2 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 40

40,326 samples

Muammar Gaddafi’s Personality Matrix

A triadic reciprocal causation model can be useful for explaining the combination of Gadaffi's personal and behavioral characteristics and the environmental context as the cluster of influential factors which allowed him not only to get [...]

The poem “The Red Wheelbarrow”

It appears as if the speaker places a type of importance on the wheelbarrow beyond what it was meant to do and it is this importance that the author seems to connect to the phrase [...]

Fast Food Drive-throughs

In this respect, the drive-through services are aimed at reducing the throughput time and serving a maximum number of clients in the minimum time compared to other similar services.s such, it is necessary to compare [...]

User Groups Primary Interests

Such concept as "user group" can be interpreted as a group of stakeholders who have the capacity to affect the functioning of the company and who are affected by the company.

Automobile Industry in USA

The employs a combination of cost focus and differentiation focus as its competitive strategy in its rivalry against competing firms. On the other hand, Volvo focuses on a combination of product differentiation and cost focus [...]

Who Can Be an Autonomous Learner?

In fact, the most important for the autonomous learner is to know his/her strengths and weaknesses. Basically, I already know what it means to be a successful autonomous learner since I have in mind the [...]

Principles of Marketing: Calvin Klein

To understand the main principles of marketing Calvin Klein uses, it is important to check the three levels of product concept, to identify the most important factors in the brand expansion, and select the adoption [...]

Microsoft vs. Apple

Both Apple and Microsoft corporations are worldwide companies that deal in the development and distribution of computer software and operating system.

Gang Violence Social Theories

This paper seeks to study the social theories by explaining gang violence and comparing & contrasting the theories: disorganization, strain & cultural, differential association, technique of neutralization, social bond theory and social reaction theory. These [...]

Needs and Wants

Needs are wants that the population already has but is not prepared to pay for it. The distinction between true needs and false needs is the the difference between needs and wants.

The KPC’s Management Style

More specifically, Finch considers the role of a manager in an organization as being to link the external environment to the internal organization in terms of information. Generally, managers in social organizations are eligible to [...]


According to Holinger, a world class citizen relates well with other groups, and all human beings: Cosmopolitan is about justice, which should be evident in all aspects and it must be the one governing the [...]

The Impact of Computers

Morris argues that '...the ever-accelerating progress of technology gives the appearance of approaching some essential singularity in the history of the race beyond which human affairs, as we know them, could not continue.

Why the West Rules

They could cross the Pacific Ocean using these ships and use their guns to shoot the inhabitants of the other side of the ocean, the Americans.

Contemporary events in strategic management

Some of the effective approaches to strategic management include the specification of the organizational vision and mission, development of well-planned policies and effective allocation of resources in order to facilitate the realization of the stipulated [...]

Separatist Movement in Chechnya

1990s The formation of the Russian Federation Republic of Chechnya and beginning of the independence movement. A major demand of Chechen separatist is to establish the independence of Chechnya and in so-called Muslim region.

Intangible Assets in Finances

This value should include taxes arising from the implementation of the asset, the risks involved, the cost of acquiring the assets, roles played by auxiliary intangible and tangible assets and finally the discount fee.

Modern Globalization in Africa

In regard to the article by Davis, it is reported that most of the times; Africans have the illusion that the informal sector which requires little capital to start and mostly dominated by women in [...]

‘R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul’

Scalia's views insisted that the Ordinance limited the freedom of speech and it only included the expressions regarding race, sex and religion and therefore, hostility could be expressed in other ways such as political association [...]

Comus Company: Managing Change

Most companies in an attempt to reduce the cost of production outsource some of the tasks to offshore labour force. Most of the fortune 500 companies are known to outsource their tasks.

Social Imagination Theory

He points out that people are not able to relate the patterns of their lives with the pattern set by history of mankind and most importantly the connection between the personal life and history, oneself [...]

Early Life of Rama

This arrangement contradicted their tradition in the sense that Rama was the one to assume power after his farther because he was the eldest son."Instead of being crowned king of Ayodhya, Rama was sent into [...]

Management Theories and Success in Business

Considering the expenses involved in scientific methods and other technical operations as well as the reluctance on the part of the workers, this theory was developed to control these two situations. Through provision of quality [...]

How to Improve Your Memory

One of the most effective ways to memorize some information is based on the research concerning working memory. Furthermore, Sperling's research which proves that people have photographic memory can help work out some strategy to [...]

How much does perception matter in SCM?

The results of the survey confirm the initial hypothesis, advanced by the authors; moreover, they indicate that the participants of supply chain attach importance to expenditure reductions and revenue enhancement since these initiatives of the [...]

The team and its organization

It is also imperative to view the organization as a single team consisting of smaller teams within it; this is why the teams' interaction with the larger organization is important in determining the success of [...]

The Meaning of Probable

In that we have no certainty of the outcome, when we refer to our previous encounters with the event, through first-hand knowledge or otherwise, we are unable to find congruent evidence that the event will [...]