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Off-Shoring of IT Services to India

Although whenever operations and jobs are delegated from production within an enterprise to a stand-alone entity that is internal to the company but specializes in that give operation may imply the concept of In-Sourcing, the [...]

Ethics in Accounting and Finance

The importance of ethics in accounting is to inspire and guide the investor as well as the public interest in a systematic way."For years the accounting ethics has been viewed as an unimportant" factor to [...]

The Figure of Santiago Calatrava

While Calatrava obviously takes inspiration from these earlier architects, he continues to remain focused upon the human body and the natural world in the creation of his structures, always keeping the elements of engineering firmly [...]

How Things Work: Microwave Oven

The invention of the microwave oven - is the invention of completely new method of food preparation. It must provide the possibility of survey and to exclude the output of the microwaves to the outside.

Doctorate of Nursing Practice

With well-defined descriptions of various careers individuals can learn what is expected from them, functions and positions of the career, opportunities in the field, the qualifications required to practice, opportunities and threats in the field [...]

Arming Police Assault Rifles

According to Monique Bond, the Chicago police spokeswoman, while it is quite understandable to be strong against arming the police especially during this time when the debate of gun legislation is picking, it is necessary [...]

Criminal Justice: Term Definition

So in this case the law enforcement makes the various laws which are supposed to be followed by the citizens of that country and incase anyone deviates from the law, the accused is processed by [...]

Positivist School of Criminology

Siegel states that: "Cesare Lombroso, an Italian prison doctor working in the late 19th century and sometimes regarded as the "father" of criminology, was one of the largest contributors to biological positivism and founder of [...]

Korean Women’s Portrayal in Korean Films

Before discussing the portrayal of Korean women in Korean films it would be pertinent to look at the condition of Korean women in a Confucian society since it will help in understanding the present condition [...]

Turner Syndrome: Discovery and Treatment

Turner Syndrome, also known as UIIrich Turner Syndrome is a medical condition that affects females. The exact cause of Turner Syndrome is unknown but researches have shown that the condition results from a chromosomal abnormality.

Modern Drama: Tragedy Versus Comedy

The atmosphere in which the drama breathes appears to be tragic but there are certain elements owing to which the tragic sense does not absolutely dominate the ambiance of the play.

Rap Culture and Music: Critical Thinking

Thanks mainly to the champions of the folk revival of the 1960s and the dynamic African-American musicians leading the Civil Rights Movement, serious - and highly volatile - problems such as social injustice, hypocrisy, war-mongering, [...]

Paternity Test from Legal Viewpoint

The main method of paternity testing is performed through is DNA testing. In the testing process the identification of the mother is not necessary, as the child has come from the mother.

French Revolution in World History

The French revolution, in this part of the world at least, was the inspiration for all subsequent uprisings and revolts throughout Europe in the nineteenth century and its ideals, in part, are visible in many [...]

“Emma” by Jane Austen

It should be borne in mind that Emma is a representative a certain society and to a certain extent, her actions are governed by the rules, established in this society, and she is not free [...]

Isaac Newton and His Life

The process of science is very successful in all areas of Endeavour of human being because it is open and ideas are exchanged freely with a lot of knowledge that is available to everyone.