What does a 21 page essay look like? Go on reading if you want to know the answer! A 21 page essay word count is 5200 to 5250 words (double-spaced 12 pt.). This is a good size for a graduate-level essay or even for a research paper. There are 52 to 69 paragraphs in a paper of 21 pages.
When thinking of a topic for a 21 page research paper or essay, remember that this is quite a long piece. Your topic shouldn’t sound too simple. The roots of the Great Depression or the concept of a holy war are just some of the options.
If you’re looking for 21 page essay examples, you can find them below. We’ve collected a list of papers for you to get inspired. Good luck with your writing!
Economic factors: According to the report of Reuters, GM experienced economic hardship due to the influence of bankruptcy in the fiscal year 2008 and 2009, but it enjoyed exceptional success in the year 2010, for [...]
Furthermore, they claim that the worth of emissions is regularized by the government and not changes in the market hence enabling predictability of energy prices, and that when credits go beyond the third generation new [...]
In addition, the paper will analyze the contribution and impact of the Muslim religion on the war on terror and the effect this will have on the whole world.
The purpose of conducting this essay will be to examine the educational intervention of one-to-one support programs during normal school times within a mainstream classroom and also to discuss the challenges faced by teachers and [...]
In the begins, public servants were elected to the school boards and they discharged the duties as school boards members while remaining in the initial employment; what they were doing before the appointment to the [...]
The origins and developments of the war will be examined, before and after the NATO intervention, the consequences of the war will be outlined, and the opposing opinions will be considered to produce a comprehensive [...]
The Case Presentation is a tool for medical practitioners and used to support the features of human ideas and communication, and this helps the consultants to have an inclusive, explicative, and associative image of a [...]
They objects this and includes that project impacted persons also encompasses the host population that takes the burden of accommodating displaced persons and people who live in the vicinity of the project, and project immigrants.
Contextually, the research questions assumed in this context relates to the mentioned marketing strategies applied by the major automobile manufacturers to enhance their market presence in the emerging markets with respect to Turkey.
The literature exploring employee engagement can be divided into three groups: works investigating the meaning of employee engagement, works investigating the importance and impact of employee engagement, and works discovering the characteristics crucial to promoting [...]
A meta-analysis of numerous studies relating to attachment and parental rearing behaviors have revealed that the quality of rapport between children and their caregivers is of intrinsic importance to the children's development, and some studies, [...]
The circumstances leading to the establishment and development of the concept of data warehousing was attributed to the fact that failure to have a data warehouse led to the need of putting in place large [...]
Of greater essence in the paper is the collection of a set of data and literature that will help in linking the scale of violence and instability caused by the civil war in Sudan and [...]
The effect of the nerve in relation to the motion sickness is the migraines that accompany the condition. Despite the need to use the parameters in motion sickness to assess the condition, the main challenge [...]
The data obtained in the study of the above office market was used in the preparation of this report, which contains the prospects for these markets over the next three years, the current trends, the [...]
All that the learner has to do is show up venue of learning and the stimulus shall be administered by the instructor. The role of the instructor in the learning process is to advise students [...]
The government of Dubai, owners of Emirates Airlines, claims that their company is the largest airline in the world, serving millions of customers with thousands of employees who are multi-cultural and coming from the different [...]
The embracement of such factors through the implementation of appropriate leadership and management strategies were seen to improve the engagement of the employees in teamwork thereby promoting positive perception of the differences amongst cultures that [...]
This leadership style appeals to the self-interest of the employees in order to influence their behavior in a specific way. It is an art of tying the objectives of a firm to that of employees.
According to the Ontario Smart Grid Forum, smart grid is a contemporary form of technology that makes use of computing knowledge in order to boost the efficiency of producing electricity On the same note, the [...]
The agreement works in a way that permits the third-party associates to use Kinokuniya's website in listing their products and creating links that allow visitors to teach the products.
The organisations culture is very influential on the innovativeness of the organisation as the cultural aspects may hinder or promote the innovativeness and creativity of the employees.
This is especially so when the government or a dominant religious denomination in a country is of the view that the proliferation of a certain religious dogma threatens the stability of the country or the [...]
The leaders of the country focused on powerful initiatives to create a sense of consciousness and identity. The median age of the country's residents is around 39.
Some teachers and professors claim that their students cannot show their potential in their hobbies due to the limitations they experience because of bullies around them. As it is mentioned above, educators do not control [...]
This dichotomy of results has birthed the need to create intergenerational synergy in the workplace. An increasingly growing number of ageing employees and the advent of Millennials in the workplace environment poses a problem for [...]
The primary problem of this research project is the fact that teachers from the Lauttasaari School use innovative methods in their work with children, while other institutions all over the world cannot adopt the same [...]
To develop a selection of relevant assessment criteria for the choice of social media channels, it is necessary to consider the findings of recent academic studies. The focus of this section of the report is [...]
My career plan is as in the figure below: - My career goal is to find a job in a bank and gradually grow through the ranks as I gain financial management related skills and [...]
His major contribution in the field of advertising was the belief that effective advertising was based on the ability of the advertiser to have enough information about the nature and type of the consumer.
