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Electronic Commerce Cycle

Electronic commerce refers to an electronic mediated business or any business conducted using electronic as the media, it involves buying and selling of products or services using electronic systems such as the internet and other [...]

The Uniqueness of the EC Life Cycle

Normally, during any transaction, the participating groups must go through a series of steps in order to complete the exchange of goods or services and this is what is often known as the life cycle [...]

Reforms to Ease Overcrowding in US Prisons

This increase necessitated the need for reforms to the correctional system; either reforms that would provide alternatives to the traditional long-term imprisonment, or government spending to the tune of billions of dollars in construction of [...]

Corporate Misconduct at UBS

In that regard, it can be added to the main condition of preferring company's interests over his/her own interest, that the fiduciary duties implies not placing oneself in a condition, where own interests will be [...]

Sir Isaac Newton Mathematical Theory

His central focus was to formalize the inverse properties between the integral and the differential; this was the first calculus system where he created new rhetoric and descriptive terms.

Quantum Mechanics: Determinants

After discovering that matter is made of small particles, scientists got the interest to study the characteristics of these small particles relative to the huge bodies that they constitute. The measure of energy in particles [...]

Oral Contracts in the US

But contrary to the oral contract, the voyage took in excess of 22 hours to deliver the oysters, occasioning great loss to the plaintiff and death to the oysters.

Itemized Deductions. Financial Research

The objective of this system is to help the government in the collection of revenue from the public. The investment income is tax deductible only to a limit of the individual's net income from the [...]

Research of the Flows of Financial Data

On the other hand, vertical flow of information occurs when information is transferred from the non-managerial levels to operational level and from there to the tactical and finally the managerial levels within organization. This is [...]

Prison Reforms and Alternatives

The fact is that, there are several ways of the deprivation of freedom, and each may be differentiated with the level of monitoring and the level of deprivation of freedom.

Criminal Law: Sociopathic Offenders

His type of offenders report committing a series of crimes and have a very outstanding characteristic in society; politically commanding a lot of attention because of the excessive number of crimes they commit; and psychologically [...]

Bacterial Resistance to Antibiotics

There is a concept called "selection" where the drugs can eliminate those that have no resistance to the antibiotic and leave behind those that have developed resistance to the bacteriolytic effect of the drug.

Bioterrorism and Biosecurity

The epidemiology of the infection is spread in the world evenly though in some of the parts there is only one form of Anthrax, for instance in the United States of America and therefore our [...]

Skin Cancer Awareness Overview

Other causes of skin cancer include; family history of skin cancer, personal history of the disease, over exposure to the sun, history of sunburn early in life, large moles, freckles and light skin complexity. The [...]

Short Term Business Financing

Short-term financing is of key importance for the firm's short-term continued establishment because if they are not available in the short run, it means the firm's long-term existence will be put into question.