In general, the research may be regarded from the perspectives of the communication process development, as the importance of cell phone communication should not be underestimated, and the influence of this communication on other aspects [...]
The literature highlights the shortage of nurses which is a major problem in the US healthcare system and must be countered with feasible long term plans.
In light of the issues highlighted above, MP it is apparent that sports are a little different from other activities in the wider society.
Therefore, Matsueda aims to apply the symbolic interactionist theory to the relations of the self and delinquency, and, further, to subject the method to an empirical test.
The author is excited about the experiment and provides a thorough understanding of the subject without the use of equations that makes the understanding of the activities easier for the general population.
Jane L Givens and Susan L Mitchell "Concerns about End-of-Life Care and Support for Euthanasia" Journal of Pain and Symptom Management Article in Press FOR The authors state socio-demographic characteristics of the people are the [...]
Although stress and emotions are known to start in a patient's mind, asthma in itself is a physical disease that affects the patient's lungs, and stress can create strong physiological reactions which may lead to [...]
Although "Red Queen" is based on solving one mystery of killing an antiques dealer, viewers receive the opportunity to stimulate their cognition because of the necessity solve a range of additional mysteries proposed by the [...]
3rd Stage: It is necessary at this stage to analyze reason for the success of positive deviant solutions, and how they could be successfully contextualized and implemented.
The article provides the rationale for taking a comprehensive history of health of the patient stating that the process of taking the history of the patient not enables the practitioner to gain valuable information but [...]
The idea of the educational system and its approaches is greatly underlined in the article. The author in terms of the beliefs of those who work in the educational system of the United States promotes [...]
The main areas that this essay will tackle include: the basis of the article, the main points presented in the article and a critical evaluation of the article with reference to how well the article [...]
After a sequence of evidences about the inconsistent accounting procedures with regard to the fraud that have been responsible all throughout the 1990s comprising Enron and Arthur Andersen's accounting firm, Enron held on the threshold [...]
In their article, "A proposal for an invitational rhetoric", Foss and Griffin have discussed on both traditional rhetorical theories and invitational rhetoric; their aim is to offer an understanding of the above approaches.
The article starts by stating that, the relationship between teachers and students seems to be oppressive and imposing; thus, it hinders the process of conducting effective research and affects the validity of findings.
The money is also rather important for them, but they get great pleasure from what they do and they are the happiest people as they managed to find the job of their life.
The main focus of the discussion in this review includes the possibilities suggested by the article, the points that are very convincing and those that are not convincing and finally how well the article has [...]
He vents frustration, that in spite of the fact the first printed sources have appeared in China, the European researches of the printing history pay a tribute to Asia only for the invention of paper.
Despite the fact that conducting negotiations is not an easy task, having a well-organized team and a more thorough strategy can simplify the task to a great extent and mean the difference between success and [...]
This is mostly the norm for recording of TV programs but the author argues that Blu-Ray offers a higher resolution of 1080p which improves the quality of the media.
In this passage, the author urges the readers to regard The Epic of Gilgamesh as a source that can illustrate the worldviews and values of the Mesopotamians.
The article refers to the protection of personal data that may be inappropriately used by large social networks against the will of their users.
Since the objective of the study was to evaluate the benefits of a certain intervention technique, the authors implemented the pre-post intervention study design in which the outcomes before and after an intervention are measured [...]
The selected article discusses the topic of energy-wasting in relation to the inefficient use of electric kettles. The research shows that it is possible to predict kettle usage accurately with the help of distinct patterns [...]
Rawson et al.describe the phenomenon of the customer's journey as the set of experiences with the product or service outside of the company's direct reach.
It primarily consists of providing a context for the research, as it describes the terminology of the study and background information, such as the description of the Brazilian National Patient Safety Program, its protocols, and [...]
The authors of the article "The transparency of Islamic hotels" examine the correspondence of the status and information of Muslim-friendly hotels and the influence of this factor on their success.
As the topic of the study is not related to the population, the authors do not mention its size and major characteristics.
The article "Solving the Supreme Problem: 100 Years of Selection and Recruitment at the Journal of Applied Psychology" provides a summary of the research into recruitment and selection over the journal's history.
