150 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas

113 samples

Writing a 150-word essay may seem to be an easy task, as the text is pretty small. Yet, you may find it hard to squeeze all your ideas or present a logical line of argumentation within a text that’s only around one paragraph long. That’s why creating a short text is sometimes way more complicated than writing an extended essay.

What tasks can be in the form of a 150-word paper?

  • An abstract may take 100-250 words.
  • An annotated bibliography entry may also take 100-250 words.
  • A discussion board post can be 150 to 400 words long.
  • A short book report can take 150 to 250 words.

So, an assignment of this length is pretty common in academics. Read on to get 150-word essay topics and a writing guide. For more inspiring essay samples, check out IvyPanda essays collection!

113 Best Essay Examples on 150 Words

Drama Elements Developed by Aristotle

The sixth is a spectacle which is the visuals in the drama that include props, set, and actor's costumes. An example of a tragic hero is King Macbeth in Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Macbeth.

The Fashion Show: Famous Designers

Feathers were very much in at the latest shows and they certainly add to the movement. There were many very lovely creations and the idea of creating the animal look was more successful than fur.

The Poem “Africa”: Brief Analysis

In the poem Africa, and in the first stanza, the character that is being addressed is the Woman. For instance, the line "Two Nile her tears" compares how the Nile flows to the manner in [...]

Aspects of the Power Conversion Industry

Considering the growing awareness and pressing urgency of the climate crisis the industry is likely to continue to grow at an increasing rate, strengthening the financial perspectives of the companies involved.

CIA Triad Implementation in Business

The first example protects information from unintentional violations and breaches due to weak protections, such as weak passwords. Finally, storing data in "clouds" and regular software upgrades can ensure availability.

Cryptocurrency Crimes in Financial Markets

One of the most relevant, and important news in recent times is the trend of cryptocurrency crimes in financial markets. In this case, it is necessary to improve security systems concerning the management, control, storage, [...]

The Farm by Joan Miró: Analysis

The photographic accuracy of the depicted landscape is unimportant, so the artist focuses on individual details, such as footprints on the path, stones in the right corner of the picture, and cracks in the house.

Analysis of Hyperrealist and Conceptual Art

Although hyperrealism is a recent art form that sprang from earlier trends, it may also be created with standard art materials. This comprises charcoal, ink, graphite, paint, and clay. To make a realistic replica of an image, hyper-realistic sculptors and painters have traditionally utilized images as a reference. In my opinion, these pieces are an […]

Intrinsic Defects Definition

Intrinsic defect is a property that determines the conductivity of electrons in a given structure. The subjection leads to intrinsic defects, a phenomenon that affects the mechanical properties of materials in structures.

🤖 Human Dependence on Technology Essay: 150 Words Examples

  1. Technology and Restaurant Guest Service
    In order to solve this problem, it is possible to conduct a survey among regular visitors and establish what type of service is the best for them.
  2. Technology Promoting Learning in Education
    Teachers may aid kids in developing the abilities they will need to be successful in the occupations of the future as technological advancements fuel globalization and the digital revolution.
  3. Wearable Technology in Healthcare
    The introduction of new and relatively affordable wearable technology provided a significant opportunity for an increase in the overall population’s wellbeing. For example, one of the primary areas more suited for the broad application of […]
  4. TechnologyOne: Offering SAAS Around the World
    When it comes to giving a piece of advice to a potential client regarding a support plan, I would recommend basing the decision on the consistency of need for the service.
  5. Technology Usage in Skilled Nursing Facility
    To sum up, the technology is beneficial for healthcare institutions, considering that it allows easy storage of the patients’ health data.
  6. Smart Bed Technology in Healthcare
    An example of such a technology is a smart bed, which is a type of bed with sensors that collect information on the occupant. Nurses could use smart beds to track a patient’s response to […]

💡 Topics for an Argumentative Essay 150 Words

  1. Fake news creates wrong social responses.
  2. Animal testing is bad, but no alternatives are available.
  3. The pharmacological industry is not about human health.
  4. Genetic cloning should be rigorously regulated.
  5. Human trafficking can’t be stopped because it is mandated by governments.
  6. The death penalty is an unfair punishment, even for the gravest crimes.
  7. Socialism is a better economic system than capitalism.
  8. A gap year is not a waste of time.
  9. Laws should be passed with equality in mind.
  10. Modern leaders rewrite history.
  11. The way Americans treated Native Americans is a dark page in US history.
  12. Commercials should be banned in programs for kids.
  13. Modern schools don’t protect diversity.
  14. Rising child diabetes rates are in part attributable to school canteen menus.
  15. Homework doesn’t help children learn.

