5 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 25

11,351 samples

Riverside Roastery & Espresso

For RRE, the improvement of the organizational interrelations will be reflected in the refinement of the quality of services provided to the customers that, in their turn, will increase the sales and attendance frequency.

Commentary on The Apology

This paper contains a description of the proceedings of the trial, explanations of Socrates' unofficial accusations, the official charges against him by Meletus and his corresponding responses, and a discussion of the verdict of his [...]

Social Work Practice with Mexican Americans

As far as the economy and distribution of resources in the country is concerned, they are among the disadvantaged groups. In America, wages of whites, blacks and Mexican Americans are determined by the level of [...]

Principles Articulated by Peter Drucker

The principle asserts that organizations must focus on understanding the customers' needs before making a decision on the most appropriate approach to satisfy the identified need through the provision of a product.

Faust Character

In the end, he does make it to heaven after supplication, showing that he is not responsible for the errors of judgment he made earlier in his life.

Strategic Marketing of Harley Davidson

These economic factors impact the behavior of the firm in such areas as deterring investments since it makes the cost of borrowing to increase and exporting of its products becomes difficult due to a strong [...]

Justification of Staff Turnover

This would help the hotel in reduction of high turnover as it would make the employees satisfied with the terms of the hotel thus having the motivation.

Inventory Management

The general cause of the problem of inventory invisibility is poor inventory management between the warehouse and the store shelves It is possible to solve the problems in the supermarket by using the correct combination [...]

‘Animal Rights’ Activists and Racism

Nevertheless, while being thoroughly comfortable with the idea that it is fully appropriate to exploit the 'eatable' representatives of the animal kingdom, the 'animal rights' activists deny the same right to those, who due to [...]

Self-help Groups and Treatment Groups Comparison

Self-help groups emerged in the modern society to replace the nature of cooperation witnessed in the traditional society. In the treatment group, the researcher or the facilitator has a great responsibility over the behavior of [...]

Late Adulthood and Death

This paper examines ageism and the stereotypes associated with late adulthood; how individuals can promote health and wellness in late adulthood; the importance of relationships and social interactions; and personal attitudes towards death in late [...]

Stratasys: How to Deliver Value

As a result, the authorities of the company made a statement that their efforts in the short-term growth strategy will be directed at the management of finances and the adjustment of the company expenses to [...]

Americas Rise to Become a Super Power

This paper will argue that the U.S.moved so quickly from being the least militarized industrial nation in the world to the most powerful military force in human history due to its successful industrialization, economic interests [...]

Afghanistan: Country Profile

03 1 Table 2: Population pyramid dynamics Source: Self generated from Indexmundi Figure 4: - Life expectancy Source: Indexmundi Human Development Index Figure 5: Afghanistan's HDI indicators for 2011 comparing with other countries Source: UNDP [...]

Almutlaq Holding Company Internship

The company's mission is to "develop the idea of showing, production, sales, and the endless work to raise efficiency and professionalism" to enhance economic development of the kingdom.

Relevance of Skills in Services

Job complexity and task discretion are the major factors that determine the set of skills that employees of service-based organisations should possess.

Origins of Religion

To establish the real origin of religion, the use of scientific methods is inadequate hence the use of theories is the only valid method of tracing the origins of religion.

Stratasys: How We Create Value

The company is in the forefront in guiding technological research and development in the field of three-dimensional printing. For instance, affordability is one of the major areas that the industry is likely to focus on [...]

Community Asset Mapping Project

The phenomenon of the community asset mapping is typically defined as "an important tool for building community, for understanding community strengths and assets, and for sustaining economic viability" and serves the purpose of identifying the [...]

E-Recruitment Strengths and Weaknesses

Most companies in the world have moved their recruitment process to online since now, a large population of people has access to the internet, whereby they can use the search engines to follow advertisement link [...]

Reluctant Workers

In any work environment, both the employees and managers should work as team to ensure that company's goals are meet. Management's support Tim Aston was not accorded the necessary support needed to manage the project [...]


This category of billboards are meant to inform and educate the public. Bulletin billboards are painted to fit the weather and are most effective in certain conditions.

Observation and Analysis Paper

In this paper, I would like to discuss how non-verbal communication manifests itself in my relationship with my boyfriend. In moments of intense concentration, my boyfriend tends to frown, and this non-verbal behavior is not [...]

Joan Miro’s Self Portrait I

The painting's major themes encompasses Miro as the painting's painter and subject, political radicalism, positivity of western influence in the artistic styles of Catalan artists as well as the use of the varying artistic styles [...]

Concept of Animalization in Biology

Although the problem of the distinction is still actively discussed, it is possible to determine such consequences as the correlation of the concept of 'animalization' and the notion of 'humanity', the connection of the problem [...]

HR Management: Riyad Bank

In this respect, Riyad bank has strategized a number of trainings and workshops that the employees have to attend in the course of their employment in the bank.

Overview of the Management Plan

All manipulations performed for delivery of materials and distribution of goods should be sufficient in terms of cost of the final product that comes to the market.

Strategic Objectives: Able Corporation

The first steps in promotion of the Able Corporation's products onto the global market should include brand extension related to the existing products within the United States of America and certain strategies aimed at exploration [...]

A Process for Practicing Design Innovation

The article under discussion is closely related to the Business Process Management Course because the main idea of the article is to meet customers' requirements by means of using innovations, and the main purpose of [...]