8 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 6

5,887 samples

High Tech Burrito Company Analysis

The relevant competitive models chosen for this assessment includes the Michael Porte's five forces such as entry of competition, threats to substitutes, bargaining power, power of suppliers and rivalry, SWOT and Industrial analysis as well [...]

The Effects of the Global Nature of Consumption

The paper examines the effect of consumption in Korea from the colonial era to the contemporary era. Nonetheless, the dawn of the seventeenth century became instrumental in terms of changing the culture of consumption in [...]

Ethical and Social Obligations

The conduct, especially that of the head of the family serves as a model to the family. This is in configuration with the affirmed ethics of the organization and the integrity of those involved.

Alain Limited’ Management and Strategy

Knowledge Management has evolved in the last two decades from ideas based in artificial intelligence and the concepts that machines can learn to the more recent and accepted idea that knowledge is a combination of [...]

Race, Ethnicity, Gender Identity

Despite consistent and more recent efforts and strategies to address the issue of eliminating discrimination that is perceived on the grounds of race, ethnicity and gender, profound evidence in our society shows that discrimination on [...]

Beauty and the Beast

The setting of Beaumont's Beauty and the Beast is the world of merchants and nobility. The heroine of the story, Beauty, the youngest of the six children, and the most "handsome" of the three sisters [...]

Racism Is Not All About Individual Attitude

Solomos.argues that the Report has a vague definition of what constitutes institutional racism as "the definition reflects the frustrations of activists involved in the Stephen Lawrence campaign with the everyday racism and plain ignorance that [...]

Will Robots Take Over Human Jobs?

Most of these people argue that due to the increasing number of computer equipped robots, the banking industry, the technical industry and even the administrative departments of many countries have suffered great losses at the [...]

The U.S. Federal Parole System

The essay discusses the general history and purpose of the parole system in the United States. The procedure of granting parole is regulated by the statute established in the authorities of the United States.

Family Relations within the Amish

It is important to note that, although this community's practices adhere strictly to the provisions in the Ordnung, there is a great variation in its application as one moves from communities bounded with this culture.

Comets and asteroids

Atkinson argues that in the event of a collision with the earth, a blanket of dust could cover the earth, a near darkness situation could ensue, normal plant and animal chemical activities could stop due [...]

British Airways Challenges Report Example

The company faces diverse strategic challenges that the report evaluates and provides a diagnostic approach to the challenges, and reports on how decisions made affects the company, employees, the environment, and as a player in [...]

BP Plc: Remaining Relevant and Acceptable

Additionally, changes in the global economy present a cadre of new challenges, which include the absence of a framework of global rules; the organization and management of companies; cultural diversity; and the question of corporate [...]

Labour Problems in UK Economics

In contrast to the emphasis that inefficiencies of labour process is the main source of effort intensification, the change of market structures does not accurately represent the intensification of product market competition, the disassociations of [...]

The Berlin Wall History

In 1960, the East Germany exodus now totaling to millions of civilians was predictably damaging to the political integrity and economic capability of East Germany, making it vital to fortify its borders with the west, [...]

Pablo Picasso: Blue Period

Child with a dove "Child with a dove", painted in 1901, is the painting which opens the Picasso's series of the paintings of the Blue Period.

Lars and the real girl

The development of the events in Lars and the real girl is based upon the delusional disorder of the main character Lars Lindstrom.

Two cheers for Raspberries

One of the reasons for the reluctance of the companies to the adaptation of the environmentally friendly operations is the natural force of resistance to change that is present in human beings combined with the [...]

Current Educational Issues

Because of this development in America, the number of public schools in the country has sharply raised from a meager eleven schools in the year 2004 to 549 single sex schools in the year 2009.

Hotel Industry: Choosing the Right Location

The prices of commodities should directly proportional to the Quantity and the quality of goods and services offered, therefore, once a new hotel is established it to avoid unfair competition, it should offer almost similar [...]

Interpersonal Relationships

The level of interdependence among partners in interpersonal relationships allows for the influx of opinions, thoughts and feelings but the success and longevity of interpersonal relationships basically thrives on communication as a basic component, determining [...]

Managing for Organizations

The paper will focus on the various aspects of management that have been acquired during the course of the studies and these aspects include emotional intelligence and positive work environments, functional and dysfunctional control systems [...]

Native Land Claim in Canada

Following the resistance of the natives to the new regulations, the government of Canada embarked on vigorous reconsideration of the legal, political, and cultural aspects that governed the lives of Indians, Inuit and Metis.

South West Airlines Analysis

With respect to this, it is clear that the management of the airline identified the current turbulent business environment conditions and quickly created the urgency and need for change as they realized that change was [...]

Zuhura Wedding Planners Business Plan

For many years Kenyan couples intending to have weddings formed committees comprising family and friends from both sides of the couple, and the committee was mandated with the task of raising funds and to run [...]

Jewish Insight of Holocaust

Holocaust, the extermination of Jews from the European land was the example of brutality and viciousness of the Nazi Germany. Meanwhile, many historians were observing the situation critically and wanted to present their ideas about [...]