Critical Essays Examples

503 samples

A critical essay analyzes the structure, literary devices, composition, and other features of another text.

Depending on the purposes of this analysis, there are three types of critical essays. Evaluative ones claim why the criticized object is good or bad. Descriptive pieces explain how the author conveyed the message. And interpretative essays look for the underlying meaning or seek a response to the author’s intentions while creating the literary work.

Below you will find all three types of critical essay examples. These texts are illustrative of how this academic writing should be done. Besides, you can draw new ideas for your own essays there.

503 Best Critical Essay Examples

TV Visual Analysis: Boardwalk Empire

The plot focuses on the society that underwent a drastic change after the entry of Prohibition providing responsibility for the production and sale of alcoholic products. Wool jackets, often with lapels and collar with the [...]

Dehumanization in Auschwitz

Tattooing of Inmates The first striking factor is the tattooing of a number on the left arm of the inmate and the demand that the prisoner uses this number as his name.

The World Bank and the Poverty of Reform

However, with the various leadership scandals that have been observed in the bank, experts now doubt whether the World Bank has the capacity to address the various development challenges that are facing the developing nations.

“Aliens” Movie

However, despite the debates, the quality of the acting has remained as one of the best during the time of acting. This is in a way a forerunner to Ripley's own fighting of the queen [...]

Ordinary Men by Christopher R. Browning

The author set out to Germany to investigate the suspicious circumstances surrounding the success of the Holocaust. The main reason why the author chose to start the book with a cliffhanger is to capture the [...]

Low-Income African-American Caregivers

The hypothesis was not explicitly stated but it is clear that the researcher hypnotized that these people have negative experience due to the lack of understanding form the side of school staff that is primarily [...]

Data Collection in Intelligence

The ability of the intelligence community to generate requisite information depends on the capacity to collect relevant and precise data. SiGINT collection method is one of the main collection methods widely used to obtain intelligence [...]

Red Hot Chili Peppers Californication

The influence of the Western culture on the development of the modern society is difficult to overestimate. Thus, researchers, educators, official, celebrities of show business and the rest of the population of the planet are [...]

Efficiency of Supply chain Management

Balancing control systems, structure, and scope of the supply chain In order to improve on efficiency in the Supply Chain Management, the article recommends improving efficiency through balancing the control systems, structure, scope of the [...]

Japan and Imperialism 1853-1945 by James Huffman

The main topic in the reading is imperialism, which the author believes motivated Japan to economic and political development. The author applies a variety of data to present the concept of imperialism in Japan's history.

Migrant workers in Canada

Canadian law requires employers to provide most of the same rights to foreign workers as to resident workers. The overall obligation of employers to foreign workers is theoretically the same as for Canadian resident workers.

Behavior change theory

The implementation of evidence-based practices in changing the behavior of health workers is a complex task, as it depends on the ability of individuals to change their behaviors and the type of approach used.

Saipo The Project Identity

The mission of Saipo Company is to provide people in developing regions with the products of the soap recycling process because of the observed lack of inexpensive hygiene products in many countries globally.

Scaring Us Senseless

Taleb observes that the use of the word 'terrorism' evokes emotional reactions in people and creates anxieties. In all these, the new media may use their images and narrative contexts to influence decision-making abilities of [...]

Feminism and Modern Friendship

While criticizing these individuals, Marilyn asserts that the omission of sex and gender implies that these individuals wanted to affirm that social attachment such as societies, families, and nationalities contribute to identity rather than sex [...]

Islamic Banking Principles

However, a debate has arisen in the wake of modernisation of the convectional banking dynamics trying to influence the Islamic banking into charging interests rates on loans, but Muslims are reluctant as for them, riba [...]

Michelangelo Buonarroti’s Art

It is also important to notice the kind of confidence in the face of David in this sculpture. In this painting, it is apparent that the angels gave a helping hand in the creation of [...]