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Chocolate: Hershey Corporation

One of the finest businesses in chocolate is the Hershey Company, who has excelled in the trade with ethical approach and guidelines that are helpful for the employees in providing better service and thus a [...]

The New Auto Market in the US

The recession has led General Motors through bankruptcy and eventual public bail out of the company, which has led the control of the company with the government and the unions owning majority of the company [...]

The Concept of Narrative in Films

It is a "skeleton" of what is said or done in the film that helps a viewer perceive the sense of the film or of one definite scene in it. It responds to the extent [...]

Rethinking the Role of Middlemen

The debate of the elimination of the middleman is immense and tricky putting into consideration the channels of distributions and the functions that the middlemen played when technology was not much developed.

Conflict and Marriage Satisfaction

To manage solving differences effectively, individuals in a marriage relationship should learn the thinking and positive and negative behaviors of their partners and have a positive perception towards these partners. This leads to unresolved conflicts [...]

The Life of Slobodan Milosevic

In April 1984 Milosevic replaced Stambolic being elected as the president of the Belgrade City Committee of the League of Communists. Stambolic, in his turn, got the post of the head of the Serbian Communist [...]

Subdivision Development Method

A lack of success to understand under what conditions to apply to the SDM, how to correctly evaluate the kinds and stages of risk connected with the subdivision procedure in the perspective of highest and [...]

Ocean Circulation in a Warming Climate

These effects will enhance the development of reduced release of radio-carbon depleted carbon dioxide gas and thus the idea of the self-restoration mechanism of the earth to this global warming.

“Copycat” by Jon Amiel

The firm's task is to introduce the viewer to the unknown world of a film, to make the film's events and worries penetrate into the person's subconsciousness, and to leave the imprint there.

US Trading Process Analysis

The countries in the top ten surplus list are poorly represented in the top ten trading partners list while the top ten group in the deficit region is represented by a half.

Expanding Theories: Criminology Revisited

The theory, also known as the Sociobiology or Psychobiology is the focus of this essay which also dwells on some recommended responses for the Criminal Justice System in dealing with criminal behavior.