Strategy

The impact of the strategy of price discrimination between the residents and visitors on social efficiency cannot be understood, since the strategy generally leads to higher prices for the visitors and lower prices for the [...]

Major Business and Change Models

In addition, it will also discuss the effectiveness of the changes made also going a step further to point out the possible new changes that the company needs to implement to remain competitive within the [...]

Dangers of Smoking Campaign

The effects of this activity are there for everybody to see and that is why the society needs to stand up against smoking which can be proved by the resources that are used to treat [...]

Nursery Business Plan

The mission of the Little Angels Nursery Daycare Center is to provide full-time services and fun environment to the children of the university staff and students.

Microsoft Essay

Much emphasis will be given to aspects such as the company's overview and the industry of its operation, the company's major business lines and the company's competitive strategy and market position.

The Founding Fathers of the USA

The Congress was to be given the powers of invalidating laws that it found to be contradicting the constitution. For amendments to be mad in the constitution, the Founders passed that nine of the thirteen [...]

How a Film Interprets Hamlet

Laurence Olivier's need to focus on less traditional approaches, his need to shorten the production, and the need to perform a psychological analysis of the characters determine his interpretation of the play 'Hamlet'.

Insurance Benefits in Bahrain

The kingdom of Bahrain is endowed with the local and international insurance service providers who are able to give a range of insurance services to the clients at the local and international levels.

MacDonald’s Market Analysis

Implementation of most of the company's policies involves customer surveys and ranking of restaurants so as to achieve the company objectives.

the Role of the Care Management in Medicine

The competitiveness of an organization is dependent on the quality, timeliness, and acceptability of decisions made by its leaders; within the frameworks of decision making, managers in contemporary business environment have the challenge of making [...]

The Importance of WTO

The opportunity the developing countries enjoy in the world trade with the developed countries also gives them the opportunity to see how the developed countries carry out their trade.