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From Comcast to Xfinity

According to the company's representatives, the new brand called Xfinity is supposed to signify the multiplicity of choices that are available to the customers.

How to Manufacture Writing Paper

The products are available in different grades and quality as determined by the gsm value of the paper. Writing paper is available in different grades and a discussion of the grades.

Ottoman Empire’s Legacy to Modern Turkey

At the same time, the conservative administrative structure of the Ottoman Empire and the way of ruling the country, which was the authoritative monarchy, allowed only for the development of the already existing branches of [...]

The Cultural Construction of Poverty

While governments have aimed to provide an equitable supply of basic needs for their citizens, the quest for this itself created a competition among governments so that there end the winners and losers: the rich [...]

Architectural Regionalism Definition

The central chimney and the emanation of other fireplaces of the room from it made the structure sturdier. The resurgence of regionalism movements in the 1920's America was a response to the sense of malaise [...]

System Feedback Loops for Nutrisystem

In the case of Nutrisystem, we need to discuss the interactions between such variables as customer satisfaction and marketing of the product, namely sales. In this case, the major variables will be the intensity of [...]

Gender Differences in Cognitive Abilities

Despite these problems psychologists have always remained interested in the extent to which the gender differences are reflected in cognitive functioning and a variety of different measures have been devised to try and ascertain the [...]

Prevention & Control Of Crime

The study of crime, society's response to it, and its prevention, including examination of the environmental, hereditary, or psychological causes of crime, modes of criminal investigation and conviction, and the efficacy of punishment or correction [...]

The History of the Great Wall of China

The genesis of the construction of the great wall began in 214 BC under the auspices of the Qin dynasty. The Tumu warfare against the Mongols, however rejuvenated the fortification of the wall between 1569 [...]

Rat Rod Are Better Than Custom Cars

Functionality implies the ability of the modified car to fulfill the purpose of the manufacturer while performance is an indication of the level of efficiency of the modifications done on the vehicle.

Organizational Leadership Socrates

Impact of Socrates theory on leadership Socrates theories led to development of leadership theories that defined characteristics of a leader and the ideal system.

Trade Between Taiwan and Japan

The target market is the general population of Japan; to reach the wide market, the goods will be packaged in packages affordable to the less fortunate and the poor.

United Nations Human Rights Council

The United Nations Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental organization and an organ of the United Nations; all members of the United Nations members are members of UNHRC, the council seat, however, has a membership [...]

Federal Tax Law: Implications of Replacement

The integration of the federal tax rate would improve the government's capacity to ensure equity in the administration of the tax law. Replacing the federal income tax rate would contribute to considerable promotion in the [...]

Rewards Relating to Performance Appraisal Process

Carrying out of performance appraisals is a vital component of directing and handling profession growth as it is a course of attaining, evaluating, and recording information regarding the value of a worker to the entity.

Marketing Plan (Research) in the Health Sector

Marketing research is the process of collecting, investigating and interpreting the news about the market focusing on a product or service based work to be kept for market selling by considering the time events like [...]

McDonald’s Company Acquisitions and Mergers

After evaluating the approaches that were exploited by McDonald's Corporation to obtain Boston Market, its influence on the company, and its worldwide business-level and corporate-level stratagems, one is presented with an opportunity for better comprehension [...]