2 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 7

35,450 samples

Ancient Egypt History

The national Unity, which portrayed peace among the Egyptian people, was maintained by a central government that had supreme powers and was controlled by the Pharaoh, the only ruler at the time.

Raza Unida Party Book

The writer documents in this book his involvement in the establishment of the La Raza Unida Party in the California state of the United States of America. The book highlights the political happenings in the [...]

Educational Program on Child Abuse

The report "Initial reliability and validity of a new retrospective measure of child abuse and neglect" by Bernstein, Fink and Handelsman provides the findings of the consistency and validity of some of the conservative measures [...]


This is the ability to have a wide social presence. A person with this trait is kind, affectionate and has a high sense of integrity.

Cash Management Techniques

Cash management techniques are applied in a business to increase sales and create awareness of a product. Cash rebate in the car selling business is a good competitive method to encourage sales.

Cosmetic Industry Five Forces Analysis

For the cosmetic industry, the most important barriers are the exclusive rights and economies of scale. Potential Development of Substitute Products Ease of substitution Buyer inclination to substitute Buyer switching costs Relative price performance of [...]

The Five Pillars of Islam

The five tenets of Islam guide the faithful not to waver in their obedience to Allah. The Five Pillars of Islam are used to emphasize unity among the faithful and act in one voice.

Hospice Care in the United States

Establishment of Hospice care in the United States was in the year 1974 and its development was in New Haven. Lastly, hospice care in the United States provides a variety of counseling and bereavement services [...]

On Care Retirement Communities

Retirement communities vary a great deal in the kind of housing and services available, but the essential element of them all is that this is primarily independent living with recreational facilities, health services and social [...]

Elements of Strong Family

In addition to the element of attention, there are other important parts to be considered in a strong and healthy family, like respect and discipline.

The NAFTA Treaty Between the US and Mexico

The 1994 NAFTA treaty between Mexico and the US phased out several taxes,particularly on the products traded between these countries. Previously, Mexican trucks have transported raw materials and finished products to the interior of the [...]

Art Appreciation

The works of Art in the Ancient culture were of various forms which included architecture, sculpture, and graphic arts. Architecture and sculpture are the oldest forms of art that existed and still exist in the [...]

Parents Should Spank Their Children

While some parents uphold spanking as the most appropriate mode of disciplining their children, others argue that inflicting physical pain to the child can lead to negative consequences in the future. The parents should be [...]

Discussing the Eight Forms of Art

This example exemplifies the definition of the word art because it is both educational and political. This example exemplifies the definition of the word art due to its intent of motivating thoughts and feelings.

On the Origins of Violence

Given that they have had close ties in their crimes, the most probable pointer to origin of violence is biological. In order to reduce such type of violence, it is quite essential that environment is [...]

Metropolis (1927)

Considered to be the biggest budgeted movie ever produced by UFA who found it hard to recoup its costs, the film revolves around a preacher/prophet named Maria, who foresees the coming of a savior/mediator, and [...]

“In the fMRI Lab”

Therefore, the role of these fMRI visuals is to display the degree of the activities of the brain. The degree of the activities of the brain is measured with the help of fMRI visuals.

Confucianism System

For over 2,000 years, China's poetry and history, government and social life, and the ethics of the society dominate philosophical system of Confucianism. The family reflected the social, economic, and political units of the society.

How an Artwork Represents Visual Elements

The combination of linear and curved lines, mainly monochromatic red color and asymmetry of the composition are the visual elements and principles of design which allow an artist to represent the chaos and beauty of [...]

Canadian Stereotypes

On the cover of the novel Canadian stereotypes, there will be the image of the maple leaf bag. The image of the maple leaf bag will represent both the flag and the history of the [...]

Camp Bow Wow Company Growth

The expansion of Heidi's pet business has continued into Canada where it offers similar services.[3] The firm appreciates the importance of collaborations in escalating its business and encourages huge proportions of interested persons to adopt [...]

Tools and Approaches of Conflict Resolution

In this case, the individual uses a variety of resources and strategies of authority to achieve holistic goals. Successful communication as applied in conflict resolution occurs when a speaker considers the perception of listeners than [...]

Three forms of business organization

However, the owner can seek the help of members of the family in operating the business. The partners take the responsibility of controlling and managing the business as spelt out in the partnership deed.

Employee Orientation Policy at the HP Company

HP uses two forms of training to new employees: the classroom-based and the online-based training sessions. The enormous success and continuity that has characterized HP company is attributed to the new orientation and training policy.

Leadership Role in Management

The participative leadership style involves the leader allowing members of the group to take part in the decision-making. It involves a leader that gets the best people in the organization to perform.

Scripture in a Catholic’s Life

The truth of Catholics is that the Scripture should be understood and taken within the preserved traditions of the church. The Catholic Church says that ignorance of reading the Bible is compared to the ignorance [...]

Effects of Globalization

The second positive effect of globalization is that it promotes international trade and growth of wealth as a result of economic integration and free trade among countries.

Food Security Policy Brief

The long term solution is that the FAO with the support of other nations should launch a project that is aimed at improving productivity of the association of local farmers and also to provide food [...]

IDEO’s Support Structure

In advancing organizational learning, the system that helps the organization to avoid the learning disabilities is proactive organization thinking. The essence of this technique is to come up with several models of a line of [...]