9 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 2

2,810 samples

Cultures of the Middle East

It is observable that the ongoing intervention of external powers and the creation of the state of "Israel" in 1948 have harmfully contributed to the unsteadiness situation in the Middle East on many fronts. The [...]

Internet Abuse in the Work Place

Purpose of the study The purpose of the study is to establish the extent of internet abuse during working hours. The definition of internet abuse in an organization is in line with the mission of [...]

Organization Behavior

This paper presents an overview of RBS CITIZENS that comprises of the relevant history of the business, the mission of the RBS CITIZENS and the stakeholders of the organization.

Grass Fed vs. Corn Fed Cattle

Some factors this study paper will consider in support of grass fed beef include; Grass fed cattle animals do not need the large quantities of antibiotics that feedlot cattle use Perennial grasses are better for [...]

All three levels of justice

According to Pizzitola: Law was enacted to safeguard members of society from aggression; to institute the rules that would ensured community was united; to develop the community upon conditions raised by community members; to make [...]

Introduction to Management

First, in the UAE, the government through its agencies is the biggest consumer of products and services in the economy. The high number of foreigners working in the country presents companies and organization with challenges [...]

Aviation Fire Risks and Safety

The major difference in standards of competence between the two branches is that, the personnel of Aviation Fire Rescue Services, have a deeper knowledge in aviation matters that the Local Authority Fire Rescue Services.

Creation: Truth and Myth

While the second part of genesis is a simple narrative that picks from the formation of the first man in the Garden of Eden to the creation of the first woman and the establishment of [...]

Sexualization of Children

What such studies are attempting to suggest is that the early sexualization that children are exposed to as a result of modern day pop culture and the media actually leads them to experience the full [...]

Effect of Oil Spills on Seafood

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the effects of oil spills on seafood. In particular, oil deposits on the seafloor changes the composition of the soil and the ecosystem in the deep sea.

Car Air Pollution

Further, NO2 can prevent the flow of oxygen in the blood to other parts of the body like the brain. These toxic substances settle in the lungs and disrupt the normal flow of air in [...]

History of the Nile River

Nevertheless, the development of the Egyptian civilization was as a result of the nation's capacity to acclimatize to all the conditions of the Nile, especially to flooding, and then use the advantages of the fertile [...]

Sony Company’s Decision Making

In making these allegations, they argue that "one way of understanding modern organizational decision making is by supplementing the microeconomic study of strategic factor markets with an examination of the internal operation of the business [...]

The Life and Works of Archimedes

In the precedent years, the fairy-tale of the palimpsest produced by the mathematician was exhilarating with application of transcript modification and pilfering.

Psychoanalytically Interpreting Genesis

Interpreting the book of Genesis psychoanalytically often calls for consideration of theory of existentialism, oedipal conflicts, and presentation of Thanatos and Eros as destructive forces, which when evoked, led to the eating the forbidden fruit [...]

Jordan Financial Centre: Pros and Cons

This Centre is a representation of the nation's economic force and signifies the major market enlargement in Jordan. Jordan is amongst the largest global economies, and the government has the strong will of establishing Jordan [...]

XYZ Corporation Transition to IAS

Making the transition to IAS will affect the financial records of XYZ Corporation The transition from GAAP to IAS by XYZ Corporation will cause significant changes in the financial records of the corporation.

“Radio” Final Film Critique

Elsewhere, the principal of the school becomes worried and the father of the player Mr. The reason I pick on the youths as the primary target audience by the director is the fact that Radio's [...]

Accounting Profession

For instance, in government accounting the focus is on the flow of financial resources and not economic resources as the case is in other forms of accounting.

Computational Linguistics

The first step would be to develop the language structure of the two languages that are involved. The next phase will involve developing the structures of the two languages in the computer application.

Florence Bascom

Therefore, for Bascom to define her niche in a field dominated by men, she must have exercised lots of expertise in the field to garner the recognition she was able to achieve.

Measuring Performance

The main reasons for conducting performance measurement include evaluating how well a company is performing, controlling the performance of employees within the organization by providing managers with the authority to ensure their subordinates are performing [...]

Small and Medium Enterprises

Thus, the governance structure of the chicken cottage industry, though both are food industries is a bit complex and the excellent the management, the excellent the company's productivity.

Quality Management at the Etihad Airways

For efficient operations at the airport, the principles of quality management, benchmarking employee responsibilities and tasks and the aspect of quality spanning the total organization, tools for quality management embedded in the six sigma steps [...]

Product Advancement Trend

The keyboard slides from below the screen to allow the user the convenience of reducing and condensing the size of the phone to fit a smaller space and to fit the grasp of the palm.

Coca-Cola in Kenya

Strategies of the company are then explained followed by the changes that are happening in the market currently and their impact on the future strategies of the company.

Corporate Governance: Ethical Climate

The ethical climate therefore touches on things like working environment, safety of the employees, care and conservation of the environment and practices which promote the interests of the consumers like adhering to the rules of [...]

Strategic Spatial Planning Evaluation

To achieve this purpose, the study will examine different scenarios of stakeholder interaction and assess the degree to which the objectives of the projects were achieved. The proposed research will investigate the effect of stakeholder [...]

NGOs and Environmental politics

Political and environmental experts foresee the role of NGOs in environmental politics increasing in the future[17]. Even though they have been criticized from different quotas for a number of vices, the role played by NGOs [...]

Safety and risk management

Management has to demonstrate their commitment to safety measures in order to attain the objectives of the safety procedures. Management has to demonstrate their commitment to safety measures in order to attain the objectives of [...]