300 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 8

4,948 samples

Cross-Cultural Negotiation Analysis

The negotiation between the representative of the company's head office in the United States and the president of the Mexican subsidiary that is responsible for South American product distribution demonstrates the cultural differences between the [...]

Racial Inequality in the Contemporary United States

There is an established public belief about equality of political, economic, and socio-cultural possibilities for the representatives of different social groups in the modern United States. Such a view is based on the legal system, which states that the rights of all people have to be considered and protected equally. However, uneven distribution of wealth, […]

How MTV Changed the Music Industry

Potentially, in the specificity of the medium lies the reason for the heyday of pop music prompted by MTV. The nature of MTV gave rise to music videos, and even more so, it shifted further [...]

Target Groceries: Company Analysis

The subjective assessment of Target's grocery stores' value for the customer can be conducted using the following simplified equation: V=B-S. Next, regarding financial sacrifice, 49% of customers suppose that Target's grocery sections offer a good [...]

US Politics of Immigration

The representatives of the Democratic and the Republican Parties of the United States have opposite viewpoints on immigration-related issues. In conclusion, the views of Democrats and Republicans on immigration are completely different.

“The Annunciation” Painting by Hans Memling

Thus, the artist applies asymmetrical balance, since the center of the composition is shifted to the right. Mary, with the angels, and Gabriel balance each other, and this balance creates a feeling of harmony and [...]

Aspects of Biology Techniques

Centrifugation is used for separating particles from a certain solution in a liquid medium with reference to their shape, size, or density, among other factors. Molecular cloning is applied for adding recombinant DNA molecules to [...]

COVID-19 Effect on Global Tax Collections

The emergence of the digital economy has caused confusion concerning how tech companies should pay their corporate taxes. The Global Tax Project of 2013 seeks to address these issues to avoid a patchwork of national [...]

The Aspects of Discrimination

The main difference between discrimination and prejudice is that the latter is not based on evident facts and is connected with an individual's thoughts, while discrimination implies a more apparent expression of a negative opinion.

Applications of Administrative Law

Essentially, courts must approach the discrepancy keenly for the certainty of upholding the desired kind of relationship between administrative authorities and agencies, which is vital for the effective delivery of services to the people.

Nursing and Technology: ICTs

The article "Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on Nursing Care: Results of an Overview of Systematic Reviews" by Rouleau et al.evaluates various indicators and dimensions of nursing care that ICTs can influence.

Importance of the Social Model of Disability

For instance, the public perceives people with disabilities as dependents and burdens to their families and communities. Conclusively, the model suggests solutions that rectify the problems witnessed in the modern and disabling world to remove [...]

The Issues of Police Violence Analysis

Social skills and the norms of society are learned in this process, allowing children to better develop in the future. Because of their inability to concentrate or catch up with others in terms of basic [...]