6 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 5

8,928 samples

Causes of Civil War

The government that was put in place entrenched the concept of African slavery in that the Africans were regarded as lesser humans and unequal to the whites. The states that encouraged slavery saw this as [...]

Germany and the United States Comparison

Comparative, analysis of GDP of Germany and the United States shows that they have similar growth of GDP in spite of their differences in lucrative sectors of the economy. Germany and the United States have [...]

College Student Drinking

Because of the high variability of drinking among college students, the main problem of the paper is to address psychosocial variables that predict excessive drinking and, therefore, account for the problem of drinking among college [...]

Molecular Biology gene/ mRNA body

To understand the development of the Huntington disease, the function of normal Huntingtin proteins has to be elucidated. The data suggested that normal Htt is a component of the P body and functions in the [...]

Motivation Theories in Business Environment

The constituencies of the Maslow's hierarchy of needs include self-actualization, safety and physiological needs, esteem and, of course, social needs. Pros and Cons One of the main pros associated with the theory is that it [...]

Team Work in Management

The fundamental management skills are to be based on the abilities to understand the specific type of the task, to communicate with different persons, to think in the abstract or to think differently, to use [...]

Methods of Defense in “On Liberty” by J.S.Mill

In particular, The Federalist Papers cover several topics disclosing the utility of the ratification with regard to the political prosperity, inconsistent policy of the Confederation toward preserving the Union, the necessity of introducing the Constitution [...]

Pollution as a Big Problem That Faces the World

Pollution is human made, pausing devastating health issues among the community at large, and its management cuts across all spectrums of societies including cultural, political, ethnic, and educational backgrounds Various forms of pollution have contributed [...]

Google Organization theory and design

This means that with their wide array of products and especially the chrome operating system, they will capture more customers as well as new revenue flows as their loyal customers will want to have their [...]

Cancer Treatment by Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology will offer several advantages to the diagnosis, treatment and care of cancer patients in Saudi Arabia. Since nanotechnology is more efficient and fast in treating cancer, the future of cancer treatment in Saudi Arabia [...]

Create Your Own Religion

During my quest to know more about this religion they gave a narrative of their belief to the meaning of life, the human nature, the origin of the universe, their religion laws and some of [...]

The Film “Citizen Kane”

For example, for duration of three minutes, after movie's beginning, the viewers continue being exposed to the shots of Kane's residence, which prior to them having been introduced to Charles Kane, establish movie's main character [...]

Gold’s Production and Processing

However, it is this severity of the social as well as the environmental issues associated with the production of the mineral that has generated a big concern from the global authorities leading to interventions of [...]

Dubai Airport Free Zone

First, the paper seeks to establish when the Dubai Airport Free Zones was established, and the main objective behind the establishment of the Free Zones.

Five Guys Burgers

The burger product line is the oldest line and the major focus of the company as it reflects the quality trademark that is sold across the American market.

American International Bank

In fact, lack of coordination amongst various branches has led to crises in which the branch managers pin point the importance of an efficient system that is free of errors and enhances the bank's ability [...]

Blockbuster Company’s Management Style

The synthesis will therefore explore management pitfalls that led to the collapse of the company plus some of recovery strategies, which have been adopted to regain the company's status in the entertainment market.

Strategic management

In understanding the strategies of VIVA Company, it is essential to underscore the success story of STC, which has become a role model in the telecommunications industry in the Arab World and across borders.

Consumer Behavior

Consumer preference describes the bundle of goods and services that a consumer prefers to purchase in the market. Utility refers to the ability of a product to satisfy the wants of the consumer.

Doubt is the Key to Knowledge

In spite of the infinite reproaches, debates and libels made against his observation, Galilei Galileo disapproved the endured concept that the earth was the epicenter of the world. The untiring doubt might give rise to [...]

How to Choose a Major

Therefore, it is necessary to change the stereotypical view of the gender definition of the sciences, developing the governmental programs which would guarantee the equality of every students no matter of gender and to provide [...]

Impressionism History

Impressionism, an art movement, was born in France in the 19th century specifically in the period between 1860 and 1880 with its major goal being to popularize the impressionist art style, which was a deviation [...]

Case Study of FreshDirect

We shall also look into the effect of the solutions and strategies in place to overcome the challenges put in by FreshDirect management, and their effects, both in the short-term and the long-term.

Ship of Theseus Paradox

According to Plutarch ), the paradox originated from Greek legend "The ship wherein Theseus and the youth of Athens returned [from labyrinth in Crete] had thirty oars, and was preserved by the Athenians down even [...]

The World War I

The war brought to the fore various issues which had been in the air in the end of the nineteenth century and in the beginning of the twentieth century.

Beddow, Hymes and McAuslan

For the models, the participants perceived that the blonde model was the least successful in the worker setting while the brown and red hair as the most successful in the same setting.

Worth of College Degrees

The question that emerges is whether the students leave colleges with adequate knowledge and skills to face the challenges of the world and if the degrees they get after being in college for four years [...]

The Nazi Holocaust’s Effects

This study aims at analyzing the claim that social and psychological effects of the Holocaust linger in areas of political systems in which the survivors of the holocaust currently reside.