5 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 6

12,606 samples

Impact of Nuclear Energy in France

Through the process, heat energy is released from the bombardment of the nucleus and the neutrons. The need to manage the nuclear waste affected the economic parameters attached to nuclear energy.

Crude oil and U.S. Gasoline market

This view of the global demand of crude oil as a factor towards the price of both crude oil and that of gasoline is derived from the study of the prices of the two commodities [...]

Revolutions of the 1848

The wave of revolutions that swept across Western Europe in 1848 brought what can be described as lasting reforms to the regimes that governed the affected territories; and even those that watched their neighbors' revolts [...]

Investing in China vs India

The process requires a lot of knowledge on the market, capital, expertise and strategic partnerships to facilitate the inception of a company into a foreign market. Nonetheless the common observation has been in favor of [...]

Color in Art and Design

Color in the brain After the retina has done the interpretation of the color through its cells that is cone cell and rod cells the other processing is done separately, this is done out of [...]

Rainbow and Its Various Aspects

The main cause of the formation of rainbow is the refraction and dispersion of the sun light which occur in the event of rainfall or any other form of moisture that could be present in [...]

Mitch Snyder and the CCNV

Despite being a community-based group, the tenacity of the CCNV gained popularity and attracted the attention of the federal government, which was forced to act on the issues raised by the group.

Color and Light

History in the physics lesson indicates that Isaac Newton was the inventor of light since 1672; he applied the logic of a prism to discover that the prism could split the sunlight to various colours [...]

The Role of Lenses in Optics

Harris proposes that the focal length relates to the concave and convex lenses because it is part of that system, when it is looked at in relation to the focal point, thus defined as the [...]

The Formation of Rainbows

When the rays of sun land on the surface of the earth, they cause the temperatures of the earth to increase, leading to evaporation of water in the water bodies such as rivers and lakes.

Using Animals for Research

Research using animals has in turn proved to be very reliable and efficient; many of the cures that have been developed have in one way or the other involved animal research.

The Path of Light

The fundamental difference between light waves and other types of waves is in the ability of light waves to travel in a vacuum.

Why do we do what we do?

In the various contexts that shape the human life such as personal experiences, education as well as business life, the actions that shape people's behavior are dependent on the prevailing conditions.[1] For instance, professional ethics [...]

Benefit Causes of War

The wars of old were among the wars that were hailed as being among the most prolific and devastating wars in the world's history of military and political conflict.

Witchcraft in Early America

Although the colonial government blamed the occurrence of calamities on the witches, thus persecuting them, the main reason for the conflict was the contradiction in religious doctrines.

Art in Public Spaces

The following essay examines a piece of public art and the space it is found in order to discuss art, beauty and the purpose of public art.

Perception of Others and Ourselves

Hughes and Zanden argue that, "the essence of the sociological imagination is the ability to see our private experiences and personal difficulties as entwined with the structural arrangements of our society and the times in [...]

Anxiety and Its Types

Based on the various facts it can be seen that while anxiety is a common human behavioral condition, the development of anxiety disorders are not and are a direct result of various external stressors.

Contemporary Political Culture

Despite the willingness of the poor to move away and work their way out of it, the prevailing political and social environment makes the war against the poor inevitable.

Fair Tax and Laffer Curve

The disadvantage of the Laffer curve shows that the increase in the tax rates will become too unbearable to the paying individuals and business people.

Exercising Control in Management

The third stage involves the selection and implementation of one of strategies identified in the second stage while the final stage links back into the monitoring process because of the need to check that the [...]

Do Countries Benefit From International Trade?

To substantiate the significance of international trade is evidence that international trade accounts for a large percentage of countries' gross domestic products and an important generator of revenue in developing countries.

Polo Ralph Lauren

The company's impact in the American fashion industry is profound, and this is the reason most of the company's products are well known throughout the country.

Fiscal and Monetary Policies

The government of the United State of America is tasked with the responsibility of managing the economic pace, stabilizing of prices and provision of employment.

Social Issues Affecting Women

Women and family Stability/Disintegration The role of women in family stability and disintegration is another social issue affecting women in society. Women are considered as the core managers of stability and security in the family.

Product Proliferation

Design as a Strategy Design as a strategy has been adopted as a means towards enhancing product proliferation in a market; one of the latest companies to take this strategy is Thomson Consumer Electronics.

The Mind’s Eye Review

Through his interactions with several blind people and reading their memoirs he has come to the conclusion that there is a rich interconnectedness and interactions of the sensory organs of the brain.

Pros and Cons of Product Proliferation

No doubt that one of the critical factors that informs product proliferation is the need by a firm to bar new entrants from entering the market, but in doing so this strategy inherently increases production [...]

Addressing the Downsizing in America

However, in 2007, the company was hit hard by the global financial crisis and one of the restructuring strategies adopted by the management was to outsource the sales department. Downsizing is the result of a [...]