2 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 27

40,326 samples

American Psycho

Apparently, the director wanted the character of Bateman to be perceived, as such, that allegorizes the very source of the America's prosperity, concerned with the fact that American richest bankers are being in the position [...]

The Use of Social Media in Marketing

There is every indication that social media marketing is rapidly replacing the conventional marketing platforms that have been used for a long time. The dissemination of marketing messages is the main principle behind viral marketing [...]

Recognition or Redistribution

The role of the press in this dilemma is highlighted because the press eventually determines how nations handle redistribution and recognition issues. Siapera's account of the redistribution and recognition dilemma is easy to understand.

The Last Supper

The work depicted the scene of the last supper as illustrated in the Bible. The person in the center of the picture is Jesus Christ.

Human Digestion

Food moves to the stomach through the pharynx and oesophagus with the help of contractions. These nutrients are broken down into glucose which is stored in liver for a short period of time until the [...]

Differences of Expressed Opinions

All members agreed that the firm needed to institute operational excellence to make it firm more competitive in the market. Members agreed that this approach would be beneficial to the firm in the long term.

Video Games and Movies

In fact, the presence of tactics, strategies, and rules interest adults more than children because the former is more concerned with the restrictions in which their actions are presented.

Sensory Experiences: Exploring Reality

In fact, the experience of contemplating the room by one individual cannot testify to the objectivity of the room. The difference in experience also depends on the shifts in perceptions once the priority of contemplating [...]

Kafka and the Uncanny

As an example of the uncanny, it is possible to refer to Kafka's novel The Trial through generalization and abstract representation of the archaic Court that interferes with Josef K's rational and conventional world. In [...]

Kuala Lumpur Overview

The population growth of the Kuala Lumpur region varies from the core of the city to the suburbs. As much as there is a high population growth in the core, the growth of the population [...]

Police Minority Killings

It is of significance to differentiate a hate crime from other criminal activities due to the fact a hate crime has a life of its own as it intends to create fear among those facing [...]

Drug, Crime and Violence

This essay offers a brief discussion of how the abuse of illegal drugs is related to both crime and violence. It is prudent to mention that drug and violence have been noted to be closely [...]

Product Evaluation: Apple iPhone 3G

From this point, it is necessary to assess the qualities of the Apple iPhone 3G which was launched in 2008 as a revolutionary variant of the smartphones of the second generation with GPS and 3G [...]

Wal-Mart’s Strategy and Structure

The design of Wal-Mart is divisional structure which falls in the category of traditional design and it should be noted that divisional structures are made of distinct as well as semi-autonomous divisions.

History of the Cellular Technology

With the developments in the cellular technology, electrical engineering has been affected by the changes and development of this technology. Ever since the introduction of the first mobile phones in the 1980s, electrical engineering experts [...]

Child Intervention Therapy

This complexity exists because age is a critical aspect in the selection of psychological treatment, the objectives of the treatment are important, and the symptoms of the disorder that are evident in a child are [...]

Arstippus and Epicurus

This especially comes out well in the case of Aristippus who believed in satisfying his craving for pleasure in the present as opposed to postponing them to the future.

Toyota’s Production System

The Toyota production system is one of the most efficient production systems in the world. The efficiency of Toyota production system makes it one of the most studied production system in the world.

Dance Analysis: Social and Cultural Context

A study of dance involves connection of ideas between the past and the present with an aim of improving the quality of performance in regards to other social practices that arise from cultural beliefs.
  • 4.5
  • Subjects: Art Dance
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 525


Beowulf and Grendel's mother make a deal and the warrior becomes the next king while the Water Demon gives birth to Beowulf's son.


The movie was released in 1961 and it is based on the famous Greek tragedy. Black-and-white version contributed to the entire idea of the picture.

Blade Runner: Themes & Style Analysis

The acting in the Blade Runner is very satisfying mostly because the film's narration does not dictate the actors. The tough acting that is synonymous with such characters was not used in this film.

USA and the illegal immigrants

Illegal immigrants who work hard to support themselves and their families prove to be better human beings and therefore should receive the social services. And for the most part of their lives, they are swallowed [...]

Japan’s Civilization

According to Huffman, the Meiji government developed nationalism in Japan. Furthermore, under the Meiji regime, Japan was able to expand and had a stronger military.