🚔 Juvenile Delinquency Essay 150 Words: Examples

  1. Juvenile Delinquency: a Case Analysis
    The tracking of the juvenile from juvenile court to adult court and then through the system is shown in the outline below: Arrest.
  2. Analysis of Juvenile Murderer Case
    Jordan Brown, the son of the victim’s fiance, is one of the youngest suspects in the country to be charged with murder.

✏️ How to Write a 150 Words Essay?

Though a 150-word paper resembles a paragraph more than a full-size essay, it can still be written according to the essay logic and structuring principles.

The picture lists the components of a 150-word essay.

Here are the main elements of this essay type you should consider.

150-Word Essay Structure

The structure of this essay type will depend on the professor’s or organization’s prompt. Suppose you’re applying to a college or want to get an internship. In that case, essays will require covering specific professional and academic skills, achievements, and ambitions. At the same time, an abstract type of writing will be highly structured, covering the topic’s background, literature, methods, and findings. However, an abstract is not regarded as an essay, so you should think of a 150-word assignment more as a brief yet logically constructed text.

150-Word Essay Introduction

It’s important to make a relevant opening section in your essay – given the total word count of the essay, you should dedicate 10-20% to it, which translates into 30 words. Therefore, it makes sense to allocate 1-2 opening sentences to the topic’s introduction.

Try using the free research introduction maker we’ve developed to prepare an excellent introduction quickly.

150-Word Essay Conclusion

As with other essay types, you will need to make a summary of your content or formulate a call to action consistent with your essay’s purpose and structure. If it’s an application, voice a go-ahead to contact you via the contact channels enumerated in the resume. If it’s a grant application, recap all your relevant skills, expertise, and desire to make an impact.

Take a look at our concluding sentence generator to make a closing paragraph in no time.

How Many References Should I Use in a 150 Word Paper?

In most cases, such small essays will hardly have any references, as they need to present your personality and some relevant details about your academic and professional path. However, if you need to cover some references, the rule of thumb is to allocate 8-12 sources to each 1,000 words of your academic content, leaving you with 2-3 sources for this word count at most.

Make a reference list for your paper easily with our online ai citation generator.

🌐 Impact of Social Media Essay 150 Words: Examples

  1. The Impact of Social Media on the Rise in Crime
    For example, Jones cites revenge porn, or the practice of publishing a partner’s intimate contact on social media, as one of the results of social media use.
  2. Importance of Social Media Analytics
    Social media analytics is crucial to gathering an understanding of the market and improving a marketing campaign as it progresses, with the best tactical use that will generate sales.
  3. The Use of Social Media in Healthcare
    At the same time, other opportunities to use social media and healthcare websites are when planning to promote citizen engagement, answer common treatment queries, and expand the reach of recruitment efforts.
  4. Traditional vs. Social Media Celebrity Endorsements
    In traditional media, there is a fine print or disclaimer that makes it clear to the viewers that the celebrity was paid for the advertisement.
  5. ASOS: Social Media Marketing Discussion
    The primary buyers’ persona is a spectator, although the filter has enabled many posters creators to join the campaign, who, in turn, have drawn conversationalists into discussing the brand.
  6. Social Media and Its Effects on Adolescents
    Orben, Tomova, and Blakemore have found that social deprivation might cause severe psychological complications to adolescents, particularly in the period of the pandemic.

🔢 Simple 150 Words Essay Prompts

Benefits of Travelling Essay 150 Words

Explain what traveling means for you; dwell on your past traveling experiences and your personal and professional development that occurred on travel. Consider the pros of traveling for the person’s emotional well-being, relaxation, language studies, and widening of worldview.

