4 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 39

18,783 samples

Lord of Dance

This paper looks at the relevance of the image of Shiva to the Hindu culture, and the disparity between its presence in a temple and display in a museum of art, away from the culture [...]

Youth Violence: Prevalence and Trends

Failure to live up to the expectations of the society, parents, teachers, and even peers may lead to feelings of inadequacy. In order to regain this respect and get attention, the adolescents engage in violence.

Climate Change and Corporate World

Thus, it is clear that the author has based the argument on three important observations - corporate realization that climatic change is real, the economic impact of using corporate resources to manage global warming and [...]

Oil and Gas Industry

The United Kingdom funds its projects from the proceeds generated through the exportation of oil and gas meaning the industry is critical in boosting the balance of payments.

Risk Management Planning

Project risk management procedures are the identification of the risk; its evaluation according to the consequence type; identification and selection of the options to overcome the risk and reduce consequences; development of the risk action [...]

Bob Knowlton

Jerrold about the leader's concerns because of the fear to demonstrate his incertitude; Knowlton focused on his fear to be discussed as a weak leader in comparison with Remington instead of addressing the issue directly; [...]

The Concept of Leadership

As such, the characteristics that can be considered as essential for an effective leader consist of: Being able to create cooperation and cohesion within a team Guide the respective capabilities and strengths of employees Create [...]

Louis Vuitton in Japan

Overall, although Japan accounts for most of Louis Vuitton's profit, the company could benefit from adopting new strategies to improve its dominance in this market.

KFC vs. McDonald’s

This means that all of the restaurants in every country have to stick to the same norms as to temperatures of cooking and preserving the products or the amount of time the food can be [...]

TAC System Marketing Strategy

Instead of applying and waiting for a physical card to be printed and posted, this can be made possible for customers to easily download the hotel's application and obtain the benefits joining the customers' royalty [...]

Effectiveness of Complete Care Division

The research will aim at providing informed solutions to the problems highlighted, explore the truancy of the stated problems in regard to the business activities, and assess the possibility of refining the established routines.

Managing People at Heinz Company

The merger agreement will lead to the establishment of a new entity, which will operate under the name "The Kraft Heinz Company". The lack of or poor management of the existing organisational culture differences can [...]

Premium Chocolate in UAE

In addition, any product that is available in the market should ensure that it has featured all manner of innovations in terms of promotions and distribution approaches with the aim of succeeding in large market [...]

Balanced Scorecard Developments

In addition, Kaplan and Norton had stated that vision and strategy was the core of the BSC. Nevertheless, the BSC has been revised to accommodate such challenges and has become extremely popular with senior executives [...]

Enterprise Resource Planning

The ability of the article to provide a systematic methodology on how to integrate the components of the system and implement ERP boosts its importance in organizations.

Wal-Mart Company Public Relation

Public relation is used to shed some truth and show compassion of the organization to the community and the environment at large. The jury also ruled that the company was liable for the payment of [...]

Art in Modern Times

The element of satisfaction and its relation to commodity exchange in the art market is explored by the author. Fried's article is a deep analysis of the form of photographs in relation to art.

Photography of High-End Art

However, in order to capture the beauty and uniqueness of the original artwork, as well as incorporate a range of innuendoes concerning the artist, the era that the art was created in, etc, very specific [...]

Inflation in the 1970s

In such a case, the reduced injections into the circular flow of the economy trim down the demand, which reduces inflation, and the general growth of the economy reduces significantly.

“This is Just to Say” by Williams

Some other interpretations of the poem have concerned itself with the apologetic or forgiveness seeking language of the poem and interpret the moral and linguistic pattern of the act presented in the poem.

Film “12 Years a Slave”

Critics shift the debate from the historical significance of slavery in the United States to the correctness of the slavery events portrayed in the film.

Shale Inc. Code of Ethics

The company's management in conjunction with the human resource department should ensure that all the hired employees match the expertise of the existing ones. The company is also well equipped to handle disasters of any [...]