6 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 7

8,928 samples

Ethics Training Program Plan

The business has realized the need to have an ethics and compliance program in order to reduce the risk of misconducts, detect wrong doing, demonstrate the company's ethical stand, and enhance the reputation of the [...]

Mexican Immigrants in Carolina

However, this flow of immigrant has reached high levels and the citizens of the State are divided as to the value of Mexican Immigrants. Most of the Mexicans are attracted to the US by the [...]

Promotion Strategy for a Green Festival

The main reason for planning the green festival is to get residents of Dubai and its environs to realize the importance of environmental conservation. Secondly, the venue of the green festival and how people will [...]

The Beginnings of Hip-Hop

Within the course of three decades, hip-hop has become a part of the mainstream culture. This is one of the details that should be considered.

“Flight” Film Analysis

Towards the end of the movie, in the federal hearing scene chaired by NTSB, Whip who has been priory convinced by Hugh and Charlie to deny the fact that he was under the influence of [...]

The Blind Side Essay Movie Review

The Blind Side is a movie produced in 2009 that focuses on the life of Michael Oher. Leigh Anne believes that the decision to make Michael part of her family is right despite objections from [...]

The Movie “Precious”

Perhaps, her most moving experience occurs at the end of the movie when she summons the courage to leave her mother and take care of her children.

A Marketing Research on Mobile Banking

The realization that the technology plays a critical role in the development of banking have adverse effects on the performance of the banking institutions and has led to reorganizations of the operation process and as [...]

Crowdsourcing’s Pros and Cons

People have defined crowdsourcing as the process of giving work to online communities in order to collect information and complete tasks, i.e, it depends on the power of the crowd.

Ideal Society by Plato

The task of the social leaders is to orient to interests of the majority in order to avoid the opposition of the public which can lead to revealing the negative qualities of people living in [...]

What Is an Ideal Society?

In such societies, there are strict rules and guidelines that individuals are expected to adhere to. This is apparent since moral values and principles that individuals are expected to exhibit and ingredients that are inculcated [...]

Field Theory Application

The theory enables firms' management to establish the various forces that may affect the change process. The theory is applicable in organizational development and change management in that it enables firm's management teams to understand [...]

Legal compliance laws that affect Anderson case

The consumers of the financial statements are the regulators, shareholders, potential investors and the employees. The companies have to identify the material adjustments that affect the financial statements in order to portray the right picture [...]

Game Theory in Life

Embracing peace can work for the benefit of both nations if Iran acts in the interest of peace by not manufacturing nuclear weapons, and Israel trusts Iran.

A Benefits of Education Abroad

One of the qualitative aspects of the educational reality in today's world is the fact that, as time goes on, the number of students who decide in favor of studying abroad increases rather exponentially.

Encounter with the Indians

At the same time, Ross lists the obstacles facing him in the removal of the Cherokee people to the West, chief among others being the scantiness of the food ration provided to the native people.

The Development of E-Commerce

The major advantage of e-commerce over the traditional 'brick and mortar' means of commerce is the reduction of the cost of doing business and the significant expansion of business.

Vicente Fernandez and Mariachi

Many Mexicans have been influenced into the mariachi music by the exemplary performance of Vicente in the films, which have made his songs become hits in the whole of Mexico.

The Down Fall of the Russian Revolution

The powerful individuals, whose aim was to fulfil the interests of the owners of the means production, controlled the revolution. After the revolution, the Communist Party readjusted its objectives to reflect the aims of the [...]

Fine art in advertising

This is meant to make the process of getting art for sets a faster process. In all these uses, art and architecture add a positive and powerful set of signals for the viewer/consumer.

Sweatshops Working Condition

When people realize the conditions that the workers go through when producing goods in sweatshops, they are quick to judge and curse the employers for mistreating the employees.

The six principles by Boyer

For colleges to embrace this principle effectively, they must realize that teachers have the ability to create the right environment that encourages students to exercise intellectual commitment and participate fully in the learning process.

The Downfall of Othello

The properties of Othello are given to Cassio who also assumes position that had been held by Othello The downfall of Othello is evidenced by death of his wife, loss of property and his own [...]

Marketing Plan: The Sketchers Shape Ups

The advertising and promotion plan will require the company to spend more than what its competitors will spend to enable it to gain a competitive advantage. The company's vision will be to be the leading [...]

E. & J. Gallo Winery

Gallo Winery is the family-owned winery which is considered to be one of the biggest in the whole world in the relation to family business and largest exporter of wine in California.