3 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 165

19,932 samples

Modern-Day Issues in the Carnival Row TV Series

The assimilation/cultural pluralism and cultural encapsulation theories reveal how the show can explore the subject of diversity through conflicting interests and ideologies. His struggle to live in both worlds is the focus of moral choices [...]

Demographic Factors Impacting Restaurant Sales

The dependent variables were annual sales per square foot and the increase in that figure from the previous year. Table 1   Constructing a scatter plot for the relationship of annual sales per square foot [...]

Pebble Time Campaign: Analysis

The critical element was self-planning by Pebble, the device manufacturer. In April 2012, the famous Kickstarter campaign Pebble Technology was created.

Protein Sequence Determination

The peptide sequence was determined by subtracting the mass of two peaks that are not adjacent to each other starting from the right side of the provided mass spectrum graph, adjusting for C and N [...]

Report on Fertilife’s Business Practices

This report explains the ethical implications of Fertilife's behavior regarding the employees and waste disposal, discusses the firm's waste management and treatment of staff from philosophical perspectives, and highlights the economic and financial motivations, along [...]

Resistance to Change: Project Management

It seems reasonable to state that there were a number of reasons that contributed to our resistance to change, which correlates with the related pillars from the theoretical dimension.

Human Development: The Key Domains

Physical development refers to the changes and growth in the senses, brain and body, wellness and health, and motor skills. In the children category, ages two to ten, girls and boys gain weight and height [...]

Feminist Criticism: Theories and Perspectives

In the current literature review, the subject of feminist criticism will be examined from the perspective of existing theories and reflections correlating with how women were and are portrayed in cultural contexts. The authors have [...]

Market Globalism vs. Justice Globalism

Thesis statement: the vision of justice globalists makes the most sense since it seeks to undo the inequalities caused by historical colonialism, proposes a new alternative to the failures of neoliberalism, and establishes peace through [...]

Romantic Gods Grandeur by Hopkins

Elements of content The poem ‘God’s Grandeur’ is a traditional poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins written in the romantic era. It focuses on the changes, which need to take place and away from them in the places, which have not faced the misery in the world. In the poem, Hopkins makes an expression of his […]

Victorian Ulysses by Alfred Lord Tennyson

Elements of content Victorian Ulysses by Alfred Lord Tennyson creates an ironic tension for the presentation of romantic heroism. The poem grants the power presented by features like physical weaknesses and age. It portrays denial of situations and forces that catch the lives of people despite clear knowledge of the situations. The poem is a […]