How Can We Make This World a Better Place Essay in 150 Words

Write about your personal contributions to your local community’s well-being and the broader social impact you plan or want to produce with professional and non-professional activities. Analyze why it is essential to strive to make the world better.

My Dream House Paragraph 150 Words

This essay may deal with the topic from any perspective – a recollection of sweet memories from the past or a design project with some architectural points you want to implement when constructing a house in the future.

My Hobby Essay

Give an account of your favorite pastimes and the meaning you attach to those activities. Describe how you have adopted those hobbies and how you plan your time to develop all sides of your personality and relax in the process of indulging in a hobby pastime.

Who Am I Essay 150 Words

Take a deeper dive into who you are, what values you have formulated for your life philosophy, and what tenets of your character have formed in the process of growing up and coming of age. Dwell on the role of influential others in that process.

Life Changing Experience Essay 150 Words

Describe an instance that happened to you or others and explain how it shifted your values, worldview, or life plan. Give details about what you felt and how you made sense of that experience in later years.

My Pet Dog Essay 150 Words

Tell a story about your pet – whether an actual one or the one you had in childhood. Describe how you selected that pet and why you chose exactly the dog that you welcomed to your house. Talk about their character and your favorite games and pastimes; analyze how having a pet nurtured some character traits in you.

My Mother Essay 150 Words

Describe your relationships with your mother and analyze her impact on your character, attitude to people, and worldview. Mention some positive memories about your mutual pastime and dwell on the broader maternal role in people’s lives.

📊 150 Words Essay Examples about Business

  1. American Bankers Association as an Interest Group
    ABA consists of elites and all groups of people representing the banking sector in the United States. The mission of ABA is to enable its members to make the population informed by providing financial enlightenment.
  2. Employee Performance Software and Its Benefits
    The implementation of Employee Performance Software may seem to increase the quality of work that employees execute. Through the inclusion of EPS in worker-evaluation rubrics, companies may obtain a more productive organizational structure that is […]
  3. Edelman Company Code of Ethics and Business Conduct
    The company’s goal is to retain its swiftness as the leading PR Agency in the region. The company addresses every issue affecting the UAE.

📖 Prompts for a 150-word Essay about Literature

The Gift of the Magi Summary and Analysis in 150 Words

Give a brief summary of The Gift of the Magi and explain its major idea. Talk about the importance of staying kind and loving even with little money at hand and exemplify the expression of love and caring with the main characters’ relationship.

No Man Is an Island Essay 150 Words

Examine the symbolism of the poem and explain how it approaches the social nature of human beings and the need to trust others and rely on people’s help and support. Provide your own response to the poem by explaining how you felt after reading it.

Cinderella Summary and Analysis in 150 Words

Describe the ancient symbolism behind the Cinderella story. Examine the meaning of magical help and the role of villains in the story. Talk about the archetypes of poor servant girls, the unfairness of wicked family members, and the final revelation and true love as main themes.

Symbolism in the Poem the Road not Taken in 150 Words

Analyze the symbol of the road in Robert Frost’s poem. Talk about the roads of your life that you have considered at certain moments of your life and which road you’ve decided to take, as well as the implications of that choice.

The Theme of the Poem Ozymandias in 150 Words

Discuss the transience of power and the mortality of all rulers, no matter the footprint and impact they produce in their communities. Examine how Shelley illustrated those contemplations on the example of the Ramses II statue.

