4 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 48

18,783 samples

Sustainable Tourism in Toronto

The analysis explores the cultural aspects, products, relationship between tourism and the people, and the effect of different tourism changes on the social and cultural environment in Toronto.

How to Build a Computer?

Preparation and Materials In order to build a personal computer, it is necessary to choose the performance that you want by considering the aspects such as the desired processor speed, the memory, and storage capacity. [...]

Addressing Discrimination at Workplace

This research focuses on how the issue of diversity in the workplace can be addressed in order to improve the workplace environment The American society has been affected by the problem of discrimination ever since [...]

Drama Oedipus the King by Sophocles

The key aspects of Sophocles' play capture the learners' interest in the purpose of comedy and twist of fate. The theme of tragedy is illustrated in the play, Oedipus the King.

Communism Collapse in the USSR

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was one of the earliest communist societies to embrace the ideologies of communism. The collapse of communism in the USSR began in 1989 after the fall of the Berlin [...]

Colonial Period of Australia’s History

Though colonial Australia is traditionally represented as the location for the European convicts to serve their sentence, whereas little light is shed on the conflict between the local people and the colonialists, the armed resistance [...]

African-American Women Stereotypes

Practically, the modern mass media are helping create a negative collective image of an Afro-American woman and feed a list of destructive stereotypes, which influence the lives of women, a human mind can have no [...]

Drama: A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen

Given actions at the end of the play, she may appear to be a villain, but, in fact, she is a victim of her circumstances she was driven to her decision by the blackmail and [...]

Marijuana Legalization in Illinois

The case for legalization of marijuana in Colorado evidences the need to alter federal laws prohibiting marijuana for its legalization law to have both statutory and federal backing in the state of Illinois.

Global Market and Complexities in Business

These complexities or issues are some of the factors that influence the failure of global trade activities, and are therefore among the many things that companies ought to consider before venturing into global marketing.

Audience Diversity of Financial Advice

As a financial expert, one of the topics to discuss with these children would be the identification of job opportunities in their community, recognition, and appreciation of how people work and live.

Penetration Test Data and Procedure

The following information will be required to conduct the penetration test on the client's systems. The provider guarantees that it will be responsible and professional when conducting the test in accordance with the existing codes [...]

Early Childhood Classroom Strategies

Admittedly, it is essential to properly identify the developmental stage of a student to employ the most effective behavioural and support instructional strategies. It is possible to make groups of gifted children, atypical students and [...]

Intensive Supervision Definition

Intensive supervision is implemented in order to support an offenders need for rehabilitation and help them start living a new safer life, as well as to ensure the security of the communities around and the [...]

Workers Compensation Problem

Its main function is to watch the rights of workers to be preserved. First of all, it should be recommended for a person to act in accordance with the laws accepted in the company.

Chinese Astrology

On the 1st of January, we celebrated, the arrival of 2015, while according to the Chinese calendar this number has gone past 4700 and is known as the year of Goat.

New York Philharmonic Concert

In this report, I want to share my impressions of the concert and represent brief information about each composition that made this symphonic concert unforgettable and unique in the history of the New York Philharmonic.

Concepts of Legalizing Marijuana

Although in most cases, most individuals associate Marijuana with numerous health complications and social problems, for example, brain damage, and violent behavior hence, supporting its illegalization, such individuals take little consideration of its significance in [...]

Assisted Suicide: The Patient’s Decision

Although this is the case, one thing that most of these individuals fail to recognize is that some medical conditions are irreversible; hence, prolonging individual's live means increasing their suffering and hopelessness.

Franchise Fraud Models and Causes

Though there numerous advantages of using franchising concept in the business, the potential franchisors should be aware of the existing risk of buying a franchise fraud and put much effort in investigating the ways to [...]

Classical Conditioning

By definition, classical conditioning is the "pairing of an unconditioned stimulus with a conditioned stimulus to produce a conditioned response". Extinction is the process by which a conditioned response is lost due to lack of [...]

Green and Sustainable Lifestyles

These concerns have led to an increased number of movements and organizations that enlighten people on the importance of environmental conservation and campaign in support of green and sustainable lifestyles and have achieved significant influence [...]

Art of Love by Ovid

Thus, it is reasonable to suggest that the criteria for the evaluation should be applied to the times when the book was created and the materials that do not fear the grip of time, the [...]

Credit Cards Usage in America

The issuer of the card also commits to pay merchants if the credit card holder extends to pay the credit and then follows up the cardholder to ensure that he/she pays the credit.