The issue of the research is absent from the abstract, but the point is that it is not clearly declared in the main body.
The title of this primary source accurately depicts the key variable, which is the level of nurses' stress and mentions the possible solution to this issue the introduction of a special computer program.
Since the leader as a problem solver is the least explored leadership metamodel, Mumford et al.aim at identifying cognitive faculties that allow a person to take up respective roles. The researchers conducted a systematic review [...]
The purpose of the paper is to overview and discuss the processes of environmental decision-making regarding the population's health burden from chronic illnesses.
The value of the study is linked to a large range of recommendations for improving public environments to increase the health outcomes of the population.
Due to the limited insight into the consequence of technological and market knowledge for New Business Development Projects, detailed research was undertaken to investigate the influence of the above-mentioned factors on the project management characteristics [...]
A significant part of research dedicated to HTN is focused on its correlation with weight the reviewed article "Change in Weight Status and Development of Hypertension" by Parker et al.addresses the same side of the [...]
Finally, Gordon et al.analyze the role of Internet use in students' escapism and psychological adjustment. The article by Gordon et al.offers valuable insights into the relationship between students' use of the Internet and their well-being.
As for the study In Mader et al, the limitations in the study might prevent the generalization of the described case to other settings.
The article "Poverty, race, and the contexts of achievement: examining the educational experience of children in the U.S. Multilevel models were then applied in the analyses of how children varied in their reading scores depending [...]
The investigators have used the introduction section to contextualize the problem within the framework of the existing knowledge. The authors included the aspects of weight loss and exercise in the study because the baseline research [...]
This type of statistics gave findings concerning the regions of the country that had the highest levels of infection of the virus and the patterns of disease.
In regard to sampling and recruitment of research participants, this study did not meet the required standards for clinical research studies.
The article delivers in-depth results on the topic of research and clearly defines the objectives of the study, the design of The On-Road Difficulties of Older Drivers and Their Relationship with Self Reported Motor Vehicle [...]
Shin, Park & Mijung found that a quarter of the participants practiced breast self-examination and a half had knowledge regarding breast cancer.
The problem that the FAA faced was impacted by the increase in aviation transportation use in recent years and the consequential difficulties in regulating and controlling traffic and flow of aircraft.
The article states that the effects of religion and the concept of the "protective spirit" have a two-fold effect on the perception and response to the disaster.
The main objective of the research is to identify, investigate and explain the connection between the home environment and socio-economic factors as well as their contribution to the increase of obesity among children.
Multiculturalism is said to be the process of accepting and appreciating the diversity of people and their cultures. Some of the teachers in the survey from the dominant culture expressed dissatisfaction in having multicultural students [...]
The first section explores the research problem, the justification of the study and its importance to nursing, the conceptual framework, and the organization of the literature review.
The reviewed study authors claim that their objective is "to obtain a snap-shot profile of the state of the qualitative literature research in health and social science".
The researchers point out that it is believed that loyal customers tend to pay more, to require less attention and to be word-of-mouth marketers.
The major goals of the present study are as follows: to define the role of portfolio management, to point out the most popular techniques and define which of these dominate, to describe the portfolio methods [...]
The article by Koch, Fenili and Chebula tries to investigate the impact Apple's founder Steve Jobs health has on the profitability of the company through an analysis and evaluation of stock/share price and market capitalization.
In addition, these colleges and universities increased their preference for the richer out-of-state students to the low income in-state-students. McLaughlin advises that students in search of higher education should start by finding out the financial [...]
The destabilizing effects of the changes in the work place have led to the creation of new types of political subjects and new urge for politics.
The article highlights the relation of the shaman transformation pose to leadership in the middle formative period. The presence of the art in ruler's grave highly suggests that, the art which pointed some transformation was [...]
If higher pricing is illegal in the context of the new taxation policy for all organizations and importers of medical devices, it implies that they need to look for alternative ways of recovering the costs.
According to the article, the neonatal period is critical to the wellbeing of neonates because of the high risk of infection involved.
That is why, in order to fill the substantial research gap, the exploratory study of Liu et al.examines the perceptions of job stress in two culturally dissimilar countries the United States and China using both [...]