📋 Informative 150-word Essay Examples

  1. Benito Mussolini’s Fascist Doctrine
    Mussolini was a fascist, and he believed in a fascist state that is strongly based on the popular support of the masses that slight resemblance to democracy could be confused with true democracy, but the […]
  2. Clutter in English Speech and Writing
    To avoid clutters, a writer should avoid unnecessary words, avoid repetition and economize words. Highlighting and removing redundant and unnecessary words and phrases can help one to be a concise writer.
  3. Common Small-Group Networks Effectiveness
    The wheel network is characterized by the presence of the leader, and the member of the network communicate with the leader without contacting each other.
  4. Intrinsic Defects Definition
    Intrinsic defect is a property that determines the conductivity of electrons in a given structure. The subjection leads to intrinsic defects, a phenomenon that affects the mechanical properties of materials in structures.
  5. Japanese Culture and Identity in the Modern Era
    I strongly believe that Japanese popular culture might lose its identity due to influence from other cultures, which may lead to a slight modification of the culture.
  6. American Music Bands: Dixie Chicks and The Weavers
    Moreover, the difficulties faced by the Weavers can mostly be explained by the pressure of the government that urged recording companies and radio stations to shun them.

🎓 150-Word Education Essay Examples & Prompts

Online Education vs. Traditional Education Essay 150 Words

Give a brief account of the comparative pros and cons of studying online or in the classroom. Talk about the impact of technology on educational processes and outcomes. Mention the limitations of technology in terms of quality education.

Cheating in Exams Essay 150 Words

Express your opinion about cheating in exams; examine the causes that push students towards cheating. Propose fair punishments and interventions for cheaters based on the gravity of their offenses.

Role of Students in Society Essay 150 Words

Talk about the role of students as the intellectual elite of any society, their role in changing their societies, implementing scientific and technological innovations, and their potential impact on civic citizenship.

Good Study Habits Essay 150 Words

Describe your good study habits and explain how they help you attain greater productivity and higher grades. Write about the habits you still struggle to adopt and your plans for making this happen.

  1. Philosophy Teaching and Learning Motivation
    The best method to teach and be close to students is being receptive to their criticisms. The teacher’s goal should be to always have students understand the lesson but not its end.

📒 Narrative Essay 150 Words: Topic Ideas

  1. How I lost a friend.
  2. My first travel to Asia.
  3. The movie that changed my life.
  4. My battle for school success and active social life.
  5. Bad weather and school motivation.
  6. The impact of feeling humiliated on my self-esteem.
  7. A bad choice I regret.
  8. The most puzzling family tradition I have witnessed.
  9. My family traditions.
  10. A holiday that means the most to me.
  11. Confronting a fear and coping with it.
  12. Things I fear the most.
  13. A story of my pet selection.
  14. My experience in a summer camp.
  15. The way I will change the world.

💉 150-Word Essays on Medicine & Nursing

  1. The Analysis of the Results of the Biomedical Research
    The article is devoted to the analysis of the results of the biomedical research carried out in Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates.

📌 150 Word Essay: Answers to the Most Pressing Questions

📌 150 Word Essay Is How Long?

How many pages is a 150-word essay? It depends on the line spacing. A paper of this length will take a half page (single-spaced) or one page (double-spaced). The exact length of your 150 words will depend on the citation style used, the footnotes, and the bibliography.

📌 How Many Paragraphs Is 150 Words?

How many paragraphs is a 150-word essay? Since a typical paragraph in academic writing contains 50-100 words, an essay of 150 words will consist of 2 to 4 paragraphs.

📌 150 Words Is How Many Sentences?

How many sentences is a 150-word essay? A typical sentence in academic writing consists of 15-20 words. So, 150 words are not less than 8-11 sentences.

📌 How to Write a 150-Word Paper Outline?

When you write a 150-word essay, proper planning is the key to success. Such a short piece will consist of three to five concise paragraphs. A 150-word paper outline can contain a short introduction with background information, 1-3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

📌 How Fast Can You Write a 150 Word Essay?

How long does it take to write a 150-word essay? It will take you 3-6 minutes to type 150 words on your keyboard (the total time will depend on your typing speed). Writing an academic paper will take more time because you’ll have to research, make an outline, write, format, and edit your text. It would be best if you planned to spend not less than 30 minutes for a 150-word paper.

📌 How to Extend an Essay Word Count?

To extend the word count in a 150-word essay, you can clarify your position, add more examples, and use direct quotations. It is also worth checking if your introduction and conclusion are extensive, cohesive, and clear enough. It might be better to add some information to these two sections than to rework your body paragraphs.
