2200-Word Essay Examples

2,919 samples

Industrial Revolution in England

The inventions changed the agricultural way of life which by a large extent determined the nature of the industries which relies on it for the raw materials. As a result of the revolution, the population [...]

Overview of Strategic Planning

It is very crucial for the running of the business as it helps organizational managers and information technicians in the identification of strategic applications in order to align them with the needs of the business.

My South Seas Sleeping Beauty

The author makes sure that throughout the entire novel, the story of Su Qi's family relates extensively to the historical context of the book.

Indian Custom and Culture Community

For example, there were various activities used to illustrate this marking, and these would include invitation and welcoming of the bridegroom, exchange of flower garlands, presentation of the would-be wife, the ceremony of the sacred [...]

General Electric & GlaxoSmithKline

The new process shifts the focus of production to where the company has a high potential of selling its commodities. The company must ensure that the introduction of toned-down alternative products, in unknown markets, does [...]

Risk Management in the Health Sector

It is becoming increasingly difficult to predict the costs that organizations will have to incur whenever they are offering health services because of the increasing number of services that are offered as well as the [...]

Vicarious Liability

The paper covers ethical issues in the application of employers' vicarious liability, the application of the principals' vicarious liability, the application of vicarious liability of corporations in tort, in vicarious employees' continued liability and indemnity, [...]

Michael Jackson

Even though MJ was never proved to be a paedophile, the fact that he paid one of his 'victim' to settle the case out of court and that another man accused him of molesting him [...]

Business Structure and Sustainability

It is up to the human resource management to note the difference between the different employees and make use of those abilities for the personal development of the employees and for the development of the [...]

Graduate Trends in Marketing

Students who possess the right skills and knowledge and are committed to marketing themselves as the most important products, stand a chance of succeeding in the cooperate world.

Planning process in organization

My strategic decisions will focus on the future of the organization, beginning with evaluation of the current performance results, review of the corporate governance, and inspection and review of the external environment.

Reaching the Critical Mass in eMarketplaces

The model assumes the nature of a regression model whereby the dependent variable is the critical mass of eMarketplaces and the independent variables are Psychology of consumers, Consumer Trust, Incentive offered by eMarketplaces' players, Cultural [...]

The Four Noble Truths and Si Shu

It relates to the termination of suffering and all that leads to suffering in human life. For instance, both Buddha and Confucius teach that in a bid to do away with human suffering and achieve [...]

Subsidies to US Auto Industry

Furthermore, the number of people employed in the automobile manufacturing sector remained significant despite the decline over the last few years Late in 2008, two automotive manufactures, Chrysler Corporation and General Motors appealed to the [...]

Resource And Yield Management

One of the greatest advantages of a small hotel, in this respect, is the number of employees necessary to maintain a hotel with regard to the resource management and competencies of employees in terms of [...]

The Renault Nissan Alliance Negotiations

Through this, they were able to negotiate with the Government and the relevant ministries to convince the Nissan Corporation to accept their decision in forming an alliance with them. In the end, the company was [...]

BHP Billiton and Strategic Choices

In this case, the mission forms the basis of the operations and success of the company. The implementation of the plan led to a breakthrough that further resulted in the success of the management and [...]

Mt. Helen MedTech E-Business Planning

The report focuses on the critical issues that the firm's management team should consider in the process of implementing e-commerce. The report evaluates the issues that the firm has to take into account in order [...]

Moral Problems of Abortion

On top of that, it is irresponsible for one to avoid the duty of care that should be extended to the infant, who even after being born still requires the mother's care to survive, and [...]

Integrating Poetry into a Learning Process

According to Glazer and Williams, authors argue that their compositions are built of strong materials, and the likes and silikes of children cannot be used as a basis for determingn the quality of the literatur. [...]

Journalism and the law

There are many sources of information for journalists, some of these sources being anonymous in which case the identity of the person providing information to the journalist is unknown. This is an example of an [...]