9 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 9

2,810 samples

The Saudi British Bank

There are a number of political parties, but most of them are in alliance under two major parties one is from the liberation forces that lead the county to the independence and the other is [...]

Power Relations in the Oil Supply Chain

The power held by the actors has the capacity of influencing the degree of relationship commitment within the supply chain. It is estimated that the NOCs control world oil reserves, and thus they have the [...]

Communication in Entrepreneurship

Communication and organization performance The introduction of new communication standards that managers and employees have to comply with, therefore, can lead to an improvement in the overall performance of the entrepreneurship once the personal assets [...]

Education: Using Multimedia for Learning

There are also interactive games that can help students to grasp the material better and learn more on the subject.  The website http://zimmertwins.com can help students develop their creativity as they can make up stories [...]

Change Management Plan

Proposed change In the 12-month program, the proposed change is to introduce total quality management principles and tools in the management of Saudi Arabian education institutions taking place under the Ministry of Education.

Marriott International Leadership

This paper aims to present the analysis of the prevalent leadership style typical of executives and directors in Marriott International; to discuss the connection between the leadership style and ethical practices; to determine possible ethical [...]

Rob and Pablo Experiential Marketing

This process is called an experiencescape which can be described as the creation of an environment that creates an experience beyond that of the mere buying of goods, rather, it is a type of marketing [...]

Spirituality in the Workplace

Spirituality and organizational performance The introduction of spirituality and virtuous approaches to business management is largely predetermined by the necessity to increase organizational performance, productivity, and revenues.

Marketing Plan for Fly360

The company has established strategies that will lead to relative differentiation of the airline from its competitors and also lead to cost savings that will be beneficial to the airline.

The Issues in RACQ Insurance

This paper discusses the aspects that led to this issue, which consist of placing the clients of RACQ at the core of its operations, the requirement for the company to administer capital and risk coupled [...]

Managing HR in a Global Environment

The aim of this paper is to explore the international HR strategy of China. The traditional development partners such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are difficult to work with in comparison [...]

Background of Graphics Design

By utilizing this particular theory as the framework for this study the researcher will be able to properly correlate the opinions of the research subjects regarding their assumptions over what practices lead to the greatest [...]

Holy Farm Productive Capacities

The number of visitors received on Sundays and Saturdays is usually double the number of visitors who tour the farm on Monday and Friday. In light of these fluctuations, the owners of the farm intend [...]

Social Theories of Technology

As such it has been viewed by many as the core impetus of transformation and development in society and it has resulted into emergence of the philosophical and scholarly belief referred to as technological determinism [...]

Piezoelectric Nano Biosensors

In the thickness-shear mode of vibration, the overall frequency of oscillation of AT-cut quartz crystal is described by the equation: F defines the crystal frequency, N is a constant of the material used to make [...]

Change Management in Recruitment

Sometimes, a change occurs due to challenges or forces from within or outside the business, which make it necessary for the organization to adjust to be at a better position to face the challenges, or [...]

Cycling Culture in France

This prompted the political optimists and individuals profiting from the changes to equate the change with progress and the promise of a greater future for the nation.

Media in the society

Individuals in a society are now able to interact and relate with persons of different societies through telephone, mail and the internet unlike in the pre-industrial era where communication channels were limited and therefore the [...]

Cultural Values and E-Commerce

However, it is important to note that the reality of attaining a global virtual village are highly dependent on the ability of integrating the cultural variations in e-commerce technologies to reduce the negative influence of [...]

Jeff Bowling at the Delta Companies

When the company incurred some debt between 2006 and 2008, Jeff whom at the time was Delta's CEO believed that it was premature to call the business a success since they have not proven the [...]