With this value in mind, one can set a price with confidence that the customer who also appreciates the value of the product, will be willing to pay for it.
The authors provide the findings of a statistical report of the Pew Hispanic Center about a dramatic reduction of illegal migration rates from the south of the continent to the USA.
Formative assessment is the process with the help of which students and teachers are able to improve the quality of students' achievements during the education process.
The author introduces his study by explaining the main theme of the study that is reading difficulties for English learners. Au argues that some variables such as the first language of the learner, proficiency in [...]
Other than the similarities and the differences, the two types of forgiveness relate to each other as self-forgiveness facilitates interpersonal forgiveness, this is through allowance of one to identify with one's offender.
Moreover, the author continuously describes situations that have happened to her before the experiment to make a clear comparison between her feelings before and after she decided to undergo this process.
Essentially, the author fulfills the role of a narrator by providing the necessary information on the case and clarifying the obscure details of the case.
Providing the arguments for his point of view, Fouad Ajami focuses on the general overview of the details of the situation in all the Arab countries in which the violent rebellions became the main approach [...]
In addition, the author has dedicated some paragraphs to the description of the looks of the performance. This is evident in the way she gives a practical and detailed description of the events at the [...]
As for the first, thesis statement, it could be said that the author focuses on the fact that whether who is guilty of the possible harm and what damage is allowed by the legislation.
It should be said that the article is quite logical and, in the course of considerations and bright examples, the author concludes that happiness is not the result of some actions or activity, though, it [...]
The author uses imagery that helps readers to understand her ideas and uses an informative tone breaking down a barrier between her and her audience. The author sets the rules and creates her boundaries, making [...]
On the contrary, she quotes respected figures in the area of the importance of data in reporting. In the second story, she seems to question the use of data to argue that a "creative apocalypse" [...]
Taking into account all the information discussed above, it appears logical to claim that the main benefit of the article is its focus on the practical outcomes of power and utilities.
The article by Adam Alter, titled "How Labels like Black and Working Class Shape Your Identity" investigates the positive and negative influences of labeling on people, with an intent to understand and demonstrate how racial [...]
For example, if students cheat in class, their peers may start to do so too when they see that there is no punishment for lying. It is possible to say that many humans cheat because [...]
However, as the author notes, the irrationality connected to the desire of rationalizing is the main danger of this process. In it, the author describes the process of rationalization that enables companies to achieve maximum [...]
To answer the research questions related to the contribution of the Cold War to Japan's migration policies, the paper provides a range of verifiable facts about the work of the center, which acts as an [...]
The author provides an example of her visit to a dentist as a child, which inspired Anzaldua to think about culture and its connection to the mother tongue. Anzaldua's work provides an understanding of the [...]
In the first section of the article, the researchers describe some of the conflicting beliefs about the definition of literacy. The article is significant to education and literacy instruction as it shows the need for [...]
In their article, Islam, Khan, and Khan provided a comprehensive analysis of the problem of wastages in the manufacturing industry and discuss a method aimed at the minimization of reworks.
This article is only a few years old and focuses on the recent impact of online media sources on ordinary people and businesses.
The article by Arena and Schwartz describes the results of an experiment to combine traditional instruction and video games in the field of teaching statistics.
In this article, the author is mainly interested in persuading the reader to take action to resolve the climate change problem concerning the contribution of younger generations in this process.
It is possible to apply the points and arguments of the scholars to the public sector in a practical sense by engaging more veterans in the program.
Throughout the essay, he puts a lot of words and phrases in quotation marks to underline the unique and figurative meaning of these phrases.
The subject of the article is very relevant to the modern world and it is important to indicate such issues that are beneficial for the society as a whole.
The irony of the situation illustrates Marx's theory of exploitation according to which the privileged few benefit from the work of their employees who are left without means of living and survival.
According to Sullivan's essay What is a Homosexual, homosexuality is the isolation from the rest of the society and a diversity of human sexuality; however, it is not a factor which people are guided by [...]
With this background, the author then reveals her own emergent moment when she was working with an individual student and realized the importance of this new approach to teaching writing.
