2 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 7

40,326 samples

Wedding in the UAE

The preparation for the wedding in the UAE is a long process, and the wedding ceremony is the great beautiful act which consists of several stages.

Theories of Reality Therapy

To achieve the desired results of the reality therapy, a considerable amount of assumptions were embraced in the choice theory. The choice theory of reality therapy is substantially applicable in the classroom management plan in [...]

The Voting Rights Act

The aim of the law was to outlaw malpractices in the voting process, which included acts such as the availability of literacy tests to provide restrictions to black voters during the voting process.

Prevalence of Hepatitis B

Hence, it means that the high prevalence of hepatitis B in Sub-Saharan countries is attributable to childhood infections of HBV. High prevalence of hepatitis B in Sub-Saharan countries is due to numerous factors that promote [...]

You Were My Everything

The reader gets to know the artists deepest thoughts about the woman he loves and therefore, the reader feels the intense love like if he/she was the one in love.

The Great Gatsby

All these characteristics of America during 1920 are evident and inherent in the main character, Jay Gatsby, in the novel The Great Gatsby. This is one of the themes in the novel The Great Gatsby.

The Ideal Career Choice

On the other hand, a person may want to choose a career that is rewarding in terms of finances, but this may force him or her to do something that he or she does not [...]

Ten Things I Hate About You

Inspired by "The Taming of the Shrew" play by William Shakespeare, the "10 Things I hate About You" movie commences with the main character, Cameron, Padua High new student, in the office of a quirky [...]

Article Summary

In his article,' Professional vision', Charles Goodwin seeks to examine the discursive practices often used by members of a given profession to shape the domain of their professional assessment, the phenomenal environment where their thoughts [...]

Letters From the Civil War

In relation to the opposition of the election and ideas of President Lincoln, 11 states on the Southern part of the United States of America separated from the rest of the states and formed the [...]

Business Ethics: Smoking Issue

This is the identification of justice with an ideal of liberty and in this case whatever Charles Renford chooses to do should ensure that the liberty of all the parties to the dilemma is observed.

Ancient Egypt History

The national Unity, which portrayed peace among the Egyptian people, was maintained by a central government that had supreme powers and was controlled by the Pharaoh, the only ruler at the time.

The Movie Exhibition Industry

The exhibitors are overcharging the customers and this has reduced the number of people willing to go to the movies. For exhibitors to create a great experience for movie goers they can improve the food [...]

Raza Unida Party Book

The writer documents in this book his involvement in the establishment of the La Raza Unida Party in the California state of the United States of America. The book highlights the political happenings in the [...]

Educational Program on Child Abuse

The report "Initial reliability and validity of a new retrospective measure of child abuse and neglect" by Bernstein, Fink and Handelsman provides the findings of the consistency and validity of some of the conservative measures [...]

The history of Dubbing in France

Attitude has also played a crucial role in French movie industry in the sense that most citizens' views dubbing as a way of preserving their culture and nationalism, as opposed to those shown in foreign [...]


This is the ability to have a wide social presence. A person with this trait is kind, affectionate and has a high sense of integrity.

Cash Management Techniques

Cash management techniques are applied in a business to increase sales and create awareness of a product. Cash rebate in the car selling business is a good competitive method to encourage sales.

Cosmetic Industry Five Forces Analysis

For the cosmetic industry, the most important barriers are the exclusive rights and economies of scale. Potential Development of Substitute Products Ease of substitution Buyer inclination to substitute Buyer switching costs Relative price performance of [...]

The Five Pillars of Islam

The five tenets of Islam guide the faithful not to waver in their obedience to Allah. The Five Pillars of Islam are used to emphasize unity among the faithful and act in one voice.

Hospice Care in the United States

Establishment of Hospice care in the United States was in the year 1974 and its development was in New Haven. Lastly, hospice care in the United States provides a variety of counseling and bereavement services [...]

On Care Retirement Communities

Retirement communities vary a great deal in the kind of housing and services available, but the essential element of them all is that this is primarily independent living with recreational facilities, health services and social [...]