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The Gospel of Amazement

By Jesus telling the leapers to walk forth and show themselves to the priests he wanted word on the healing of leapers which was a miracle to spread as this would then lead to the [...]

Australian Taxation Law Analysis

Because of initial tax avoidance and evasion, the federal government introduced new legislations meant to improve the efficiency and equity of the remission of income tax and sustenance of the system.

Importance of Accountability: World War I

It is clear from the beginning of this article, that the statistics on the World War I causalities indicates that the Germans suffered fewer casualties compared to their western counterparts, who are the French and [...]

Art Definition and Development

Knowing peculiarities of the appearance of the main cultural peculiarities of the epoch, it is possible to guess what kind of art was appreciated and how it was connected with the life of people.

African Art and Lega’s People Legacy

As Bravmann explains, the culture of the Lega society blends the elements of the colonial Bwamis and the elements of other African cultures: "it is through initiation into Bwami, and through the gradual movement through [...]

About Toxicogenomics

The fast improvements and growths of metabonomic-, proteomic-, and genomic-based technologies have increased the use of gene expression for identifying the impacts of chemical and other natural stressors on the organic structure.

The Roma Problems and the Causes of Racism

3 Is it any wonder that the insular, superstitious, monolithically Catholic or Orthodox communities of Europe and Eastern Europe, eager to recapture the civil order and peace of the golden age of the Roman Empire [...]

The Life of a Slave

Anglicans in the south argued that slaves were entitled to a right to freedom of worship and for this to be achieved slaves had to be able to read the word of God from the [...]

Qualitas of Life Foundation Profile

In this respect, the person that can be a member of the Board of Directors in the Qualitas of Life Foundation should be knowledgeable in administration and accounting, certain financial issues though the basics of [...]

Diversity in the Technical Industry

The most helpful venture in curling diversity constraints includes the creation of a diversity hiring strategy, the development of diverse talent, and focusing on the culture that a company belongs in.

Hydroponics Application in Abu Dhabi

The several advantages that the hydroponics techniques offer include: The use of hydroponics systems in the production of plants allows for the cultivation of the crops in all seasons of the year when using greenhouses.

How Socrates Influenced His World and the Future

Nevertheless, the fact remains undeniable that Socrates significantly influenced both his modernity and the future development of society, demonstrating his unsurpassed oratory, proposing his method of refuting statements, and making his splendid contribution to the [...]

Google Corporation in Japan

This paper pays a close attention to its Japan operations by exploring its current activities in the country, the challenges it faces in this market, and possible strategies for improving its performance in the Asian [...]

Google Corporation: Business Profile

Google Corporation is an American company providing one of the most powerful search engines in the world. Administrative Google Company Level is the highest level which includes specialists in charge of the administrative work for [...]

Farming and Ranch Management

Considering the varied nature of the job of a Farm or Ranch Manager, the college offers "the Farm and Ranch Management Degree and the Agriculture Management Certificate".

Confucianism and Women During the Tang Dynasty

His teachings were focused on the ability to ritualize life; one of the main focuses of those teachings was that the majority of the problems in society were the result of individuals forgetting their proper [...]

Conceptual Definition of Ethnicity

The categorization of individuals in terms of ethnicity is based on a combination of primary or inherited aspects, such as race and genetics, and secondary or acquired ones, including language, dialect, culture, religion, tradition, and [...]