This thesis is exemplified by such statements as, "But there are times when it makes sense to include race or national origin in a larger, criminal profile, particularly if you are dealing with a crime [...]
The article written by Theodore Levitt on the globalization of the market mainly focuses on the difference between amultinational' and 'global' corporations operating throughout the world today.
For some people, a sexual experience is a normal act that contributes to their daily activities. Sexual experience should be regarded as sacred and hence people ought to do it with utmost privacy.
The interpretation of the control chart helps the representatives of the IC committee to make a decision and look into the process of handling the surgical instruments with confidence.
The article "How will Brexit send flight prices soaring higher?" is devoted to the impact which Brexit might produce on the aviation market in the UK and EU.
In the first aspect, leaders set the direction the company should take and voice their vision of reaching the aim, while short- and long-term planning is the liability of the management.
The case study of Japanese citizens that support Easterlin paradox do not factor in the confounding psychological effects of the Second World War on the entire population and the country.
For example, 'it took a decade for the couple to decide to get married' is a phrase that determined an accomplishment on the part of the couple, but in saying 'the couple decided to get [...]
The research question not only brings out the primary objective of this research, but it also demonstrates the nature of the study and the sources of data to be used.
The article also contributes towards positive change in the administration and leadership of adult education, lifelong learning and training programs. The article also contributes to the development of an effective curriculum for adult education and [...]
Cappelli traces the history of the management development starting back in the 1950s and suggesting the progress of the notion till the present.
Some experts also point out the importance of the good evidence that is related to the core thesis of the paper and supports the ideas' persuasiveness; this criterion was, likewise, included in the list.
In particular, the writer notes that public funds are usually transferred to the most prosperous classes of the community. The problem is that they do not have the opportunity to pay the price of a [...]
In their article, the authors argue that the Q-theory can be linked to the purchasing/merging motives of the firms. The author's theory describes 4 decades of mergers from the prospect of merger waves but does [...]
According to him, liberal arts education helps the student to develop confidence and judgment and also equips them to fully contribute to the world they live in.
They believe unless there is a proper policy in place that can change the fundamentals of the economy, simple investment with the assistance of foreign aid will not help the country to come out of [...]
The main point of the article is a misunderstanding of the ultimate goals of CSR initiatives by the majority of companies and the resulting discrepancies in its implementation.
The article by Salmon is devoted to the inquiry into the reasons for the popularity of pornography among men and romance among women.
The phenomenological design is appropriate for the studied issues, for the aim was to explore the personal feelings of participants of the online schooling process.
And it is impossible to disagree with Nicholas Carr when he claims that IT experiences the phase of commoditization. For example, it is possible to adopt the proprietary technologies that would provoke the diversification of [...]
The validity and reliability of research depend on the methodology that a study uses in the study of a given phenomenon.
According to Jowitt, in order to describe a dance properly the writer is to possess a variety of different skills allowing them to select appropriate metaphors, apply correct judgment, draw clever comparisons, and present dance [...]
Such problems will also affect the experiences of many believers in the world. Such individuals will also support the best ethical ideas.
The author successfully appeals to personal experience to uncover the realities and underscore the validity and ethicality of his argument. To amplify the seriousness of the problem and uncover the validity of the claim, the [...]
The rationale for the study of the specified text, therefore, concerns the power of language as the key tool in getting a message across to the target population, as well as the significance of nonverbal [...]
The first part of the article relates to the interrelations between work productivity and managerial tendencies. Developing the potentials of the young workers and the new-comers builds a foundation for their future career paths.
Typical methods for the identification of suppliers and actions that present the greatest risks depend on the knowledge of the possibility that a particular type of risk circumstance will occur.
Various scholars and majority of American parents have come to a conclusion that some of today's music is darker and dirty compared to the classics and blues of yesteryears.
The information provided in the title is also exhaustively explained and discussed in the article to the expectations of any reader.
It makes sense in that; the writer explores the forceful removal of casual sex workers from the streets of Ciudad Juarez compellingly, validating each claim made in the paper.
The article written by Edward Hall describes the differences in the behavior of American entrepreneurs and those people who represent other cultures.