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Crayfish Cardiac Physiology

These muscles contain proteins such as actin and myosin, which confer the cardiac muscles the ability to contract, which leads to the pumping of the heart and the propulsion of the circulatory fluid to different [...]

Luxury Brand’s Imitation

According to Doss and Robinson, the act amounts to a breach of the core value of the original product. The reason for focusing on brand imitation is the danger it poses to the growth of [...]

Canada’s Municipal Spending Watch in 2014

The author's decision to include the information concerning the correlation between the overall spending trends in Canada and the increase in the number of the Canadian citizens seems a very legitimate step to make, as [...]

Leadership and Team Effectiveness

The authors point out that despite the general interest towards the leadership development, the individual experiences of the leaders are less researched, and they consider it to be an issue since, apparently, the individual leader [...]

Leadership in Nursing: Statements of Intent

Therefore, the following objectives must be attained: Promoting active and efficient communication supported by the use of IT innovations and social networks as the means of disseminating data fast and efficiently; Encouraging the target population [...]

AGC Inc.’s Diagnostics and Interventions

Furthermore, the fact that the managers of the company failed to introduce an appropriate HCM framework points to the fact that the organization lacks a set of values that would help steer the decision-making process [...]

Post-Trial Process in Criminal Law

Conversely, if a judge becomes conscious of the fact that a verdict is inaccurate, they may allow conducting a new hearing to escape the defendant's petition and an obligation to reverse the verdict of the [...]

Principles of Innovation and Measuring Success

Although it is commonly considered that the major barriers to success in business are hidden in poor management and bad strategies, Christensen argues that the inability to fight non-consumption and the focus on the high [...]