Critical Essays Examples. Page 3

542 samples

Art in Modern Times

The element of satisfaction and its relation to commodity exchange in the art market is explored by the author. Fried's article is a deep analysis of the form of photographs in relation to art.

The Safety Man Cometh

Following the change of ownership in the company, the new management introduced several healthy and safety initiatives through systematic management of health and safety issues in the company.

E & J Gallo Winery Strategy

However, the company believes that diversification of its product line is the key strategy to keep up revenues in this competitive winery industry; as a result, the company offers a wide variety of products in [...]

“Power Play” by Jeffrey Pfeffer

Persistence can be a tool to power control; this was the opinion of the author. Power play education should be a mandatory course for chief executives that desire to make the difference in an organization.

Issues in Non-Point Source Pollution

In their article titled "Use of Special Surrogates to Assess the Potential for Non-Point Source Pollution in Large Watersheds", Moltz et al aimed to identify key areas within the United States portion of the Rio [...]

A New Role for Contrastive Analysis

Considering the following quote from Fries' paper: "The most efficient materials are those that are based upon a scientific description of the language to be learned, carefully compared with a parallel description of the native [...]

Desires in Human Mating

However, when considering Buss's research in a more general way, one can consider that the answer to the question "Why should humans seek similarity or equity?" summarizes the goal of Buss's research in a nutshell.

Federalist Paper No. 51

He states that all the different arms of the government, as per the constitution, should be independent of one another though they should work in the direction of achieving the same constitutional goals it was [...]

The Corporation

When the film was being produced, Bakan accompanied it with a book named "The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power"."The Corporation" elicited mixed reactions from the stakeholders of globalization when it was released [...]

Concept of Timmon’s Model in Business

Advantages of the Timmon's Model The Timmon's model identifies three important factors that make up the entrepreneurial process, which include the opportunity, the entrepreneur and his management team, as well as the resources for the [...]

“Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson

In perspective, the author inspects the areas of the environment that have been affected adversely which include the earth's water sources and atmosphere among others. Several impacts of degradation have been identified in the societies [...]

The Rise in Cross-Border Trade

The difference between this article and the article by Barbieri11 and Blanchard, Mansfield and Ripsman12 is that the article is more conceptual in nature, where the author tries to bridge the variation on the theses [...]