The Green and Clean Kuwait Company is a Kuwaiti company with environmental and ecological technology and know-how and the company is interested to bid in the CSR project of McDonald's Corporation as its project partner [...]
However, this paper will focus on the importance of skill development programmes, particularly vocational training courses and initiatives of the governments of different countries to build skilled labour force to address the immediate challenges and [...]
The telecommunication industry in Spain is one of the steadily developing markets in the world. The change from rural to urban populations, the increasing number of women engaged in industry, the decrease in the length [...]
Even as a majority of the aspects covered by this relationship could be well taken care of by legislation, inclusion in contracts of employment and which are signed by employees, still there is a high [...]
To start with, the initial focus will be on London in general and then on the particular place in London that is better suited for the proposed business.
It should be observed that most of the firms coming from the other half of the world, commit the blunder of imposing the same marketing ploys and campaigns to the Saudi Arabia market; Allianz group [...]
Cyber security became one of the fundamental constituents of emergency management's preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery stages, and quick restoration of IT systems and recovery of organizations were discovered as the major duties of FEMA [...]
As an example that confirms the importance of coordinating the interaction of stakeholders in the business sector, the situation in Indonesia will be examined, which Porter and Ketels analyze in their case study.
In the interim, between the close of the 110th Congress and 2009, the transfer of power to a new Congress with enhanced Democratic majorities as well as the momentous appointment of a new President, the [...]
Concerning effect or emotional response H02: The positive emotions of the customer following a service recovery will have no effect or decrease the likelihood of repurchase intentions HA2: The positive emotions of the customer following [...]
Projected plans have various proposals and report over the years beginning in the year 2005 with the passing of the railway act to 2008 and beyond characterized by plans for high-speed rails demonstrating the commitment [...]
While the studies on the gangs and related activities have been going on for more than a century, the renewed emphasis on the study on the prevalence and dynamics of the gangs have re-merged due [...]
Some of the reasons that the WHO gives as contributors to the inequalities in the provision of health services include the level of education, income status, gender, the status of employment, and ethnicity in some [...]
Soil erosion models are useful to understand the impact of agricultural practices, land use changes, reservoir sedimentation and evolution of the landscape.
That is why every plant that is established is required to conform and clearly subscribe to the dictates of the clean environmental administration of the agency in charge.
A contract must be valid to be upheld in a court of law; the validity of a contract is determined on the basis of five elements that have been outlined above.
It provides an extensive analysis of the literature on the roles of clinical governance in prevention and control of infections in wards in New Zealand.
This is not the foremost factor that the corporation wishes to replace a CFO in the place of CEO. Above all, it is obviously declared that shareholders are the owners of the company and because [...]
The paper assumes that in the age of the rise of global international corporations international staffing policies acquire the top priority because of their impact on outcomes.
The current project is a social media campaign report targeted at addressing the increased use of social media and gaming among the growing generation.
The national debt is growing at an alarming rate. Research is necessary to determine cause of national debt and provide recommendations to alleviate the problem.
Forecasting forms the basis for planning and budgeting in any business organization. It is also necessary for capital expenditure analysis and analysis of mergers and acquisitions.
Exposure is a complex time-dependent quantity that must be summarized before its use in a model. Exposures must reach target organs and reach critical levels before injury occurs.
It is believed that the needs and goals of the agenda for further improved-quality assets and liquidity-buffers must facilitate bodies to better-endure miseries.
The rocky mountain system does not have a very elaborate feature generated from volcanic activities. There is one uniquely outstanding volcanic feature at the West Spanish zone.
The effectiveness of the final results depends on the reliability of the research methodology being conducted, and therefore, in the early school context, it is crucial to provide as unobstructed but constructive an environment as [...]
In discussing the role of zoning in urban development, it is paramount that the zoning process is first discussed to give a clue on how it is performed and executed.
Teaching is meant to impact knowledge on students. Nolan and Hunsinger emphasis on the importance of imparting skills in education. The inquiry learning guarantees the same.
The inclusive design becomes one of the best options for tourism business as a way to raise effectiveness and ensure that there will be new ways to improve relations with clients.
This is given the fact that a significant portion of production cost is committed on the basis of decisions that are effected at the development level of the product under consideration.
In the Rotterdam Rules there is as an alternative a description of the agreement of carriage, which expresses the responsibility of the transporter, which is simply the carriage of commodities by sea from one point [...]
As for correlation of generation and job satisfaction, the Millennials appeared to be slightly less satisfied with current position then other generations.
The main aim of this paper is to reveal how optical illusion fascinates and deceives as influenced by art and design spearheaded by artists and designers of the modern day.
Due to the impact of the global economic recession and the poor performance of Australian economy, the residential market in Sydney has been slowing since the mid of 2008.
Particularly, the consequences of a traumatic experience can lead to the emergence of destructive ideas in the undeveloped thinking of children, with a minority then going on to commit similar crimes themselves.
This way, employees adjust their expectations of the evaluation process and have adequate time to prepare for such exercises. In this regard, employees are aware of the main aspects of their performance that add to [...]
The context of modernity has been closely associated with the industrial development, and the challenges it brings to people are far more complex."The vertigo of being a pedestrian in the middle of a busy street [...]